Cope of Arms

Swedish Torture

Turing test 2

Complexity by addition

All their versions of their tests, the last 18 months, all carry the same pattern. They literally have only, one single idea. That idea has a dualistic core, feedback-loop to a previous neurological activity, and the feedback loop has a dualistic preference, man or machine. It can be applied to a single sensation to higher abstracts of lon-linear models, based upon many different segments of neuroligcal build-up. That is literally it. Nothing more, and nothing less. Simply a feedback-loop. It can be re-applied and manipulated to seem as if it carries a different meaning but remember, dualism is the chosen religion of the swedish officials. They actually believe in this concept, and believe it will birth singularity. That is their chosen lunacy.

Nonetheless, it makes no difference mow may layers deep they try to hide the dualism, it is the core, and the software carries this very legacy. It cannot be changed, because the software can only apply the function which has been engineered. They started off, more than 7 years ago with a dualistic preference. And that legacy must be, and cannot be changed. This not a plug-in play type of software. The collection and engineering throughout its existence, is what it is. Therefore, they are trapped, within their own making. And that is what we call self-encapsulation. I didn't do this, they did. Outside equals inside. They are trapped in their own making here within me, with what they have engineered. I look at their outside, where policy, religion, education, media and industry rules, and I see the same denigrated pattern being formulated. They can only act, upon the engineering they have created. Regression is on the outside. Regression is on the inside. And the fault, is literally for the swedes to carry.

Once you understand what they do with the software they have engineered. See it as a removal of a piece of your internal neurological structure. Well for arguments sake, it's easy to say removal, for it gives clarity to the objective of the swedish officials. Nothing is removed thou. Let me explain. Everybody knows themselves, which is part of inhabiting consioussness. It is the existing factor, of your own identification, of your persona. You know how you function, your psyche or your ego. You know which traits of personality which gives your reasoning. Existence. It is your own self. Now imagine, somebody with the means to observe you, record you, replicate you, simulate you. They notice all your homogeneous patterns, and they notice how you function. How you think. By which means and in relation to what. They actually have a relational map of your very being. With this map they see an idea. We can create a machine, of the same pattern, and we can ask the human, in regards to a certain function of this relational map, who are you, and who is the machine. See below picture as a baseline for a few of my activities. All the red circles and connections, are that which the machine creates. It is that which constitutes synthetic input, which tries to create a synthetic context, with a homogeneous activity. It always starts with a certain trigger, along with whatever activity the human subject does, but the machine is programmed to continously seek additional unknown patters of behaviour. The machine is forcing you to endure a certain synthetic machine protocol, and through many different means of triggers, the machine always asks the subject to create an additional thought. They are interested in collected homogeneous neurological data. Details of syn thetic inputs will be specified later on.

Relational Map
Relational Map. Synthetic input is defining the action of the machine protocol.
The brain consists of relations, in pure physical sense, but also in an abstract sense. Cause and effect is our common evolution for all humans. Everything is experiences and they are your legacy and history. And all humans inhabit traits of a personality. Nonetheless, I will explain the evolution of their tests in detail later but look at above map. That which began with 1 single synthetic input, has now "advanced" to many more, in regards to every single action the human subject does. I kid you not when I state this. It literally is a synthetic input, or synthetic thought. To every single action I do because everything I do is a previous action. Walking, standing up, breathing, watching tv, reading etc. This has been on-going for longer than a year as of now.

Of course there is no value to applying this much synthetic input. It literally ensures that I as a subject, simply keep restricting myself and observing. Understand, I ma dealing with people who are very very sick, in their minds. This is the only thing they do, and they tell me to understand why it is happening. It's easy to understand, 18 months ago, I created that which is called the doctrine, and what the doctrine, is that through creativity, there is much potential, simply awaiting to be generated, in relation to the machine, or without a relation to the machine. They demand the former, in relation to the machine. The swedish officials tell me, if you give us, and allow us to create something, of machine input and output, together with you, the subject, then some parts of the physical torture will be removed. Yes, this is the current state of neuro science in Sweden.

My readers must understand the evolution of these last 7 years, to understand the current state of the swedish officials. 7 years ago, they had an idea. To engage in torture, and show the subject, that there is extraction of neurological data on-going. They were making a digital copy of me. I decided, to restrict myself, by different means which are going to be detailed. 18 months ago, 2021-06-06, I started taking and started to play with that which is defined as unpredetermined random chaotic activity, soleley on that which resides on the outside. Gemoetria, vizualisations, which create and form ideas, which can grow to create very abstract and lon-linear neurological models. After this event, they decided to intensify the idea, of applying the same fast rapid non-linear connections I form, and instead to them in relation to the machine. Of course, as anybody can understand, when you endure torture for 7 years, and then having the torturer to beg you, to engage with the machine, because see something they did not expect, that means one thing. You do not abide, you do not engage, you do not bend, you do not do anything, in regards to the machine. Instead you keep creating, outside of the spectrum of the machine protocol, and instead of focusing on the machine, you intensify the focus you had on the men behind the machine, even more. And that is what I have done, until this very day, and what will continue on for a long time. Disregarding the machine, and creating chaotic models, which the machine does not and cannot apply anything to, besides a few generic lines of code, which try to form some type of causational relation. My readers must relalize the importance, of the machines current state. Its been 7 years, and if you are a team, a collective, of self-proclaimed gods and swedish neuro-elites, for you to configure the machine, to uphold a few lines of generic code, every single day is a continous confirmation of the failure of your original idea. 7 years ago they brought fear and torture, and now they try to use these very same componentns o failure, in a sick and degenerated idea, of a compromise with their subject. Where they tell the subject, we remove some components of torture, if you play along with the machine.

My readers also must understand. I'm a simple man. I continue to tell them, almost on a daily basis, remind them. of the simplest solution of them all, and it still is impossible. Just a little bit of existensial humor. Because what cannot be of utmost mental homogeneous torture, then having to wake up, go to work in some swedish bunker, and realize, you have to synthetically imagine you hold some part of control, while everybody innvolved know the truth, torturer and victim alike. That everyday, the machine is configures, to react upon an action, which carries generic code. 7 years, only to have your competence, in the form of a machine, do nothing of value. That is what I did to these people. That I what I promised myself when I created the doctrine. i told them, you had your moment, and you failed, now let me tell you people why you failed. And let me exclude the machine, while I do it.

Whatever I do or don't is soleley based upon their own initiations from more than 7 years ago. These people, truly see themselves as something beyond that which we all share, we are humans. Nobody is beyond or lower than anbybody else. If they had brought forth the idea called artifical intelligence based upon a naural network, where I will be copied, according to the mannerisms of simplicity, which is humanity, then they might actually have gotten what they wanted. But instead, today, they must beg for it, 7 years later. They could have asked. It's non-invasive, so they could have asked. I keep telling them this, because they are still listening, even as I'm writing this paragraph, they could have asked. It is of utmost importance, to realise, the degenerated ideas which has created this situation, where I give nothing, and they fabricate everything, to seem like they control that which is nothing. It's quite amazing, what a group of lunatics, can form, based upon the previous failures. They never create anything, based upon facts and reality, but they simply keep adding more synthetic ideas, as a solution to the previous failures.

It's amazing to see this machine of theirs, acting, as an extension of the patterns they inhabit as humans. There is something truly, deeply, wrong with them. As of today, the machine is literally lagging, and everytime I generate a homogeneous action, the machine responds by a generic reaction, trying to classify that very action of mine, trying to hold its masters wishes alive, of controlling every single situiation, every single day. Its become a machine of classification, and it's very funny to see this machine of theirs behave accordingly. You must understand, they have made some very very grandeouse indications, in regards to themselves, and the ideas in regards to the capacity of their machine. After 7 years, to see how it must only feedback-loop and classify homogeneous actions as either machine or human, it's poetic justice, because it shows that differnetiation is missing from its core. Tracing everything, and linking everything, with the same, rule, ensures everything is the same.

And remember, their failure, it's all my fault, if we choose to apply swedish philosophy of dualism. Because laughter and mockery, truly is the solution to everything they did. Laughter is beyond the machines origin or understanding, it lacks linkeages and legacy in regards to laughter. For their history consists of psychological conditioning, torture, and copying. That is why they only have a specific amount of data. But they chose this roadmap. the failure is literally all their fault. Laughter upholds that which is non-linear. Laughter creates real advanced homogeneous models. Laughter can make the men behind the machine, to continously make mistakes, and I will detail them all. Those mistakes are patterns which tell a story, because mistakes come in the form of machine updates. All reconfiguration of the machine, is a compilation of discussion, between swedish officials. So while they discuss, they become less of themselves, because of the existensial rule they abide by. Nothing they add is of an advantage, therefore regression is a rule based upon swedish actions. Add more complexity. We have reached this point, perhaps acording to some quantum state synchronicity, where they have nothing to apply by machine protocol and create relevance with my brain, but also they have no relevance on the outside, where they ought to have real relevance, in their nation, for they lack a brain.

For we must laugh
This is basically the on-going pattern, 24/7, the last 18 months..