Cope of Arms

Swedish Torture

The Process


Important before reading futher. The technical apparatus is a recording device, of frequencies and changes within the specified range of frequencies it can detect. Action potentials, between brain synapses, which can be thoughts among other neurological activities generate electromagnetic frequencies. The technical apparatus, of course, cannot generate new neurological activity. You need an actual brain for that. It is simply a recording device of brain activity. The swedish officials, support these recordings, with the ideas of neuro-science and software engineering. Everything they do, is to create rules among the recorded homogeneous neurological activity, and create a machine protocol, which requests for more neurological activity. This leads to the establishment of a neural network.

Realize, the below illustrations and explanantions are very rarely happening at the state explained. That is why I have created two pages to explain the process. The one you read right now, represents the optimal state of symbiosys between man and machine. For that to be reality, engagement must occur. I do not engage thou. I am describing below, the process, If I were to engage with the machine. And what this entails.

I will describe all directions/pathways and directives of the neural network, why the swedish officials belive they are involved in artificial intelligence, and why the truth, acts as a counter-argument. Somebody who can count to 4 can do what this collective of neuro-scientists have "created". But it's not a creation per se, it's simply a clusterfuck of ideas, originated from bottom tier swedish neuro elites. They replicated my brain activity, and thought they had a copy of me. Their work, can be summarized as following: 1, 2, 3, 4 is the sequence, and COPY AND PASTE is the function, EITHER OR is the ideology. Or in more layman terms. Linear, replication and dualism. That is why, when readers reach the bottom of this page, they will see a picture which has been made by artificial intelligence, and that picture is of more creativity and artificial value, than anything these people can demonstrate or represent through 7 years of pure torture of one of their own citizens. These swedish officials, have taken it upon themselves, to declare themselves neuro-elites, for something a child can do.

Collection by rules
Monkey see, monkey do,
Swedish neuro-science, they love themselves, for they love poo.

Forming the software

  1. Remember, I don't have access to the software. I can only tell my readers, what the code represents in regards to the connections or requests it synthetizes. Machine abides by rules, meaning the code applied generates a linear evolution of synthetic neurological input, resulting in me experiencing it. By observing that evolution, the rules, I can determine what the code must be, by tracing which synthetic actions were generated and for what reason. It's very simple, the rules supplement all pathways or decicions for the machine protol.
  2. I do have strong suspicions, that the code used, might be one of the oldest, C or C#. Reasons being, among other, this torture program has been going on for more than 7 years. It was obvious, from the very beginning, I was not the first victim of this torture program. I was shown alot of the potential it carries, which are stated on this website. That means it had a legacy. This indicates the software language which has has been used, is older than the new additions of coding languages of the last decade.
  3. More importantly, as an addition to above argument, the machine protocol always speaks in the same dualistic linear pattern. So changes must be hard to do. Otherwise, they would not spend the last 18 months applying 99% physical torture and 1% machine protocol. A change to create a new variant of the legacy code would have been done, a long time ago, since I do not get fooled by the machine protocol, and therefore no extraction of homogeneous neurological activity is done, in accordance to the machine objective. Because once you create a software, and re-use same code, that code will be involved in the evolution of the software. This is an indication as to why they truly are bottom-tier, they didn't apply a single thought, in regards to long-term usage and adaption. Game theory rules our universe, and here we have a team of swedish officials, who forgot the most important factor, while they declare singularity? That is also why, in Sweden at least, humanity, must regress, to meat the application and limitation of the software. The core of the software, is the dualistic, spectrum based feedback-loop, by classification of emotions, to all homogeneous activity. Weakening the public, before deployment, is of utmost importance.
  4. Some of the rules which are converted to wave energy, and transmitted to me, are stated in below illustration. Once again, if they truly are rules from software programming, I don't know. But they do act as an anchor or connection points between different synthetic stimuli. The code is a guide for the synthetic stimuli. It tells how synthetic stimuli behaves, in which order, and which function it upholds. All of that results in me experiencing a linear pattern of machine code, which is supposed to be a copy of myself.
  5. I can only tell what the wave energy is demanding by it's signals, and trace them to what must be a logical rule by the experience my attention adheres to.
  6. Everything the machine does is linear. It shouldn't be too hard, to trace down the specific coding language which is in usage.
Collection by rules
The machine acts based upon rules, which configures predetermination. Swedish math.

Forming the databanks

  1. A databank is exactly as it sounds. A bank to store data. The databanks from below picture are only examples, and in reality, especially in regards to the machine databank, much larger. To the left we see the human databank, to the right the machine synthetic databank. Once again, I cannot state they actually are of the very same terminologi which I have written. While I experience the machine protocol, I can analyze and reduce while tracing, which results in below terminologi. It's subjective, yes, but the usage and experiences resulted, forms an objective assignment, pattern, experience, and a finalised mission.
  2. The synthetic databank, is a global databank. Visit the section Machine to identify the content of each sub-module which forms the global version.
  3. One way to look at the code, pictured below, is to see the small PC icons as connection points between other synthetic stimuli.
  4. They can ensure thoughts, can generate new thoughts/models/patterns by enough repetition or torture. Of course, if I were to engage, the databank which constitutes torture would be smaller. I dont engage thou.
  5. Understand, there is potential for millions of comibinations of machine protocol. All they need, is a another homogeneous thought, which can be added to previous collection in the databank, to form new machine protocol. Basically, it's a drag-and-drop system. Note, once a homogeneous pattern/model/thought/feeling of mine has been copied, and is transferred back to, by machine protocol, it is classified, in this publishment, as synthetic stimuli. Millions of synthetic combinations which has been used and abused on me, which form a machine software, designed to ensure totalitarian control of the human mind. Understand once again, this "research" does not research the human brain. They cannot make much understanding of the brain, obviously, by simple recording of action potentials, which form a certain frequenzy which can be recorded. They can only replicate that which is an output. There is no hardware, it's non-invasive. Brain research is not the mission. The mission is to observe and moderate human behaviour, and learn how that behaviour can be restricted. That is the highest abstract. All other motivations are simply steps on a ladder, to this highest point.
Step 1
From Rules, collections and categories, comes a network, a structure. Copy and Paste.
Black color is human, red is machine.

Homogeneous thought process

  1. Below picture show one instance, in how a human normally thinks. Realize, it's only an illustration. I don't pretend to understand neuro-science, since I'm not in that discipline. But for the sake of presentation and understanding for the reader, I do believe, some logic is required, and some linear patterns will aid to ensure clarity of illustrations.
  2. One way the picture carries truth for me at least, and which I also believe most of my readers will agree on is the example of reading. For instance, reading an article and analyzing. Everything internally, can be logically structured as having the relationship of cause and effect.
  3. Take an article from swedish public service as an example, SVT. For my non swedish readers, visit the american equivalent to swedish public service, which is CNN.
  4. As can be understood, reading means progression. The author is meant to give you facts. Those facts build-up to the finalised point. It has logic. Therefore you generate thoghts of understanding along the way. You build a model. You solve a brain puzzle. Of course, these terms are in relation to abstract thinking. No calculation is needed to read an article, especially from SVT, but your brain is still building an internal model. These models can be identified, replicated and manipulated.
  5. No matter, the internal homogeneous activity you generate, based upon reading, are context which the swedish officials, through some unknown wave energy apparatus, can observe and replicate. This results in the capacity they have demonstrated, moderation or restriction of the brain. Understand, the reason as to the neural requests additional pathways, is to ensure the machine creates problems along the way. So it can force the human to generate another solution to the machine problem. That solution is then uploaded to the swedish officials, who then, as good hounds, teach the machine to restrict further. Its a protocol of control.
  6. With rules, on a computer, these replications of your own homogeneous self, is then connected to a computer framework, where databanks of other stimuli, both homogeneous and synthetic, synthetize that which are machine protocol.
  7. These machine protocols always have a reasoning for its design, but at the end, I have identified a pattern, which carries legacy from the very beginning the machine was introduced into my life. That pattern is of totalitarian control, of the human mind.
Step 2
Normal acitvity, no machine protocol, and no torture.

Observation and surveillance

  1. Observation or surveillance was done for many years I suspect, previous to the first introduction, which was done by implementing a feedback-loop. The very first feedback-loop, or classification, which showed synthetic manipulation of my brain activity, was demonstrated to me, by manipulating my physical headphones. Thoughts appeared, in a linear pattern, and in synchronicity with an ending of the thought, the result was either Yes or No. The headphones, while I was listening to music, were either paused once or twice rapidly. Once for yes and two for No. The yes and no, also came as thoughts which were intepreted to me. Meaning they belonged to additional synthetic input.This also indicates, what I believe to be, a possibility, for humans to communicate, without the need for hardware. It was obvious, which still, today, is in usage and highly relevant, that not all synthetic stimuli, is of my own making. The swedes have a system of communication, by unknown wave energy, where subjects can become entangled, within a certain predetermined frequenzy, to allow the possibility of wireless communication, without hardware. Not only audio, but actual thoughts and neurological models can be transferred between subjects.
  2. Readers will throughout this publishment, see 7 years mentioned as the timeline of the torture program. That year count is traced, to the very year the first feedback classification was introduced, and that year was the end of 2015.
  3. Understand thou, we are dealing with classic swedish project roadmap. The introduction described above is a milestone. Not the beginning of the project. I cannot state the amount of years as a fact, but I do believe they spent some time, if not years, surveil me and record all homogeneous neurological activity.
  4. The roadmap until today, will be detailed, best to my knowledge on another section. Realize thou, I did not start taking notes until 2021-06-06. My memories are excellent, so it won't be hard, but to give the reader an indication of the torture experienced, writing this sentence, I'm being tortured mentally and physically. So it will take some time to get the memories on paper. I continously have to counter-measure the torture to try and find small moments, where I am myself and can think clearly
  5. One part of their torture spectrum are mental interruptions. Signals which are reacted upon me generating thoughts. That is why I am very sure I am encapsulted in my house, within a field of synthetic wave energy. Since I started to publish this information, the torture of interruptions has risen from being applied at a few selected moments, to literally appearing each and every single second throughout the day. Everything they do now, is simply trying their utmost, to hinder me from writing and engaging at my normal state of mind. Sleep deprivation torture is also used routinely nowadays.Extreme torture measures are being taken to ensure me writing does not occur as it ought to.
  6. The second step of introduction, after manipulating my headphones, was another feedback-loop. It was, once agian, in synchronicity with thoughts and what can be described as electrical needle like pulses on my fingers.All fingers carry different meaning which I will detail later. The classic thumbs up, is being used, in many combinations, carrying different context depending on machine prtotocol. But it implies a positive feedback, back to the subject. Dependent on the context, and if I engage, that signal can generate, with the subject, something that becomes a new neurological model.
  7. I don't entirely know as to why they decided to introduce me to this torture program. Neither do I understand why they persist in keeping the torture program alive. Everything you read today on this website, was apparent more than 18 months ago, once I decided to take notes and formed the doctrine which is a counter-measure of my making, against both swedish man and machine alike.
  8. I do belive, a few aspects they find interesting are of me generating models, like abstracts, contexts, vizualisations and I'm good with words, both verbal and in writing, I'm a fast learner, I can apply internal momentum/motion to my thoughts and models. It ensures they become noticeable. I believe adding focus, and internal momentum to thoughts, equals to higher strength in action potential. Everything are signals in the brain. Add a stronger signal, and that equals better data extracted. What this entails in accordance to neurophysiology, I cannot determine because I don't have the background.
  9. I don't generate models, think, or feel something, based upon ideology, and I don't belong in a spectrum or category, but hold to rationale, which obviously also makes me a believer of God. Still, understand, I'm average, but I do believe that through me, they found an opportunity to fabricate further, based upon old dualistic ideas, which have resulted in ever more self-delusion. I'm a lone wolf, and I think they found an opportunity, to apply torture and extract data, to a human who do not sit in a bunker and is experimented with, but instead they had the opportunity to spread their swedish knowledge, and continue their experiments on the outside, against their own citizens.
  10. They see themselves, while performing this torture program, as very "exceptional". To execute a project, outside of law and order, torturing their own citizens. Understand, this type of filth thrive on these actions and moments. Degeneracy must live on, and therefore they must continue to degenerate. Understand, the highest nutrional value for an academic, is being able to tell another academic about his great deeds. Can there be a greater deed, than being swedish, and being able to use the term "singluraity." I think not.
  11. Understand, they can only record by usage of unknown apparatus working in the wave spectrum. They can apply some knowledge and competence, and try to explain my neurological activity in regards to established research in neuro-science. Knowing these people thou, and I do know their types, even thou I've never met them, to my knowledge. That means whatever they have written in regards to me, in accordance to what could be research, must be of same potential as their software, bottom-tier level that is.
Step 3
Through wave energy apparatus, my neurological homogeneous activity can be observed and replicated.
Black color is human, red is machine.

Simulation and testing

  1. The recordings are in some way or form, through an unknown framework, extracted, and stored on a computer. Through, what must be an adaption of same apparatus, I do believe they can experience my own neurological activity, same as I can experience activity which has been recorded and transmitted to me.
  2. To continue, and ensure a neural network is formed, they need rules to configure the neurological activity, and ensure it behaves according to a certain pattern, where it shall result in me generating even more. Depending on the objective they have, they find a certain model of mine, and build a machine protocol objective around this context.
  3. To ensure they hold a certain level, they perform the typical activities which are applicable to software development and launch. That means simulation and testing.
  4. I do believe, at the beginning at least, they themselves endured the same software. To ensure they held a certain standard. Because the objective is ensuring I must generate more homogeneous neurological models. But it's apparent they have grown tired of me not engaging. The last 18 months can witness to that story. 99% torture and 1% synthetic stimuli. That specific 1% are simple classifications and other generic stimuli.
  5. Nonetheless, the simulations and testing are used to ensure, that pathways can be mapped, and will, by predetermination in a later stage, result in additional pathways.
Step 4
No swedish project is complete without testing and simulation. This ensures the swedish officials can observe and create protocol for additional pathways.

Structure of databanks

  1. Through years of collection, they complete that which are databanks. These storage units, hold all synthetic stimuli, which can be first categorized as synthetic input, torture and code. But it can be structured by generating subelements within each. Only truth can tell the whole picture. I don't hold access to the data, so I can only categorize based upon my subjective experience.
  2. Machine section specifies details about synthetic input.
  3. Torture section specifies details about torture.
Step 5
Databanks, which form the ideas, resulting in configuring the software.

Structure of hierarchy

  1. By international co-operation, the western hemisphere declares what the new human must become, and that transformtion will be by totalitarian control of the human mind. Interrupt the cause, before the effect.
  2. The orders, agenda or ideology is then directed io its memeber. The "sovereign" state of Sweden is one of the members.
  3. Sweden, consisting of a few entities, are involved in preparation and development of the software, which will dictate the new western human.
  4. The development of the software are done, by disciplines involved, in that which is, understanding of the human brain. How that understanding can result in restrictions. How those restrictions can become software. How that software can be transferable, by wave energy.
  5. The disciplines, together, have their own scope of responsibility (synthetic input, torture, code). It could be further structured, but let's keep it simple for now.
Step 6
Hierarchy, who together have formed the ideas, which will determine the new western modern human.

Application step 1

  1. The red dotted line represents enforced encapsulated machine protocol, which tries to control the internal narrative or pathways.
  2. The machine is a recorder. Once the machine decides to engage in a noticeable synthetic protocol, it can orient around a certain context.
  3. Predetermination, is literally the machines only path. Ironically, since they are seeking additional paths.
  4. With torture, they create an encapsulation, and ensure, that I cannot do anything else, besides enduring this replication of myself, along with other synthetic stimuli. Triggers, torture and requests, through the machine protocol, ensures that I must analyze/answer/generate depending on which context that is active.
  5. The machine has been configured, by the swedish officials, to torture and seek. It's seeking more homogeneous neurological models.
Step 7
Software starts to play, always with predetermined patterns, thoughts, contexts etc.
Black color is human, red is machine.

Application step 2

  1. Once again, readers must understand the process described according to below illustration has never been reality, but the optimal symbiosys between man and machine which was part of the denigrated mision of swedish officials. But I do belive its important to still illustrate this step of the process, for the sake of pedagogics.
  2. The red dashed lines, are circled around new homogeneous thoughts and models being generated, based upon machine protocol configuration (code) and synthetic stimuli.
  3. The machine code is not always specific in regards to context, dualism is the idea. A choice of two, was the swedish idea which was going to create singularity. Everything, from the core, carries a choice of two. And since its machine and man, dualism reaches a deeper abstract, where same logic applies.
  4. Depending on context, the machine will have access to previous recorded homogeneous models/thought, and the synthetic databank prepared.
  5. The goal of the machine: is to have me thinking.
  6. Thinking in regards to the problems which have accourred by the manipulation of the machine protocol.
  7. The machine is a neural network, ruled, and has an end function, to ensure I keep thinking, constantly and generate new homogeneous neurological models, continously.
  8. Humans don't only consist of thoughts thou. And remember, the machine can observe and record all human action potential. Signals executed, are not only thoughts, but feelings, emotions, sensations, abstracts, models, etc.
  9. Same logic and application is as below ilustration is relevant thou.
  10. As of today, 2022-11-20 and tracing back to 4 weeks, everything they have collected is in usage. Not as a machine protocol with the mission to extract thou. Instead the mission is to ensure a continous form of torture, by physical, but primarily mental kind. The mission is clear, to stop me from keep publishing. And yes, the lunacy and delusion among the swedes is at that level, to keep the torture program alive, while it's being published.
  11. Machine protocol, the last 4 weeks has a dualistic approach. The first which is 90% of all machine protocol: torture me and try to stop me from writing. Primarily mental torture and visual interruptions.
  12. The remaining 10%: Torturing me, by applying positive synthetic stimuli (yes I classify positive synthetic emotions as torture) and the machine synthetizes very intensive feelings and emotions of sympathy, joy and laughter, feedbacked and connected to the swedish officials as a group. Manipulation is very obvious of course, since I carry rationale and focus at the moment.
  13. With that sequence, the follow-up is machine trying to convince me nothing on this website is real or live on the web, still with synthetic sensations of joy. Machine tries to convince me, this torture program is part of higher regards of overwhelming factors, where the swedish military which are active in this project, would never allow this to be published.
  14. This is the collective, who orient themselves around a group-psychosis which is the orientation for them, and believing they have relevance in my life. They equal me laughing at them, same as laughing with them. They truly believe in the history of their tools from psychology, in regards to conditioning a human mind. And think that everything is in accordance to the fabrication of control, which is the same fabrication which rules this nation of theirs.
  15. As I've stated many times, they truly are bottom tier, not only in their disciplines, but as humans.
  16. That is why I cannot, for the life of me engage with the machine, or do anything besides mockery and laughter at the men behind the machine. They lost themselves as humans, and only laughter can balance the denigration they have within their psyches. if they understand all nations mock them, for their filth, then at some point, that filth must be converted to something else.
Step 8
Machine protocol enforces a predetermined context. With triggers and other synthetic input creates an opportunitiy for subject to generate a new thought.

Application step 3

  1. From above illustration we saw how machine can enforce growth in a specific context.
  2. From below illustration we see what the optimal symbosis between man and machine can ensure to create. Each creation, or each thought, or each homogeneous neurological model, can become the new starting point, for an affitional mini-network.
  3. Everything is connections, and each neurological model, represents potential, to extract, more information, if the proper machine configuration has been formed.
  4. Reason as to why machine protocol, has a certain linear languange, is because those choices dictate importance.
  5. The swedes have chosen to torture me as a human, because they have been assigned, to find paths, where human restriction can be determined, at a lower structural level, but also, at higher abstracts.
  6. The machine will later ensure, based upon rules, equations and configuration, to use the last generated homogeneous model/thought, to become a reference, and with additional synthetic stimuli, the subject is forced to continue generating new neurological models.
  7. As can be understood, above illustrations are generic.
  8. Below are a fee examples, of usages. These usages can also, and will be further broken down, and re-structured. And yes, I know what you are thinking. How big is this shit? They are planning to ensure the censorship and thought control in our physical space, also expands or is scaled down, depending on which relevant term you wish to use, to the metaphysical space.
  9. The machine, of course, can combine any of the following mentioned below to create what seems to be a machine of more "advanced" stature. Remember thou, it's a machine based upon COPY AND PASTE.No matter which comination, it still speaks like a machine.
  • Neurological models
  • Vertical thinking
  • Lateral thinking
  • Visual thinking
  • Creativity
  • Logic
  • Abstracts
  • Conextualizations
  • Conceptualizations
  • Emotions
  • Feelings
  • Decision making
  • Visualizations
  • Memories
  • Physical movements
  • Speaking
  • Linear thoughts
  • Non-linear thoughts
  • Inclinations/desires
  • Turing test
Step 10
The ambition is to ensure a human subject, by learning machine language, starts to generate, the desired nodes a machine standard and structure.
That which is human, while you are thinking, becomes a linear logical process on a computer.

This picture, created by american artifical intelligence is more impressive than 7 years of swedish neuro science.