Cope of Arms

Swedish Torture

Turing test 3

Relational Map

Remember, that through their own unintelligent actions, they reached a point, today, where the state of the machine is that of classifications solely . It holds no value in regards to its core function, input and output. It is not extracting homogeneous data becuase I'm not generating homogeneous data with a relation to ny machine protocol. They took that which previously was an idea of possibilities, the feedback-loop and classifications, and they ensured, with true swedish logic, to contruct a complete clusterfuck out of it. The machine is now, simply, a synthetic script, denigrated, which unfortunately, must carry the idea of a Turing test. I say unfortunately, because to see the original idea, regress to this current state, is unfortunate, and I can proclaim and say any engineer would do the same. But we are not dealing with swedes who hold the the legacy of their fathers in any regard, instead these people truly are bottom-tier, picked for the very fact that the lack everything within the category of intelligence. Nowadays, when they decide to play the Turing game, they try their utmost, to perform many versions of the Turing test, becuase they believe for some reasons, more of everything, must constitute an advancement. That means, if we look at below relational map, applying same generic code, to more actions of homogeneous actions and neurological models, they belive, that they are performing more advanded operations. With this structure comes many categories, within those categories and so on. Simply add more. Depending on which neurological activity that has been recorded, or what synthetic machine protocol has been synthetized, there is a new Turing to be formed and setup.

Swedish advancement
Additions equal advancements. Swedish logic. More mass of same functions equals new functions. If they only used this logic to their now legacy and nation. But instead, there, they use subtractions.
Simply explained, if your brain was a puzzle, they take one of the pieces, which represents a part of your whole being, and they try to make it very hard for you to determine your normal state of mind, in regards to this missing piece, and they create linkeages between that state of mind which is a context during a certain test, and link it to more contexts of previous synthetic making. On and on it goes. Then we have the highest abstract according to this, that all I do or think, is off machine origin. Everything is linear, connected according to alinear rules and creation, everything is classified with thoughts, based upon feedback-loops with which constitute more connections. Its literally a linear machine protocol. They do their utmost, for you to be triggered and create something within this synthetic context, because they requests subconsious and consious answers to what is being synthetically experienced, by a human subject. I never engage, and I create something outside of the whole concept, a homogeneous neurological model, which I keep referring to every single time the machine protocol requests input from me. Nonetheless, of course the piece is not missing, nobody can disable or steal your homogeneous functions. The torture is the only thing on-going hindering you from generating something, because your attention is being stolen by a machine protocol, reacting upon a predetermined pattern. that is why they leave gaps in the machine protocol, with triggers for you to create a response. Nothing is missing, unless you are brain damaged, but lets hold off from the swedes at the moment.

Brain Puzzle
Oh no, I used to be smart. The swedes stole something. Help!
It is the torture which is creating a hindrance, for the machine wants you to focus on the test, and nowadays, because they have reached a state of "swedish advancement", they also add answers to their own gaps. Meaning those gaps which usually were meant for me to fill up, for a long time now, the machine must simulate me generating something upon these gaps. And of course, when I noticed it, the machine was re-configured after a few days, and my observation of machine answering to its own synthetic protocol, came with additional synthetic input, which allign themselves with the categories of paranoia, confusement, unsure, etc. As we understand, they simply play a recording, where they have managed to identify a certain collection of aspects, in regards to a certain piece of the puzzle. Then they do their utmost, to try and tell you, that if they can copy this aspect of your homogeneous being, it must also mean they control it. The only thing they do, is that they copied your traits, your homogeneous data. From this they apply swedish neuro-elite intelligence, and they formed something linear, of that which was non-linear human. And then they thought, it was a good question to ask the human subject: machine or you? My response was always the same, let me answer by generating something out of context, chaos. As we start to understand, the tests they do, or based upon a dualistic philosophy. They subtracted everything within themselves and their nation, then, they thaught they were picked for their subtracted intelligence, and they formed a test, and within that test they applied additions. Yes, this is based upon a true story.

Brain Puzzle
Ask the swedes to answer above equation. He will loose another part of his nation trying to figure out the answer.
Readers might wonder, why is this torture program still on-going, even as I write this paragraph I feel numerous feedbacks along with interruptions. If I don't engage, why still persist? Its called potential. There is potential which I don't give. What the doctrine showed, when it was created, is that whatever the linear machine has been configured to do, it carries a pattern. It carries a certain concept. The identity of what actually is happening. The higher abstract. The idea the men behind the machine created. Once I decided to play with the machine and taking notes, I noticed, the feedback-loop game, can be something useful for me, if I wish to do so. I used it as a weapon, against the machine, solving 7 years of machine protocol within a few days. That is not because I am anything beyond anybody else, but once you realize who these swedish officials are, what they represent and what they have put their resources on, you realize there truly never was much to solve. Once again, everything carries the original idea, dualism and feedback-loops. Learn the pattern, and you learn how the machine speaks, when the machine speak and why the machine speaks. Nothing more and nothing less.

The difference between me and the machine. I demand no predetermination, but I solely use chaotic geometria, to form ideas, to generate something new, carrying the same concept of the linearn if I choose to do, but everything I create inhabits the human lon-linear language which I belive all share. The machine simply, is a machine. A recording device, and the conditions needed to ensure a Turing test must be of the highest magnitude, to ensure the human can go through the test. We understand more and more, of how the conditions are for these men behind the machine, and how little is needed to break the test, the machine and their whole existence.

They still persist thou. 18 months now, where everyday is 99% torture, and 1% synthetic machine input. They still persist. And that is because they have identified, same as I have, that within me, I can create much, and I dont always think the same in relation to everything. So there lies much potential, that which was an idea in relation to a missing piece, can come to grow beyond it, if I choose to generate and play along, together with the machine protocol. I never engage.

But there is a higher truth here. Depending on which level or context you wish to view at this setup, as we can see here, there is a higher truth which must be stated. As always, these swedish officials are simply pawns, as on a chess board. They inhabit little value to the players. They are sacrificial anodes. Perhaps they understand what I write right now, but most likely not. And that truth is, that these tests are setup accordingly, because its true philosophy lies in the highest abstract of everything they do. And that everything is a machine protocol, which only carries one language, througout everything it does. There is a reaso why this software was initiated and why it still on-going. It's called transhumanism if you choose that wording, technocracy fits just as well, but it's complete totalitarianism, not only on the outside, but they have shown the capacity exists, to apply it on the inside of all human. remember, it's non-invasive. The restriction of homogeneous neurological activity comes with pain nowadays, but it also can come silently, as they have shown me. Mental blockages. Restrictions. Encapsulations. They are trying, against me, to see exactly what types of experiences could be limited, to create the model human for the technocrat rulers. Humans experience too much, and that is a danger according to our believers in the new deology, their new religion, the one which carries a spectrum. Everytime you hear, read understand that there is a spectrum, in regards to social engineering, understand this ideology will be of an internal software, along with your brain. Ensuring your brain carries the value, of the ones holding onto the control function, of the feedback-loop. That is why the spectrum ideology is becoming implemented in an ever more intensity, implemented around us. Everything carries a pattern, and their pattern is to ensure humans must become more obedient. Slaves.