Cope of Arms

Swedish Torture

Turing test 4

Mass psychosis as an addition to Turing

Nonetheless, every new "revision" of their denigrated Turing test only produce one thing. Everything becomes, by their own actions, more apparent for me. Everything becomes more clear. An intensity in torture and machine protocol is not an advancement, when the core idea, is that there is no seperation between machine and man. The machine is supposed to not behave as a machine, and its actions are supposed to ensure a reaction from man. If none aof above are active, we realise, the swedes are producing, based upon lunacy. Not suprising for me. But they don't get it. They truly don't get. They cannot get it. Because to get it, they must understand. And understanding is a result of action. You change, because you understand. It's very simple.

For some reason, somebody in the group, or all of them which I suspect, among these swedish officials, had the excellent idea, that more of everything will result in confusion, thereby man cannot seperate machine from himself. As we understand, we are leaving the threshold of what constitutes an actual Turing test. Not only leaving, but the leaps and speed could have these swedes win the olympics as the fastest fools of all neuro science. But don't be surprised of these denigrated officials, for this is Sweden. We all must understand, once again, when you are bottom-tier in neuro science, and your research is primarily based upon torture, and the reaction from your subject is seperation of torture and machine protocol, and the subject understands the higher abstract, and does not engage, and ensures to create a certain homogeneous mechanism, which denigrates both swede and his machine, then of course, by swedish logic and by swedish denigrated psyche belonging in a mass psychosis on a national scale, they must only add more torture.

Adding more, of the previous failure, is literally, more than just a rule in Sweden, it is a strange subconsious religious action. They are not atheists, for not all religions are built upon a deity. Religions also consitutes rites and rituals, in organized patterns. These swedes, are not atheists, they are religious, and their religion, never chosen but implemented, and their rites and rituals, is to fail themselves, their surroundings, their nation. They are religious extremists. This is outside of the scope of them understanding themselves. Understanding, once agian, comes from action. Therefore, these swedes must break the barrier of denigrated slavery they now inhabitat deep inside of them, which they are too afraid to even allow to become part of a self-analysis. They are, and they live, in a state of mass psychosis, and its not only the one, because for once, they actually engage in real differentiation, for there are many types of mass psychosis being implemented and ruling this nation of Sweden.

They don't understand this rule. The kennel masters, who rule this breed of rabid swedish dogs, only they understand very clearly the cause and effect which results in a situation we are in as of now. the swedes, in their current state, cannot understand, for they do not allow the information to become reality. So they hide it. Deep. And stay as encapsulated cattle. 99% torture and 1% synthetic stimuli is the result of this mental state they inhabit.

Understand thou, my homogeneous attributes and my neurological activities and models only become stronger and more obvious for me. And everything about the machine protocol becomes more apparent. That is why, as of 18 months ago, they can only do one thing to keep themselves relevant. As I've already stated. A synthetic system, need more synthetic rules. Our creator created our universe, where progression is normality, it is its function. Regression happens, only when another system has progressed. This is the rule. Therefore, a synthetic system like their machine protocol must not be lay dormant in this construct of theirs. It needs continous additions, of more synthetic rules and configurations. because the system is only an abstract, and not a living fucntion. Another relevant factor which applies to Sweden. Once you engage in synthetics, on a national level, the only result is for your nation to denigrate, until it belongs to somebody else.

Sweden by addition
Mass psychosis, by design.

Growth can become only by additions

All recordings of my homogeneous internal neurological activity, is based upon a network structure. All carry relations, a linkeage of information and legacy. In this context, understand, growth equals success. If the subject does not engage, enforce the growth, by swedish logic which results in substitutes, of synthetic rules, manipulation and denigration to the original idea. They must ensure the growth is on-going. As we understand, you either have a collection and an assignment based upon your original idea of homogeneous data, or you continue to add synthetized data. But when it's primarily synthetized information, the subject is no longer needed. So why persist? These people are goverment employees, understand, they have jobs, and nowadays, because of another failure of another swedish policy, I don't even think the job as a torturer can cover your energy bills. This is another "addition" to the definition of self-relevance, and an existensial problem for them. They must exist you see, their egos are important, and they believe in themselves as failures. How can that be? Where your actions orient around failure? Sweden!

How can I be sure of this? History tells us all. Memories cannot be deleted. Information cannot be erased. The brain is not a computer, no matter how much todays neuro degenerates try to correlate the two. We are not binary. We produce information, we carry that similiarity. I can produce real homogeneous memories of their history. And through I can create objective measurement of what they have extracted, what value it carries, and thereby, from a mechanism of reduction, it is easy to understand why they were picked, when they are bottom-tier in their disciplines. I even created an internal mechanism which only deals in the history which they must orient themselves around, which will be detailed later, but remember, objectivity is everything.

With their recordings of my internal neurological activity, they have made a copy of me, and somewhere in Sweden, there is server located, probably without encryption like the borders of their nation, and that server holds alot of data, which is a copy of what I have created internally, while belonging to this torture program. As stated, growth is success. The machine requests pathways. More and more and more. What happens, when neurological data can be objectively measured in real terms of value? How do you, as a subject, show these lunatics what this discipline actually entails? You show that the idea is not in growth by pathways. How laughter forms creativity. How that creativity generates models. How those models contain so much information, nothing of a previous recording can be added. You, as a human, start generating based upon chaos, and create machine, which can only can do a limited amount of reactions, where after 18 months after the formation of the doctrine, it still upholds that state which was inititated as a response. 18 months of 99% torture, and 1% synthetic input/stimuli, of generic kind. Where the machine to create something new, based upon feedback-loops and classifications, of either machine or human origin. The state of this machine truly inhabits the story of Sweden itself. It is of it's absolute lowest form without function and relevance of being. And it's because of a foreigner. Im referring to myself so let's not the racism take too many pathways.

I will continue to write about their deingrated view of the Turing test, but the next chapters will be more focused towards the homogeneous functions which ensured the truth to be produced, not by statements made by me beforehand. But instead, as a resultant, of homogeneous neurological activities. The truth is everything and it came to be, while I allowed the chaos to ensue, through laughter and creativity. The truth always holds, and the machine becomes ever more irrelevant and obvious by its own making. Ensure the measures of synthetic machine protocol which are used, become the very problem for the machine itself. Irrelevancy of machine protocol becomes a problem, men behind the machine must re-configure the machine, thereby patterns emerge. These patterns belong to the swedish officials. This story holds much information, and all is true, and while I'm writing this right now, the machine protocol, and the degenerates holding onto their fragile egos, still torture me, as a measurement of control. What you read right now, is not my optimal state. But when torture is applied, me as a subject, belonging to this torture program, still have a homogeneous need to write everything down. Perhpas not presented by the best wording, but it's a good start. And much more to come.