Cope of Arms

Swedish Torture

Turing test 1

Only Predetermination

One of the core goals which the swedish officials have engaged in, throughout the whole torture program, but more intensively, since the spring of 2021, is testing the human subject, with ever more predetermined patterns, and a machine which has been configured, with ever more requests of the subject, which is supplemented with ever more torture. Understand, that the concept they have adapated, inspired from Turing, has developed, and for each year they have decided to persists they must "advance" the test more. Those advancements are not really advancements. The swedes are denigrating their own machine. I will tell you why.

The idea of Turing, is that the subject knows there is a potential of communication to another human or a machine, but the subject cannot determine, who is machine or human because the machine has advanced to the level of human communication level. See below picture.

Turing test
Turing test, in which player C, the subject, is given the task of trying to determine which player – A or B – is a computer and which is a human.
I will explain why the machine only represents the false ambitions of self-proclaimed neuro-elites, from my perspective of actual rationale. I don't abide to anybody or any discipline. I don't belong in a category. I'm not religious. I dont follow any ideology. I have no feedbacks to corrupt my mind, neither internal or external. I simply want to laugh, and I know these people, and these people know that my laughter is a representation of truth. Why? Because with the correct mindset, laughter can become a resultant from an internal abstract. That abstract carries a symmetri to the activity of observation. If I laugh, as a result because of my analysis of their actions and their newly configured machine, then that laughter represents an interpretation. The interpresenation holds only truth.

As we can understand, the test is faulty, and the resoning lies in the previous chapters. I don't engage and I laugh at this people. That is why the test cannot be applicable. These people lack the competence to formulate a test based upon the technical specifications they abide. It's literally impossible to perform such a test on me. I will explain why, with a single picture, from below. Let us all welcome Skurt into this clusterfuck, called neuro science in Sweden.

Swedish officials
His name is Skurt, and he is swedish, and these swedish officials will now be represented by this figure.
Bear in mind, these people have tortured me for 7 years. They've tried to condition me, brainwash me, with the mad idea to be co-existing with a machine. My response to their swedish foreign ambitions (I know, how does that make sense) can be summarized with a lovely swedish figurine. Throughout this text, this figurine will represent the swedish officials. It is the official figurine for their collective existence, after 7 years of torture. In Sweden, this figurine used to have a history as a character for children. As much else in Sweden, now that history and this figurine is that of old memories, with a modern interpretation as ridiculous, mockery, laughable, absurdness.

Its almost as us adults in Sweden today, who have followed the regression of Sweden, also apply that regression to what used to be loveable characters from our younger days. The figurine, according to the past, and the furture, form a meme. It's an energy, transfarreble, and it tells us a story. Sometimes, a picture truly is worth more than 1000 words.

That is why Skurt will be the official figurine, for the swedish neuro-elite, for just like Skurt, who wears a hat constituting a spectrum, they carry the ideology of the spectrum. And much like green skin Skurt, these people also follow the foreign religion and rituals of the serpent, instead of that which used to be traditional Christianity, the belief in God. The figurine is simply perfect, as are the swedes. Relativity is all, and for some people, the current state of swedish people, have reached that of optimal format, so they cannot be anything else besides perfect, at least for a group of people on this earth.

These swedish officials, who still torture me while writing this paragraph, have done their utmost, to play the part of a powerful group of neuro-elites who stand beyond law and order. Im suppose to be fearful, over the fact they commit crimes against humanity. Im suppose to be paranoid, over the linear machine and its artificial intelligence and the consequences of its abilities. Im supposed to worried that these people have the capacity to record my homogeneous neurological activity. Im suppose to fear for my life, as they have stated, because the energy transmit medium is actually a weapon which can be intensified to damage. Many conditions of psychology must be upheld, for the Turing test to be working as we can understand. Do my readers understand now, why these swedes truly are bottom-tier?

No differentiation

They need these conditions, because the original idea is a bottom-tier idea. It is a bottom-tier idea, because these so called researchers are bottom-tier. They are bottom-tier, because, that is why they were picked. They dont inhabitat the qualifications or intellect of some higher regard. They are dogs, and their masters picked them for a specific reason. That reason lies in the highest abstract of the torture program. Control of the western man. It is transhumanism at its core, and once you realize the ambitions of these people, you realize that only the lowest human form, while belonging to a group of people, can construct this type of a software. They are over-compensating with this grandeous idea, for they are lacking of real intelligence and real understanding of human nature and humanity. They are missing many parts or elements, which must constitute the definition of human. Irony once agaian, lacks mercy. When its obvious that the swedish officials, are trying their utmost, to form a software. But the only reason as to why the software exists, is because they themselves, are without those qualities which must be implemented in all of the humans belonging to the western hemisphere. Loops, loops and more loops, how loopy can it get? Are we onto to something of ideological kind? IS there some hidden esoteric ambition, hidden in the softwware and its reasoning for existing?

Realize, I've been tortured for 7 years. Only yesterday, 2022-11-10, I had to endure torture where there were elecrical pulses, with pressure, on each side above my eyes, on-going for 14 hours, with head aches of different intensities, visual torture and tens of thousands of mental interruptions on-going throughout the day. All of these factors have to be applied, not because of me, an average subject with average intelligence subject is anything beyond it. These factors are simply a representative, for all that is wrong with the platform and roadmap they have constructed. Its must be part of the program, for they programmed a program which is faulty at its very core. Its un-human.

The conditions set, to perform this test, are a direct effect of the cause, and that cause lies in the same reasoning as to why this neuro-elite allowed their nation to regress. Its self-deceit and lies, it's self-relevance and delusion. These factors can be found when you research statistics of criminal behaviour in Sweden, where they show themselves as world elites and hold position nr 1. While your nation is regressing, do your utmost to rationalize another synthetic rule, to keep your relevance, that is the new swedish religion. Existence, according to the new standard. And it's perfectly allinged with the spectrum mentality they orient themselves with. The spectrum allows for anything of a synthetic construction to be applied, as long as there is a connection and carries the same context to the previous state. Remember this, for this will be important to the behavior of the swedish neuro-elite while they construct their Turing test.

The reasoning as to why they performed another very heavy torture session yesterday, is because they once again came prepared, with another revision of the Turing test. More pre-determination. More synthetic stimuli. More machine protocol. More torture. More dualism. More encapsulation of the subject within a certain spectrum. More more more, that is how they think. That is why fools, who learn to love regression, must want more regression. It becomes an intitiation for a release of neuro-chemicals, wand these neuo-chemicals, are in the control of their foreign masters, who tell them: you have regressed, now you must feel joy over this action. What happens when the whole elite, the rulers of this nation follows along the same path? That is their nation, a manufactured, controlled, manipulated hive-mind consisting of fools and degenerates, who subconsiously, because of their training, release neuro-chemicals, once they apply an action, which results in regression, for their nation. It is obvious, that once you as a human outside the system pin-point these problems, you automatically create enemies, because of your observations. Which organism can reah this level of self-regression, that the very response they create is of self-protection, and that self-protection acts, once again, as an accelerator more more regression. Its amazing to watch this nation during these times. The nation regressess further, each and every day. How can it be of your internal ambition?

Swedish standard of Turing test: Take previous failure and add more of everything. That is all that is neccesary. And this new generation walk in those very same halls in Sweden, which once upon a time carried the legacy of Sweden as true elites in medicine. Add more of same, and they proclaim the hold a certain new standard with new ideas

I will explain in detail which standard that is. Why they were doomed to fail, at the very first day they observed me. Remember, the generation of true swedish leadership in medicine was only one generation ago. While the new generation, have done their utmost, to ensure everything in Sweden has ownership outside of Sweden, and they do their utmost to fabricate a new reality to exist within. There is something deeply denigrated with the psyches, of the rulers of this nation. They long to be better slaves. How can that be? It is a strange thing to observe. Nonetheless, torture is of utmost importance for their delusional version of the Turing test. Torture is primary component. Without torture, no test. Without a test, there is no program.

Simplicity is everything in our state of being. That is how you keep your previous ownership, which you inherited from your previous generation. Its simplicity. Don't add anything, and you've kept yourself. Add something and you've progressed. Remove something and you've regressed. In Sweden, their new religion is the removal of everything. Foreigners with ideas to fill in the gaps of removal, with degeneracy and denigration.

These people keep losing more of themselves, and from that loss, have to create ever more complexity. Look at our society. And you will see patterns, which are shared among politicians, researchers, and even intitutes like academia. Its a virus, the virus of regression. And the only counter argument is that of ideology. They can pin-point at somebody like me, and say you follow a specific ideology, but it cannot be defined. I follow results. Results are everything. How can somebody outside the system of science, carry more relevance to the platform of science, than a team hidden in a bunker in sweden somewhere?

According to the swedes, additions to the test equals advancements. I know this because during the last 18 months, every few weeks, just like yesterday, they have another revisioned Turing test they wish to apply. Revision equals new configuration. What constitutes a new revision we must determine? By swedish simplicity, it's called complexity, primarily additions. They literally have configured a turing test, based upon the same rules which govern their nation. Its beautiful when you think about it, they truly are lunatics.

I never engage with the machine.
I use rotational motions, which equals one respone to all machine input.
I stay quiet.
I observe.
I generate, based upon chaos.
I break the encapsulation.
I create new thoughts outside the encapsulation.
I sing.
I focus on my physical state.
I speak.
I remember.
I am human.

The machine tortures.
The machine is a protocol.
The machine applies synthetic stimuli.
The machine applies thoughts.
The machine applies contexts.
The machine applies feedback-loops.
The machine connects everything.
The machine requests more.
The machine applies emotional statesments.
The machine indicates emotional context.
The machine indicates abstract context.
The machine classifies ownership of thoughts.
The machine talks, like a machine.
The machine talks to its own previous synthetic input.
The machine classifies its own previous synthetic input.
The machine triggers.
The machine applies emotions.
The machine does much more to be detailed.
The machine is synthetic.

Onto the next chapter...