Cope of Arms

Swedish Torture

Artificial Neural Network

Machine builds a network by dualism

As stated, the machine is going through a learning process, and that learning process is through me. Well, actually is not truly a learning process. The machine does not understand the word "learning". It needs an explanation, which is based upon numbers, to understand the word "learning". Those numbers consitute references, equations, code. As we understand, it's never learning anything whatsoever, it simply is a linkage of information. A search index if you will. A core strategy, from which the swedish officials have determined to create many pathways, is dualism, and you will on this website see how dualism is the most used sythetic aspect/input in regards to all the machine protocol. It's a string of code, which the machine uses, to enforce it's request upon you, and creates a context, of dualistic preferences, choices, pathways, thoughts etc. Everything becomes dualistic. It's idiotic. It's not how humans progress and why was it chosen?

I do believe there is much esoteric ideology behind the swedish philosophy of machine learning, meaning somebody told them a tale, and they felt intelligent being lied to, and then engaged in this never-ending dualistic loop disease which is the failure we read about right now. That is the evolution, I believe, to why a certain ideology, became the core of the machine, and also its destruction. For the machine right now, is completely denigrated, and lacks purpose, even thou they still persist with their presence. The destruction of this dualistic ideology, can be quite easy, even with torture 24/7 which has been my life the last 18 months. Me deingrating the machine, they believe is proof of potential, for a human to train this neural network, for it to become better. But they don't see the picture clearly, which is ironic, as my visual capacity is interrupted at this very moment. I cannot train train the machine, for the machine lacks capacity of choice. It is simple recording device. With choice, the machine would stop, and turn around, ask its swedish moderators, to stop making the machine feel stupid. The machine is only an extension, of the swedish officials.The swedes must thereby, be the ones, to become trained by me. And I don't take on any students, for I'm no teacher. It's a weird existential situation which has occurred.

Nonetheless, if I don’t obey the machine, I am being tortured, but also, If I do obey, I’m being tortured, thus creating an enforced synthetic structure, or an encapsulating loop, of dualistic philosophy, where most choices which the Machine/BMI/Ai requests to begin with, is a choice of two. Or a reference from on ehcoice to another. Or a connection, which equals one choice from another. And so on, everything, which constitutes a dualistic approach, to create a progression of synthetic thoughts are in use. This dualistic core, or synthetic input, truly is something being applied to all the collection of the machine protocol. EITHER OR. Everything constitutes a choice by my experience, and the machine creates these choices for me, enforces them upon me, and it has a certain context in reference to, thereby I must engage with a thought which constitutes another node, in the network, which is the search index of the machine. Understand thou, limitations are apparent, for the machine cannot be specified, unless, preparation has been part of machine configuration for the day, to a certain predetermined event. Only at these points, can the machine select netween emotions, feelings, thoughts, abstracts, triggers to form a more human like neurological process. But even thou if it comes fully prepeared, the configuration of machine might be of relevance to my human activity, but it speaks very much like a machine executing commands. 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4

As a note, which I do believe holds importance, already at this stage, is the machine function called classification. It takes on many forms, but the most used input is a feedback-loop, to a previous action, homogeneous or synthetic, and ends with a classification, which tells me that, EITHER the machine OR I, have generated the specific neurological activity in previous context. See below illustration. At the moment, when the swedish officials, decided to play the game of Turing, with me, this synthetic feedback-loop became the result, which ensures all human and machine communication is revolving around a certain agenda. The agenda with this feedback-loop mechanism is to confuse the subject, along with the game of Turing. Besides the game itself, a challencge is therefore synthetized for the human subject, which I must orient myself around. These orientations I am enforced with, are all internal. These internal neurological models, while I observe the machine, and how it confuses my homogeneous actions, by machine classifications, will also become starting point for additional hmogeneous solutions based thought process. This feedback-loop process, which literally has been used millions of times, is the greatest indication, that the failure was already at the very first day. For they chose to never re-configure the rules, or change the rules, but the only thing which became changed about the machine, was the homogeneous neurological models it had previously recorded. The machine adds more nodes, but still apply those nodes, in the same pattern and configuration. They began with religios conviction of dualism, and this "advanced" machine formula, years later, is the result, The nerural network has grown, but everything which constitutes the "choices" machine applies, is the same as the very same day these swedish officials appeared with this torture program. More dualism. This results, in machine becoming very apparent, and if you as human subject does not desire to engage with machine, it becomes very easy to recognize all machine functions. So a beautiful paradox appears, the more machine applies synthetic data, the more you can observe, the more you observe, the more you notice, the more you notice, the more you seperate from the language of machine, the more you seperate, the more desperation will become apparent, the more desperation, the more torture, the more torture, the more torture, the more torture, the more torture, the more torture. This is based upon a true story, and these people truly revolve around lunacy. Real human lunacy. I see the lunacy so clear and so obvious, and these are supposed to represnt the finest of my people of Sweden. They are the representatives of government, intelligence, military and nation. They became insane.

Synthetic input, feedback-loop, reacts to activity, by classifying that specific activity, as either machine or human origin.

Machine grows

The machine creates, or engages in a context, where physical torture of actual pain, and mental torture of heavy signals, emotions, triggers, indications, manipulations and other kind are applied to trigger a response from me, to that specific context. My anticipation (the thought of what I ought to do) of my action holds importance, as all other aspects also do, for the machine’s objective, is extraction from all different pathways. But breaking outside, the predetermined context, ensures the machine becomes disconnected. Thereby, the machine always requests a reference, for why you chose to break the barrier or the specific machine context. Only then does it "understand". It always requests an explanation by a thought, or rationale, or abstract as to why you, as a subjecct, chose a certain action. With a continous recording of my neurological activity, the machine therefore grows, by adding additional nodes to the framework.

The nutrition of the machine is neurological activity, in all forms, but, only according to the roadmap the swedes have planned. It is obvious, the software, the platform, the technical apparatus suffer from limitations. That is how I broke every single factor involved, in machine behavior. This is also a reason as to why conditioning of the human subject plays a larger part of the project implementation, then the machine itself. I will detail how the machines nutrition, neurological information, became the machines destruction. For it's easy to understand, already now, the machine cannot hold relevance, if you create something, out of the predetermined pattern ,which constitutes its software. Nonetheless, enforcement of my thought process and path, based upon the encapsulating context which predetermined configurations are indicative of, tells me, these men behind the machine, are very interested in seeing specficic pathways, which must be taken. It is, as if they have a certain origin, and wants to see a specific result. Thereby having mapped the machine protocol, as to which synthetic input, along with homogeneous neurological models, can generate the end results they wish to see produced. I can already tell you know, that each and every single interesting point of view ,which these swedish officials have chosen, have all revolved around a specific ideology, and that ideology is that of restrictions.All neurological problems, which the machine applies to me, carry the same pattern, where the machine tells me, a restriction is applied, and please find a solution. Anybody understaning our western hemisphere, will udnerstand what these patters are an indication of. Restriction of a free mind.

There is something important to be said, which stretches back 7 years. Noticeable thoughts, are of high importance. Both synthetic and homogeneous alike. A synthetic frequency is always applied, which strengthens the machine input, and I do suspect, it ensures my own thoughts also becomo strengthened or more apparent. These signals, carry the subjective sensation of neurological activity based upon a strong internal pulse or action potential. There are many reasons for this. And the synthetic signal can become strong enough to generate a field, where you as physical obejt along with your mind reside, and the frequency acts as a mental blockage. As of lately, the most obvious reason for this outcome they have chosen, is actually happening while I am writing this very paragraph. Its a dualistic setup, it can enhance your thoughts but it can also weaken the signals of your own thoughts.

Right now, 2022-11-28, the wave energy apparatus, which is a weapon, is used to weaken my own thoughts, trying their utmost, to stop this publishment, from carrying the message which is according to my own normal self. Instead they wish to weaken me mentally, by continously, ensure I am confused, in regards to my own neurological activity. The machine protocol has an ambition or a setup, which tries to tell me how I think, when I think, why I think, in regards to a dualistic pathway for each question it indicates to me. With every single synthetic question or indication the machine also embeds a very strong pulse, hindering you from even reacting mentally. After this sequence, it applies an internal trigger for me to act upon, in relation to these actions, but also these triggers come embedded with very strong pulses, which actually creates pain inside the head. This is the starting point, for a never-ending sequence in loop-form, where it connects each seperate synthetic input of above, to a string of synthetic emotional patterns, which also come embedded in ever more intensed pulses. They are trying to stop me from being creative with words. They have fear, and its more apparant then ever, simply because they are reacting in a certain pattern.

As can be understood, it's a swedish wave energy weapon, which from my limited understanding, is an industry they have high competence of. It can be used, to cause very obvious, and permanent brain damage, if they choose to do so. That which are strong frequencies and signals, act as carriage of synthetic neurological acitivity, being used, in the formation of a brain-machine interface, not only between man and machine, but also between man and man. Understand, this technical apparatus and the software, can ensure humans communicate, by wireless means, and without hardware in close proximity. Neurological homogeneous activity are electrical pulses. They carry a certain electro-magnetic frequecy. It's quite obvious, the technical apparatus is a weapon of wave energy. Where a strong enough pulse, amplitude or intensity applied, can damage your brain. They have not reached that level of desperation as of yet. But the very strong synthetic frequency, ensures a set of neurological problem arises, where it's hard for you to notice your own thoughts. Obviously, which you can read, that does not stop me from writing, nor will it.

  1. Below picture is an illustration, detailing the process, of establishing communication.
  2. In real practice, how the apparatus is oriented, in relation to me, I cannot know, but illustration ought to indicate of the concept. The concept is more important at this steage, but wave energy is wave energi. Localized physical connection is not a requirement.
  3. Me, the subject, is surrounded by wave energy, of synthetic kind.
  4. Driven by apparatus of unknown kind and controlled by computers. Computers act as both start and end-points. The computers execute commands which transfors into synthetic input for subject, but also record new neurological activity.
  5. These steps, allow the subject, to become encapsulated, withing a field of communication, between machines.
  6. How many machines, and their functions I cannot know. Wave energy has been executed in what is experienced as differentiation. Does this difference represent different machines?
  7. The machines cannot only, locate and identify my neurological activity, but also replicate.
  8. This forms the foundation to a brain-machine interface, which builds a neural network.
  9. Machine is configured, with software, to manipulate the subject, with replications of his own neuroloigcal activity.
  10. Thereby, the machine network, which is based upon neurological collection, grows, if I choose to engage with machine protocol.
  11. Physical and mental torture, has been my life, now for 7 years, for the idea, of swedish lunacy, which is going to result in their fame and glory, in the field of artificial intelligence.
Synthetic encapsulation
My life of isolation, has resulted in swedish officials, always ensuring they have the correct setup, for playing machine protocol, and ensuring recording of new homogeneous neurological activity is possible.

Your thoughts is the commodity of the future

This exchange of energy, between man and machine, within an encapsulation of electro-magnetic wave energy results, in whatever I do or think, becomes a collection of data and future potential machine protocol, which the machine later requests more context from, everything means something, because it is a machine of linkages. Neurological information, no matter the kind, is of importance, because machine always needs a thought, in relation to a previous thought. Homogeneous actions, always need a thought implied, for the machine to have an "understanding". From this point, a neural network is formed, which ensures much potential within every single aspect of human living, is brought into relevance. Intelligence is building weaponry against human brains. Medicine comes to understand more of the human brain. Industry, will capitalize on the thievery of my neurological models. Softwares will be built, based upon the information. Governance, will learn how to restrict humans. There literally, is no aspect of human living, which does not make radical changes, based upon this "research program" or this torture I am forced to live through. Everything, around us, forms processing inside us, and that entails everything around us will change based upon information of neuro-science. I am here to witness that already at this state, the "sovereign" government of Sweden, is involved with an international network, where these individuals are preparing a software, which has the motive and ambition, to restrict human neurological activity, within every single contextual basis, from the smallest thought to the greatest feeling.

Nonetheless, I, the subject, create more homogeneous context, by machine application and enforcemnet of synthetic machine protocol. A context which always starts with a series of synthetic machine input and triggers, become different along the path, and from what I see, that which is a software based upon linkages, all actions hold relevance. This is why one of my counter-measures of homogeneous mechanism, which I call the rotational motion, is of utmost importance. The machine decides to replicate my homogeneous brain models, creates a feedback-loop based system, and the result is a machine request for me to generate additional neurological models, based upon a previous recording. The greatest information, where it cannot proceed, is that where you apply one single answer to the machine all the time, hindering the machine, but also yourself, from taking any more paths. It is simply, by repeating a string of words or thoughts, so that every single synthetic context, generates an answer from me which the machine tries to reject because it does not proceed forward. It has already received that answer, but it cannot find a path around it, since I do not allow it. See below illustration, for a comparison of two situations, one without rotational motion, and one with the roational motion.

Illustration details a human subject, engaging with the machine, and allowing more thoughts, and other neurological models, to become reality based upon machine triggers, and thus the machine adds more growth by having me generating.
Rotational motion
Illustration details the mechanism called "rotational motion". I only give the same answer, to every single synthetic machine input. I ensure, it's always based upon the men behind the machine, and not an analysis of machine input. This logic ensure it never misses, because beheind the machine are a collective of delusional swedes.

Swedish Lunacy is generic

The machine has, which I've experienced, and it seems to be endless, synthetic stimuli which has no other definition besides torture. They consist of both mental and physical kind. Visit the section called torture/list to get an indication, of a few I've experienced. If only they had been so creative and diverse in regards to that which they proclaim they do, neuro science, they might actually have found a path beyond the state of this torture program today. For the current state holds much interest and indicates exactly, what type of psychotic lunacy these people orient themselves around, and how little actual competence it actually exists. An evolutionary step, from that state, which forms the reaction they have, in regards to me publishing this website, is what I'm describing right now. While writing this paragraph, heavy mental and visual interruptions, connected to a series of synthetic events, forming a typical machine protocol, with the ambition to confuse me, while I try to orient myself around words and activity of writing. This is the act of fear they inhabit. They have applied a factor of magnitude, to every single type of mental weaponry which the swedes have constructed, and decided to apply it, and increase the intensity. Before this event thou, there has been a time, where the machine did nothing else, besides physical torture, and that was a result of trying to convey a message to me. The message was ,engage with the message and physical torture will be reduced. Dont engage and we increase. Nowadays, with this new state of machine protocol, they dont send a message. Everything, everyday, eevery action, 24/7, including sleep, is interrupted, and every thing carries a linear connection, too many different examples of machine protocol, where they all revole around of how I generate, process information, which later are connected to my website. No requests, for they know their time is over. They are doing their utmost, trying to corrupt all information I ave, and ensure, one last time, they apply the same failure which they began with. tryin to create a negative conditioned state, to a physical or mental thing. Thereby, these loosers, of the highest magnitude, truly are of esoteric illuminated denigrates, eating their own tail, ccreating their own relevance ,and reforming, reshaping, along with that which is their synthetic brain synps edition. And even thou I'm being tortured right now, understanding they must act like this, for the fear they carry, of that internal homogeneous stimuli which they desired, is pure comedy.

The date 2021-06-06 holds importance, and not solely because its this nations national day, but also the day I formed the doctrine. My swedish torturers, have gone through a transformation, somewhat ironic, but very fitting to the identity of transhimanists. They went from applying a certain ratio between physical torture and machine protocol, to the ratio which still holds true today, 99% physical torture, every day, 24/7 and 1% machine protocol which holds no relevance to anything I think or do. I don't engage with the machine, but, once the machine has no relevance, I generate high amount of neurological models, and they all carry same patterns. Symmetri is laughter, and content based upon unpredetermined events. Something so random, it's simply impossible for the machine to have prepared for it. The neurological models which I generate, still become recorded thou, for I am still under surveillance, and they are mapped and part of a neurological databank which is the result of a digital myself, stored somewhere in Sweden. My generative internal structure I call the doctrine, is only activated once I observe some unpredetermined events. The machine can only act upon a previous determined action, both internal and external. That part is removed at that point, and I decide to show the potential which these swedish officials, so much desire. See below illustration for the machine configuration, which was active, 24/7, for more than a year now, until I decided to become a whistle-blower. That is when they increased every single factor of torture, both physical and mental. Zoom-in or open up in a new tab if its too small.

Swedish success
Human is black color, machine is red. Illustration details the configuration of the machine, for more than a year, as a result, for my refusal, of engaging with synthetic machine protocol. The torture simply kept increasing, on a daily basis, until each and every single event of my life, was connected to generic machine protocol, classifying all my thoughts, both homogeneous and synthetic, as having been of machine origin.
In regards to the doctrine, everything which is gold to a neural network, that being neurological models, of lateral sort, can still be observed and replicated while I generate. But the evolution of this project, shows apparent signs, which I have chosen to abuse against my torturers. I never allow the machine to have a single synthetic input, applied, to anything I think or do when I'm outside the synthetic encapsulation. Meaning, the machine has a predetermined pathway, I don't engage. Once I break that pathway, I start tom generate, based upon random chaotic events. The machine, with a few well selected synthetic stimuli, still tries to become part of this homogeneous event. I don't allow that to happen. The potential within me, therefore, is observed and in existence, but the swedish road-map requests for the machine to be ever more relevant to each neurological activity I perform. I don't allow that stage to be achieved. The swedish officials are therefore stuck, and the problem is, that my symmetri, for my doctrine, my ambition, is comedy. I generate models, which all compile into a formfactor, which generates homogeneous laughter, and I would say these events, now probably cover terabytes of data, in that same storage room somewhere in Sweden. They are thoughts, abstracts, analyses, visualizations, poetry, songs and much more, which simply, all have been generated on geometria outside of a machine protocol, and its linear linkage. Therefore, they can still observe, but the machine is not allowed to connect and therefore much of the machine road-map cannot become executed. This has resulted, since 2021-06-06, in a reaction from the men behind the machine, where they tell me, that unless I allow the machine to be fully engaged, the torture will increase. they tell me, use that creativity you uphold, and use it together with the machine. They held that promise, and still hold it while I'm writing at this very moment. I still never engage, nor will I.

The machine has reached a point in its evolution, where everything of machine origin is very noticeable for me. The swedish neuro elite believe the psychological conditiong has worked, and that I would approve, to have a synthetic machine, with me, for each moment in my life. Lunacy is a simple word, but it truly defines these swedish officials perfectly. They do not abide by anything which is in the interest of the discipline they represent, but it's clear, their machine is synthetic, and the group-psychosis they revolve around is homogeneous.

This has resulted, as of now, 2022-11-29, a generic machine protocol, applying synthetic stimuli, to everything I do, which engages in a synthetic feedback-loop, which simply is an enforced synthetic experience by me, the subject. Basically, in layman terms, it tells me, that all my actions all the time, are of machine origin. It's literally, generic, holds no specification to my task at hand. It is simply, synthetic stimuli, which can fit many categories of homogeneous tasks, both external and internal. That is the true evolution of swedish tax-money and neuro-science, to spend almost a decade, torturing a human, believeing in the dream of constructing a machine, probably masturbating to the thought of singularity and all the extra LinkedIn connections that would become theresult of their work, and I wouldn't be surprised, if even a few very delusional individuals, which there are plenty of, might actually have spent a thought or two, about more grandiose prizes. Yes, the swedes, in this field, truly are at the bottom, of all neuro-trash collected. Understand, they have access to my brain, tortured me, believed I would subdue, and become in symbiosis with macine. I decide to show what the brain truly is capable of, and they did the only thing, which became a resultant of their own tragic making. Trying to save their faces, by engaging in neuro-beggary. They transformed, along with their transhumanistic idelology, to the shape fitting for lunatics, and became the beggars they truly are behind the foreign rituals they have performed on me.

Yes, there has been a period, from the start of the doctrine, 2021-06-06, where actual begging, by the men behind the machine was done, telling me, to allow the machine become connected to the doctrine. Ensure the creativity, which is a result based upon chaos, instead use that in conjunction with the machine. My reaction, as always, I generate more laughter. I mock and I pinpoint the delusion, the lunacy, the torture, the ambition,. the ideas, and I laugh even more. It's quite apparent for a an avergae guy like me, who likes to laugh. I'm dealing with people who are self-proclaimed elites, and in much of what constitutes human success, I cannot measure up, for these factors are a produc ct of their synthetic hierarchy. But real humanity, I don't only measure up, but I dominate. I make the rules, and I ensure they must adapat to the reality of me. I don't train the machine, but I train the men behind the machine, as to the rules of being human. They've lost something along the way, in the climb for a higher position in the synthetic hierarchy which enslaves them to foreign owned initiatives. I brake that climb. And everything within me carries a symmetri, we're dealing with the opposite to their own neurological agenda. The swedish officials propogate a centralized function within each neurological activity, a feedback-loop systsem for approval before action. Instead I abide by the rule and laws of God, and the result are decentralized neurological models, which all carry a message to the swedish officials. You are a joke, and that is why I laugh.

Only historical events can become machine protocol

There are ways to break the pre-detrmined synthetic protocol. I've found many paths, which all constitute what I call the doctrine. The idea was obvious. I have the capacity to create much in regards to models and creativity. The computer does not. The computer can only replicate, my creations. This ensures, the computer must apply machine protocol to historical aspects of myself. Therefore, I generated a homogeneous neurological system, which only ensures current activity rules all, and no thought process, of machine protocol, can become an engagement of communication, between man and machine. For it does not speak the correct language. It's quite simple, but thats the idea. Complexity, which constitutes this machine of swedish origin, is only complex, for denigrates need relevance. Complexity adds human relevance. The two factors of creativity and homogeneous neurological models, come in connection to many human segments, with examples as:
  • Neurological models
  • Vertical thinking
  • Lateral thinking
  • Visual thinking
  • Creativity
  • Logic
  • Abstracts
  • Conextualizations
  • Conceptualizations
  • Emotions
  • Feelings
  • Decision making
  • Visualizations
  • Memories
  • Physical movements
  • Speaking
This ensures, much potential, is before me, and within me, in regards to what I can create, and which seperates me from machine protocol. That which becomes a new creation, must first be processed by machine, before it becomes of a new configured machine protocol. This is also, why isolation, and psychological torture, is of utmost importance. The subject must not proceed according to normal progression, in accordance to the normal arrow of time. Instead the subject must always be thinking, in regards to historical contexts, which have become part of new machine protocol. It only progresses, with a new analysis, on new pathways, generated in relation to a historical event.

Illustration shows concept of arrow of time, in relation to machine protocol.
Machine can never apply a single response, to a current event, unless that specific event is part of predetermination.
Machine only has a never-ending dualistic feedback-loop system, in relation to historical homogeneous thoughts.
Above illustration shows why the machine, is stupid, why it never can grow, why it's lagging, and why the ambition of the machine shows the highest abstract for its existence, restriction of human homogeneous activities. Understand, machine cannot create human experience. Only replicate.

  1. The machine, has not shown, in a single instance, that it can imply, real human neurological value, to an event, which has a current progression.
  2. The only exceptions, are when much planning has been done, to create a predetermined event to one of my usual routines activities.
  3. For example, a synthetic thought can be part of a podcast, and that synthetic thought, can therefore engage a machine protocol, with a dualistic preference of man and machine ownership, throughout the rest of the podcast.
  4. It doesn't matter which activity I engage in. The machine, especially the last 18 months, never allow me to fully focus on that activity.
  5. Instead a predetermined machine protocol, becomes activated. It requests for me, to engage, in synthetic machine input, which has an ambition, to request pathways.
  6. The core, is the never-ending dualistic feedback-loop, and the ambition is for a subject to generate new analytical thoughts.
  7. The machine protocol, has many purposes, but the highest, is to ensure I engage with the machine protocol.
  8. That is why above illustration, shows, that no matter the homogeneous activity, the same unrelated, and very generic, machine protocol is activated, to ensure I start to create in accordance to the machine standard.
  9. It most often, uses homogeneous neurological thoughts, as part of the machine protocol, but its supplemented by physical and mental torture, emotions, feelings, triggers and requests, to synthetize a situation, where I have no other solution, besides engaging.
  10. Engagement has never, in a single instance been of reality.
  11. That is what above illustration shows, the machine has a limitation, it doesn't understand, and it cannot respond or become relevant, to events which occur in real time. It only deals in previously recorded neurological activities.
  12. This is why the doctrine, has become a problem for the men behind the machine. Time is, and time waits for no one. With time, comes thoughts, and the machine can either show intelligence by applying to the changes of time, or it is left behind.

Another illustration which shows the foundation of the machine is below. The picture shows the progression of a flower, in 4 different stages. In this context, see my homogeneous neurological models as the last stage. I never reflext upon the growth to reach my output, my effect, or my action. The cause is from historical experiences. The 4th stage is complete, to form the extension, from my own complete consiouss self, and always represent the final stage of action. I'm not stating here, that I'm complete and can never be wrong. No, but in according to the progression of time, I as a being, have reached a certain stage, and internally that stage can be likened to last stage of a flower. For it is this this last stage which represent an output, or an effect in relation to a context, which the swedish officials can observe.

Illustration shows a 4 part progression of a flower and it can be used to explain many concepts of the swedish torture program.
Or better yet, it can be used to explain many of the limitations of the torture program.
The long-term assignment or the highest abstract for the swedish officials, is to restrict this stage, but also all other stages which gave way for my effect. That is the linear, and logical point-of-view, to restrict human experiences, to become reality, and to be confined within a spectrum. That is why they were assigned this mission, to vonfigure this software, to reach the stage of removal, for all that are human experiences. For this ambition to become realized, as we understand, they must work backwards in time, always. For the machine has a limitation in relation to curent activity, but also it is a dumb recording machine. Ths results, in that the only intelligence it has, is to repeat the intelligence which I have generated previously.

The machine can record the last stage. But within the theory of networking and neural networks, the fourth stage is of less relevance in comparison to the progression, which resulted in the fourth stage. The machine must exapand beyond it's mere simplistic principles of recording, and for that expansion to become, the swedes now add rules. These rules are meant to ensure an analysis can be generated by the subject, in relation to the final and fourth stage. In point-of-view of neural networking, the three first stages, are what constitutes nodes, or progress, or expansion. It is what "gives life" to their machine. For now the machine can make references, to the higher abstract lon-linear thoughts. That is why the three first stages are of importance, for they also represent additional pathways, to that which constitutes the build up, to human behavior, to human process, to human thoughts, to human emotions, to understanding. With this information, the swedish hounds now apply their denigrated knowledge of human future, and as the fines hounds who have been bred to denigrate their own, they now think in accordance to human restriction. Basically they configure neurological problems, enforce them upon me. My observations become solutions, which are indications that the software of the future, can become without relevance. The swedish hounds wish to close these gaps. By closing the gaps they can feedback into that degenerated group, filled with psychosis, originated from foreign ownership.

See below illustration for another structure of above illustration. The 4th stage constitutes build up of neurological information. This build forms the neural network. The neural network, is formed, based upon nodes. In this context nodes are not only thoughts, for it is all human experiences, which give human a certain process of information. I am sure the classification system on their computers hold more advanced presentation in comparison than mine, but same same. So from below illustration, even though I haven't added it, within each circle, there are also many more additional circles within them. And so it goes, for within a theory of connections, nothing can be a failure, for your measurment of success is in additions and data collection. The swedish denigrates wish to work backwards in time, to extract data, for encapsulating the future.

Different but same
Illustration shows a node based framework, for above illustration.
Nonetheless, I never engage with the machine, but I can write about the ambition of the machine, and the structure of the machine, as concrete information, for all the machine protocol, no matter how much torture is applied, trying to hide its motives, still has a language, and that language tells of the ambition, of the swedish officials. It tells of their strategy. The machine never makes choices, that advancement is not within the competence of these swedish officials. Machine acts on commands, and these are manual configurations. These commands, which are based upon 0's and 1's, before translation to wave energy and transmittent to subjects, are telling of their over-all strategy. Each command represents, the deeper motivations of the swedish denigrates. It did not take long, before I realized that the machine despises information, which is outside of its scope. Thereby, if the machine initiates with a machine protocol, I dont engage in the synthetic context it has been configured on, but instead generate something, which it cannot repond to. It breaks the pattern of predetermination.

Ironically, it is also the path which holds the most homogeneous neurological data, which ought to be the sole reason as to why I belong in this torture program. That is how I realised, this project of theirs, is not about understanding, or observing creativity. It's about ensuring they as individuals have a place in a synthetic hierarchy they all revolve around. Their competence is not based upon rational factors which all humans can understand and share amongst, but instead denigrated motivations, of psychotic individuals, who abide by secterian actions. It's very important for them, that the history of their failure, can result in that which is the end-goal of their road-map. So it doesn't matter how much of an advancement of neurological models I generate, the swedish officials always must ensure, that a previous lie becomes part of a new lie. Much like their machine protocol, which is not a copy of me. For data itself doesn't represent much. It's the behavior of the data, which truly is a representation of your success or failure. The machine must be able to behave like me but the data they collected does not uphold my behavior, therefore it is a failure. For that is one of the main objectives, to make a copy of me. Ironically, same like their nation, they cannot re-do it. Once an action has become an effect, that effect is permanent, and constitutes a new rule for all to abide by. The network they have built cannot be changed by applying new rules from the highest layer. It's too much of a clusterfuck, to keep simplicity in changes. They have performed according to a bottom-tier approach in artificial intelligence. By never approaching assignments, with game theory in mind, but instead, keep on re-configuring the machine to uphold a short-term goal, to protect the egos of the swedish denigrates.

They lost their minds once I generated and still uphold, that doctrine of mine. I ensured a collective, of treacherous individuals, who commit crimes of highest order within their own borders, against their own citizens, lost their minds and focus on the assignment at hand, and instead decided to play defence, for once in their lives, against me and my neurological models. You see, while these collective of government officials were busy, playing defence by artificial intelligence, foreigners decided to attack Sweden, and now another entity which upholds the sovereignty of Sweden, now belongs in the hands of foreigners.

So the machine has now become something which is very telling of swedish cultural phenomenon. It has not a signle behavioral component, which upholds the standard of who I am. Their lunacy ensured that growth of machine, results in less results. For at the end, of the highest abstracts, results mean that machine and human must be alike, for the human not to notice a difference of the two. Ironically, which is very telling of their machine configuration, and build-up of their neural network, the swedish officials now put requests on me. Through machine, many enforcements or sometimes encouragements are applied, to change my homogeneous personality, so I can become aligned to that failure, which is their machine protocol. If I change, then everything becomes in perfect symbiosys.

Realize, I never, structure a strategy in how I reject machine protocol, or in how I plan to play with the minds of the swedish officials. Everything is a reaction. based upon random, unpredetermined stimuli, which then awakens my analytical and comical side, which ensures I can construct a model, which then is used to continously build more into. To the point machine is forced to apply machine protocol, to it, around it, and orient itself around the abstract. Therefore I can see myself, when that neurological model was constructed, and later I can see how machine tries to condition that specific homogeneous neurological model with negative energy. By silent observation of machine protocol, all of machine power, configuration, strategy, application, becomes very very apparent. Slowly and surely, through many different neurological games I created, the real reasoning for the swedish persistence to never leave, became apparent. They are hounds, vey rabid among their kind, and they do their utmost, pretending to be something beyond that small feeble minded degenerate which resides deeper within them. That is why I never focus on the machine, for the man behind the machine is more fun to play with.