Cope of Arms

Swedish Torture

Wave energy weaponry

This document is as of now out of context and simply a document where I gather information and it still needs work before completion.

Besides the description of the machine protocol, which hold a psoition in the fireld of artificial intelligence. It is quite clear the different applications of swedish development within wave energy, have come to reality, for the reason of usage as weaponry. The weaponry, in its core, is based upon establishing a channel between a subject and a set of technical apparatus. From this establishment, the swedish officials have through what I must assume are decades of trial and error, learned to redirect the weapon, to become useful, in many different attributes, which all form how we humans function. All we are, with no exception, is through brain processing. This equals, the pulses, or wave energy in usage, can be re-configured, to either have a positive effect, or a negative effect.

The weapon in usage can enhance brain process, but also reduce brain process. In my instance, the last 7 years, the technical apparatus, has been in use, as a direct communication channel, or a brain-machine interface, where extraction of homogeneous neuro models is the ambition, to be inserted into a neural network, where I am enforced to engage, with a never-ending feedback-loop mechanism, based upon dualism and emotions, directing my attention to a previous collection of data, which have been classified as important neurological human patters. The machine basically, demands more information, to a specific context.

Understand, below described effects are what I would rank as above the daily norm. The daily norm, as the machine protocol indicates, it can synthetize thoughts, memories, emotions, touch, motor skills, vision, breathing, temperature, hunger and every process that regulates our body. It's important to note thou, that each specified effect which can be synthetized, does not represent a complete picture. These swedish officials never showed me everything. But what was shown, act as indicators for what is possible. We could categorize and structutre in accordance to physical abilities, senses, neurological function, intelligence. It doesn't matter, for all is originated from our brains. They were chosen, during different times, in 7 years, as a strategical choice, by the swedish officials. That is why most are negative, and few are positive. The reasons as to why a few are positive, I will describe in a different section. All below effects are applied by wireless wave energy. Both mental and Physical. Illustration below supplements this paragraph and bullet-points. What has been shown, is only a limitation of its full potential. The same type of illustration could be generated for the list of torture.

Swedish dream
Below bullet-point, is only a representation, of full potential.
  1. It can reduce or enhance visual perception.
  2. It can lower and raise visual FPS which changes visual movement around you.
    • Objects lag in visual clarity as they move.
    • Objecs become over-defined almost, in clarity, as they move.
  3. It can produce holograms, in your direct vicinity withous usage of external equipment.
    • Only in one instance has it happened.
  4. It can manipulate your eye movements, involuntarily.
    • In bed, trying to sleep. Arrows appeared as a mental visualization. As they were moved in different directions, so were my eyes in synchronicity.
  5. It can also communicate unknown and illogical scents.
  6. Complete involuntary movements of body, in accordance to very specified and direct motion, almost as if all motions were part of a linear mapped command algorithm. Very robot-like. It lasted for about 20 seconds in a very specific activity
  7. It can unbalance your physical stature, synthetizing back pain for example.
    • You as a subject, while awake, can literally feel as somebody pushing on parts of your body, generating an unbalance in your physical stature.
  8. It can enhance connections between brain and legs. Making you much faster, sensation of being in physical symbiosys with an external power. Your thoughts move legs, but reaction is aided by something synthetic.
  9. It can increase connection between brain and your back. Muscles, connectivity, sensation all appear as a hightened state of physical awareness.
  10. It's a direct communication channel, between humans. By thoughts, or recognition of thoughts, I have not yet determined, but by voice, absolutely. Meaning an output by your internal voice, can be answered, by somebody elses voice which you can receive.
  11. Can the body act as an electrically charged capacitor?
    • In relation to a situation which occurred: I felt a deep positive conditioned pulse, both by physical and mental sensation, generated from "within my physical self", and I could it being extracted as a radiated pulse in all directions. The sensation was also felt by a person in my vicinity, as very joyous. The facial and body expression of the person showed clear signs of sensing the same pulse.