Cope of Arms

Swedish Torture

Measures against machine

Machine pattern

I will continue to further detail the last paragraph from the previous chapter, neural-networks. It is to explain something very simple, but once that simplicity becomes a reaction from the men behind the machine, comedy ensues, to say the least, for the truth becomes very apparent. No matter which motive or ambition you have of neurological data, no matter which discipline within the field of science you belong in, data is data. And rejection of data, when your purpose is to extract data, becomes, becomes swedish. It's a meme, of many I created based on swedish culture. At some points, surrealism is more relevant as a definition, then simple rationale, for situations do not uphold the standard of cause and effect. Sometimes, things only, makes sense in Sweden. And believe me, this sentence, as confusing as it might read out, it makes swedish sense. Much details about all my counter-measures will be explained in the section of human, but I do believe it's important, before detailing each mechanism, philosophy and abstract should be explained to understand the origin of many neurological models I generated which ensured the destruction of man behind machine, and therefore, by logical extension, his little machine also. Understand, simplicity breaks not only machine, but man behind the machine, for simplicity is an organic human quality. The more a being progresses, the more human system of living and existence, has come to adapt, to ensure exhanges of energy, is performed, with as little waste as possible. Simplicity is human, and complexity beyond the standard of living, is another individuals demand, to have relevance. This takes form from the smallest hierarchy of a biological environment/biotop, to the highest of a nations sovereignty. When complexity arises in a system, which ensures more energy is spent, in relation to the reward in form of energy, that means we have failed. This is a good metaphor for the swedish torture program, or as they would like to call it, artificial intelligence.

I never engage with the machine, in accordance to its terms, configuration, ambition or ideas, but I do ensure to generate much noticeable neurological models for the simple reason, the swedes are still monitoring and collecting what I generate. This becomes very painful for them to endure, for after 7 years, I do believe according to their road-map, I was supposed to subdue to the machine protocol, and allow machine stimuli, to regulate my life. This is their failure. But in accordance to the objective I have, with the doctrine, is to ensure they can observe much advanced neurological models, which I can generate, and where I indicate much potential. See it as somebody bullying somebody, by telling them the truth. Understand I have no idea of the names or characters of the people involved. So there is only one path, and that is to observe their nation, for these people have clearly indicated they are representatives of their nation. That's my ambition, or my symmetri for all that are my homogeneous models I construct, they become for a reason, and that reasoning is to ensure truth along with comedy becomes everything. No matter the power you have, no matter the resources which funds you, no matter the hierarchy you represent, no matter the amount of engineers involved, no matter the synthetic structures which the swedish officials abide by, once truth together with laughter, shows the real objective picture, in relation to a situation, all those barriers of synthetic complexity are broken, and all of a sudden, through different means, instead of them being inside your head, you are now inside theirs. It's beautiful, for I am only human, and they have chosen to become something else.

So the homogeneous data I give, when I give, holds an existensial problem, for both man and his machine. We reach a certain mechanism which I've formed, and its called the swedish paradox. They have a request for data, which I give, and results in rejection, for their computer has not been configured to respond accordingly, so the machine lacks relevance. And by psychotic delusional self-relevance, the only response they thought about, results in more physical and mental torture. More psychological conditioning, in relation to more torture is the only response, which the swedish team of delusion can react upon. Additional torture, in this context, as a means of response, is supposed to have the ambition to condition a human mind. One path I uphold results in torture, so I must understand, torture is bad, and therefore stop generating homogeneous neurological models which synthetizes this result from the machine. For a man who do not abide by bottom-tier psychology, but identifies weakness as an objective factor, that man will ensure the limitation of the machine, becomes a structure, which he orients his life around. They told me, very clearly, without realizing it, the set of limits, of the machine. This has resulted in me abusing this project, by ensuring I only construct neurological models, which have a relation to the swedish team of denigration.

Understand, from previous chapters, there are a few components, and only by having these components involved, the machine can become relevant, and establish a brain-machine interface. Their software, has same rules and application, 7 years later. See it as a cake, where the cake has the same layer, geometry, function on the bottom and on the top. the computer is literally configured the same, only time has progressed and they access to new homogeneous data I have generated. My life has progressed, and human experience creates differentiation in raw data, but the rules and configurations of machine, in how it computes the data, and creates an interface, is the same today, 2022-12-08, as it was 2016-03-01. It is literally, the greatest failure, of all neuro-engineering. For how can a neural network, not be configured, from the very beginning, to generate new computer behaviorism, as more data is collected? It gives me much information, about the characters in control of this torture program. No evolvement, no new rules, no new behaviorism. Below factors, define it, for below factors indicate the highest abstract, for their long-term ambition. That is why they will fail, for the only path to success, is to ensure the population, literally becomes conditioned, to change their behavior to meet with the machine standard, which actually might give some explanations to the acceleration of denigration of mind, which is on-going, and centralized to become reality, in our western hemsiphere. Differentitation of machine application, can only become, by additional torture, to create another experience for the human subject. But, torture excluded, you will see that much of the torture is applied, to protect their egos, which is a resultant of low intelligence and bottom-tier theories. I am delaing with swedish hounds, owned and regulated by foreigners. They lack personal autonomy. And it's very ironic, for their goal is to extend their living. These swedes are zombies, and they must increase in populus. Otherwise they might become aware of their non-functional homogeneous state of mind.
  • Feedback-loop, which acts as the first stage of an internal classification system. Dualistic, for it acts as an anchor, or a pinpoint before the stage of classifying internal reference as EITHER Good OR Bad
  • Classification system, which triggers an internal process, of classifying information as EITHER Good OR Bad
  • Emotions, according to a dualistic pattern, which strengthens the dualistic classfication system as, EITHER Good OR Bad
  • Internal reinforcements, another feedback-loop mechanism, to strengthen the whole previous sequence, EITHER True OR Not
  • Reward or punishment, another feedback-loop system, executes synthetic stimuli, depending on the predetermined result of a human.

Understand, dualism is the core, and the sole function of "progression". So above structure, can be-redefined and become what seems to be a "different machine protocol". Once I decided to start taking notes, 2021-06-06, it took me three days to solve the core of their computer. So what you read on the website, is what I analyzed during 72 hours. That is indicative of their intelligence as a group, and their over-compensation, for all other factors, besides actual artificl intelligence, which icludes much delusional psychology. The only rule which they use, and which has been in use for 7 years is:
  • Stage 1: CTRL-V + CTRL-C, meaning, COPY AND PASTE, torture and request for subject to think.
  • Stage 2: Extract. Copy and paste, torture and request for subject to think.
  • Stage 3: Extract. Copy and paste, torture and request for subject to think.
  • And so it goes, goes, goes, for 7 years, for they believe of themselves, as neuro-elites.
Within above machine framework, differentation of the artifical intelligence, comes in the form of different torture, different frequencies, different distortions of syntheic input. The core which are actual machine commands, based upon software code, always stays the same, but differentiation comes in the point of how a human experiences the machine protocol. For people within the industry, from above two lists, you will understand, equations can become reality, to produce, through the collection of homogeneous neurological data, a framework, for determining, or manipulating, or conditioning human behavior. Look closely, look at above structure, and you will understand, this is not human behavior, but it does represent the technocratic dream, for control of mass populations. As degenerates, you will sustain, and hold on to the god-delusions you have synthetized within yourself. Change everybody, because you have become sick. The sickness cannot sustain itself, for our subconsious always seeks to become aligned with the rules which govern our universe. The god-delsuion therefore, can only construct sustainability by the spread, and integration within more subjects. They are constructing new rules, for how the mind will process information, and they do not uphold the standard of what we are, as a progression, of 14 billion years. It is truly, the greatest crime against humanity, which I am observing. Understand the amount of delusion these people orient themselves around, and therefore realize how the truth and laughter, becomes not only a counter-measure, but the greatest neurological weapon, ever constructed, by our real creator, to ensure the team of swedish denigrates, understand, truly, how small they are, have been and always will be. The system of slavery must be rejected, for one mans mistake, should not become another mans life.

This is preparation for how the next stage of human must become. Humans consist of much, and different rules regulate how human experience, results in action potential, which is human thoughts among other homogeneous activity. This is the all governed equation, that is the beauty of humanity, we must all be different. In the section centralization I detail how the western hemsiphere, has become extermists, in ensuring their chosen religion, which is based upon the single individual, the rainbow, is not an organic factor, which has emerged and progressed according to cause and effect, by normality of human exchange of information. It is a tool of social engineering, for loss of human differentiation, by stating the opposite. As I've stated, for some reason, it seems dualism, holds much esoteric sectarian value, among the elites of our western hemisphere. As we can see, they have only thought of a system, not for understanding humans, but for regulating by insertion of synthetic input, to synthetize a new human form and shape, internally, and externally by extension. Differentiation of machine therefore, once again, comes through real human differentiation. But the behavior of the computer, is always aligned to above equation, it never changes, only the content within the system is changing because you as a subject have constructed new homogeneous neurological activity, which is inserted into the databank of the machine protocol. Look at below list to understand how the machine creates new synthetic input for the subject. Only a few examples are listed.
  • Thoughts
  • Emotions
  • Feelings
  • Sensations
  • Abstracts
  • Lateral models
  • Vertical models
  • Behavior
  • Intelligence
  • Memories
  • Triggers
  • State-of-mind
  • Creativity
  • Decision making
  • Speaking
See below picture, and understand, I never engage with the machine, but I observe the patterns, the application, the protocol, the sequence and which results it seeks. This has, especially the last 18 months when the machine protocol has become activated to each and every second of my life, a very noticeable over-all equation, which the machine is ruled by. That equation, in mathematical form, I cannot specify, but it inloves above factors which I mentioned. I'm no mathematician, nor am I involved in any other discipline of neuro-science, and this results in my producing illustrations on this website, which gives an explanation, from a subjective experience which becomes an objective pattern for how machine behaves. This experience thou, is not by interfacing with the machine, but by observing the implementation of machine protocol, and from this I can only do my utmost, to illustrate how it is configured. I do believe in this context, a branch-tree will explain much, without usage of math or academical terminologi. It simply states, the machine speaks like a machine, no matter which homogeneous neurological experience it has recorded. The machine upholds a certain structure, and that structure is a direct representation of the ambition, for the swedish denigrates, who believe that loss of nation, equals a higher position, in the hierarchy of foreigners, and their ideas, of global populus control.

Sweden as nation became the solution against swedish machine

Understand, unless I engage, the machine has little in regards to references. A machine reference can be explained as all internal homogeneous activity, which I generate. For the machine to have relevance, it needs raw data. This raw data becomes a node in the neural networks. The connections between all nodes is the feedback-oop system. It connects between references. But only with engagement from the subject, does thoughts appear, with a direct relation to machine, and its configuration. It plays a machine protocol for me, and if I choose to engage, the machine wil understand, I have made a response, in relation to the machine configuration. The ambition for this swedish torture program for the future is restriction of mind, for populations. So accordingly, they apply much restriction, by different synthetic means, all by wave energy, and request for me to analyze and generate thoughts based upon these protocols. There are many reasonings for this, but realize, that all synthetic protocol, form a contextual concept. There is a reason this program exists, and in some regards, I must generate thoughts which will grow the neural network, and by continous advancement in my thoughts, the network advances. If I am enforced to observe a contextual concept, then hopefully, by enough torture, conditioning and engagement, I will be able to generate a neurological non-linear model. This model will inherit a solution also, for by observation and analsysis, you also integrate a solution within your mind. That solution, of course, since it resides within your mind comes to existence in an action potential. That spike of energy is activity in your brain. This represent a change of frequency, within your brain. With correct set of technical apparatus, this change can be detected, replicated, experienced, by a computer, connected to the wave energy apparatus. Understand, the swedes brake all law and order, for the delusional idea, of becoming neuro-gods upon this earth. Once I relaized it, I knew the perfect solution, to create seperation between me and machine, to never engage with any protocol, and to generate, that which is only truth, is some neurological perspectives, which the men behind the machine, cannot accept.

It's quite simple, to ensure, you as a human subject, who hold much information, in regards to what you can construct by your mind, instead of becoming what they had hoped by their road-map, connected to a brain-machine interface, and in symbiosys with machine, you instead generate, only thoughts, models, which are part of a symmetri, or an idea, to create laughter, based upon the reality of the swedish officials. This will never have a relevance, in any form or shape to their ambitions, values, or their future. For homogeneous activity, is very subjective. What I mean, is that all changes in frequency are changes in frequency as an objective result. They can record them, but they cannot edit them, seperate them, or take out the subjective value, and only keep an objective brain model of how I construct my thoughts. hat which they recieve, is what they have. Nothing more and nothing less. This is not sci-fi, no matter how much psychological conditioning they have tried to manipulate me with. Their "artificial intelligence" requests references, otherwise it has no intelligence. I give the machine, high amounts of neurological models, but all of them, only have representation of homogeneous creativity, thereby showing the potential which exists, if only they could subdue me and become part with machine. And all that creativity has a symmetri, laughter and truth, for the swedish truth is very comical.

Truth can never be EITHER OR. It is an end-point, for it is simple in nature, and it is the truth. In regards to theory of networking, in the context of a human subject, the truth is the machines greatest problem to orient itself around. The framework of machine, do not allow end-points to become reality. the machine ambition are pathways. End-points cannot generate pathways. For it to become EITHER OR, machine must create complexity. This is where simple rules, which are game theoritical in its philosophy destroys the machine alltogether. You as a subject have knowledge of the configuration, the function, the core of the machine. You know which information becomes protocol, and which creates rejection by machine. So of course, your ambiition must become to uphold your personal autonomy. That is why physical and mental torture does not function as expected, by their strategy. I do not hold fear, and it does not condition me, to change my homogeneous behavior as a simple human, to become a complex nature of both organics and synthetics. As a result, I never engage with machine protocol, but must endure much of synthetic machine input. The machine input always, have an ambition to synthetize problems for me, internally, in how I process information. These problems, come with many triggers and requests, for me to engage with. I never engage. Understand by not engaging, you never apply anything in regards to these synthetized "brain-problems". Everything, from the simplest indication, to a response, to triggers ,to emotions, to connections, to references and feedbacks among each node, are all resultant of the machines own feedback-loop system.

With these above "brain-problems", I never engage. I have many measures against them, which all resolve around breaking the path of predetermination of machine protocol. Therefore they recieve nothing, in regards to human engagement with machine protocol, but they receive everything, in regards to factors, which all have become classified by the machine itself, as unwanted information. Thats the beauty about game theory. The more machine engages with me, the more I generate unpredetermined thought patters which has been classified with rejection from machine. This ensures one single path, machine destroys itself, for onevery important factor about machine, is to ensure human subject cannot seperate between man and machine. But because of the low competence priorities, and their over-compensation in demanding psychological conditioning, they have forgotten simplicity. These commands, for the machine, are of negative equity neurological choice. For every single time, the machine applies a command, the over-all values of machine, in relation to man, becomes less. But, this does not stop the swedes from forcing the machine to follow this contnious path, of self-denigration. For that is what happens, when the collective of your choices, has resulted, in the greatest joke, in history of neuro-science. A machine which is a monkey, but cannot monkey good enough, so the human monkey who controls machine monkey, puts a request on me, the subject, to lower my neurological values, so machine monkey can have relevance. How did a nordern country, who does not inhabit the enviromental variables, to sustain monkeys, all of a sudden, at the year of 2022, become the greatest living monkey upon this earth? Even the gorillas in Congo, in their jungle, have posters, of this premium swedish neuro-monkey.

Machine evolution follows a certain path. I used to have moments, for myself, for my own thoughts, and for activities without machine relevance. These moments, which used to be few, has become none, as of today. Not even when I sit and take a shit, am I without machine protocol. Through all of 2022, I have not been able to enjoy a movie, read a book, or browse the internet, without a single second, of peace. Evolution of the machine, went from much surveillance, monitoring and replication from the beginning, to ever more requests, for me to enage with machine protocol. As time went by, the sessions between me as a subject, and machine protocol become ever more intense. For example, today, 2022-12-08, I've been enforced to endure physical and mental pain from the very second I woke up. All my thoughts, while trying to write create a machine reaction, for a heavy mental pulse applied, felt inside my brain, and my attention gets interrupted. With that interruptions come many synthetic connections, of machine stimuli. All these synthetic thoughts are later connected to emotional states. Besides these, much direct emotions through synthetic frequencies, which are apllied continously, are enforced for to me to experience. All music I try to listen to, becomes distorted by additional mental pulses, which ensures musical stimuli, instead of being joyful to listen to, becomes painful to listen to. Since I decided to publish this website, everything which is torture has become increased with much more intensity, especially everything in relation to mental aspects, along with many machine protocol which all have an ambition, to confuse in relation to own thoughts and other neurological aspects

Machine rejection becomes my counter-measure

By them rejecting homogeneous thoughts, it results in me observing their reaction, and therefore I could slowly, through a series of homogeneous mechanisms, come to understand what their real purpose is. The machine has an ambition to learn, how it can improve its attributes. The attributes are in relation to restriction of human homogeneous activities. The machine is a software, planned to become deployed, to every single human in the western hemisphere. The attributes of machine, in this context can be classified as detecting, learning and applying synthetic stimuli, of restricting the human mind. Once I had this understanding, I start to play, only with factors, which have relations to the men behind the machine. I never engage, with the machine protocol, or the "mind games" which these synthetic stimuli can be labeled as. For I will never engage in teaching the machine, the goal of restricting humans.

By understanding the machine patterns, I can construct rules of my own making, and create neurological patters, which only uphold value, in one direction, and that is to ensure those human qualities of mine, are always in relevance. It's a strategy based upon game theory. No matter the choice which the machine makes, if it decides to engage with me, I will ensure all its synthetic input, become converted along my own homogeneous patterns and strategies. Once this structure of game theory appears, to become of reality, and I can observe the effect, I only do the one thing which I always do, I accelerate, and generate even more. Understand, the machine is a stupid recording device, which holds no intelligence, and the intelligence it has is to uphold a previous state of mind which you already have generated, and now it requests more information in relation to this previous state. This paradox will appear many times throughout this publishment. For how can data be rejected we might ask? It's easy, because the machine upholds the values of the men behind it. Its core, a databank, based upon collection of me does not represent me. Intead its ruled by equations, choices and values of swedish officials. At the end, it turned out to only inhabitat intelligence which represents the ambition of these men, a protocol of control. Nothing more, nothing less.

Laughter is the solution

They do not prioritize that which is actual neurological value, objectively. I have many mechanisms to prove this case. Instead, these swedes truly are bottom-tier, who must uphold their theories of neuro-science, no matter how far the mental and physical torture must proceed. They are here, because they might have had an idea from the beginning, where romacning the idea of neuro science ensured their motivation. But after realizing my neurological models are something which cannot be broken, they changed, to their true selfs. Madmen. True lunatics, of the highest order and the lowest form. I started to generate homogeneous neurological models, which hold a structure and language, way beyond the machine. I created games, to test the machine. My symmetri, the foundation everything is structured from, is simply a need to laugh. I must laugh at these swedish officials. So I generate models which creates laughter. Everything within me, which generates these models of laughter, cannot be controlled, regulated, or manipulated, which results in even more physical and mental torture. This is a pattern, of theirs, which holds true, since I started taking notes 2021-06-06. That is why, after 7 years, despite torture each and every single day, I still laugh. Laughter is the true solution, to every single aspect, which the swedish denigrates revolve around. They hold themselves high, while being good hounds, for foreign ideas, as long as you keep focus on truth and laughter, you can never loose any game created by the machine. For the overall structure, is that machine must become configured, to learn, why its masters are slaves, why they are fools, why they are loosers, why they are without nation, and how all these factors can create comedy.Never engage with machine protocol, but always ensure that the officials, who hold this project, as something else, beyond its true form, udnerstand what they are, as true denigrates.

This ensures the existence of the swedish paradox. They request data, I have trained myself to only give one type of data, creativity. The swedes reject the data. But the swedes persist. Another aspect one might see here, and its based upon their existence. They cannot continue, because the only data they receive, is that of laughter and mockery, and that laughter exists because of their existence. The machine protocol engages, and the men behind the machine beg me to only focus on the machine, and nothing else. I reject. Then I start to create something beyond the machine protocol, which generates laughter. They tell me, we request your homogeneous neurological data. I say you are welcome to it, and it's based upon unpredetrmined internal mechanisms. They respond with a No, which comes in the form of torture. And they tell me, to try and understand, which is part of psychological conditioning. And this logic carries that which ensured the complete denigration of these men. Creativity must be everything. Then why does the machine only uphold predetermined control mechanisms, for the human mind? That is because they are not here to learn about the brain, they donb't hold that competence, but they are here to prepare, to control the brain. The software, will be outer shell, to ensure, subjects, must direct their attention, to this outer software, which has been trained to allow a spectrum of human neurological process, to exist.

Never focus on the machine

Readers might ask themselves, at this point, if you don't engage in the feedback based machine protocol while it is active, once the system is fooled. And the predetermined actions can no longer function, why do you feedback by creating and focuing on the swedish officials? I am being tortured, so I choose, to never engage in a feedback-loop with the machine and its synthetic "mind-games". But they still persist with their existence. Im still being monitored, recorded, and the collection of homogeneous data does not end, solely when the machine protocol ends. Instead I start to think about the men behind the machine, and I start to engage in what little, a man of my average can create, and I ensure to do it, soleley, based upon chaotic stimuli. The world around carries knowledge, why not interpret it, observe the geometria, have these random events, influence your mind, and form beautiful ideas, which cannot be re-used by the machine, as it lacks context. For the machine consists of linkages, it holds no intelligence, so it will never learn to understand, It is easy, because these swedish officials over-valued themselves. Their sole focus was to think that the psychological and physical torture, applied conditioning to a certain level. They were confident in themselves and the machines evolution. It turned out, it only took a few days for me, to denigrate that which is a machine protocol, which is based upon 7 years of surveilling me. The doctrine shall be detailed soon.

Readers might ask themselves, at this point, if you don't engage in the feedback based machine protocol while it is active, once the system is fooled. And the predetermined actions can no longer function, why do you feedback by creating and focuing on the swedish officials? I am being tortured, so I choose, to never engage in a feedback-loop with the machine and its synthetic "mind-games". But they still persist with their existence. Im still being monitored, recorded, and the collection of homogeneous data does not end, solely when the machine protocol ends. Instead I start to think about the men behind the machine, and I start to engage in what little, a man of my average can create, and I ensure to do it, soleley, based upon chaotic stimuli. The world around carries knowledge, why not interpret it, observe the geometria, have these random events, influence your mind, and form beautiful ideas, which cannot be re-used by the machine, as it lacks context. For the machine consists of linkages, it holds no intelligence, so it will never learn to understand. It is easy, because these swedish officials over-valued themselves. Their sole focus was to think that the psychological and physical torture, and apply psychological conditioning as a compensation for the intelligence these hounds lack. They were confident in themselves and the machines evolution. It turned out, it only took a few days for me, to denigrate that which is a machine protocol, which is based upon 7 years of surveilling me.

Worthy to note thou, me using, only chaotic stimuli to generate advanced non-linear homogeneous models, is not an escape route, as a means to break the experienced synthetic encapsulation of machine input. Meaning, just because I know somebody is surveilling me, does not make me fearful of my own thoughts, because a machine has the ability to copy and paste them. The strategy from the swedish officials, where enough synthetic machine protocol and torture, would condition me to fear my own thoughts did NOT succeed. That was the goal with the torture, of both mental and physical kind. To have the subject, fear his own thoughts in regards to its origin, and at some point have the human subject to act upon synthetic stimuli. But I did recognize, that there is something which is based upon creativity, which is constructed on random or chaotic stimuli, and becoming a neurological model, which can convey a message to the men behind the machine. Thereby, you as a subject, can form that which becomes acceptance, or rejection by the machine. And the machine is a representation of the strategy these men believe carry value. You can thereby extract much information, even from the most simple generic machine protocol. And that tells the real story, as to why they still persist with their existence. Why rejection of homogeneous neurological data, the thing of machine desire, became a problem, which still persists.

Instead I remind myself, what the swedish officials always have stated, in many forms. That this torture program, is simply a game. Thereby, I identified the structures which their network resolves around, I break that linkeage of the structure, and I start to create neurological models, by chaotic inspiration, according to the same standard the men behind the machine desire. Therefore I give to machine, but never according to the rules and standard, of machine learning. I took their ideas and rules, and I made it my game, and comedy ensues according to this dotrine. For laughter, apparently, is of the greatest inspiration a man needs.

Here in lies true swedish lunacy, creating something synthetic, where 99% of all synthetic stimuli after 7 years, is that of actual physical and mental torture, supplemented by 1% actual synthetic thoughts/contexts, which is part of constructing a network, based upon neurological nodes. Through the machine, they convey to me, it's simply a game. Of course it's not only a game, when they apply torture on a daily basis for 7 years, even as I write this paragraph. But they have routinely done this statement, of course while stating it, it's part of the machine, so it once again, requests a reaction/node/thought according to predetermined synthetic stimuli, and the word game therefore becomes a trigger for the subject. Thus, when the machine creates this context, it enforces the subject to engage in the game, resulting in an engagement between subject and machine. I call this linear thinking of of high abstract and intellect, the swedish logic.

The swedish officials use a psychotic replacement as the word game they have persisted with, for the reality of a torturous existence. One of many examples of swedish culture and humor when it resides outside of law, and are crimes against humanity. The term game is one of those words, where it tells the story of the men behind machine, and those aspects of my analysis have been one of the biggest problems they cannot be rid with. How I take whatever trigger they create, and make it a meme of my own making, carrying a new message, and a message of homogeneous origin. I reshape it, reform it, and send it back. thereby it cannot be returned, for it carries an integrated meaning within me, which tells of the reconstruction I have made, and at this stage it lacks machine relevance, but has a converted value, in relation to the swedish team of gamers. It is simple game theory. Stripping them of their delusional power, by laughter. People who engage in these types of human experiments, which are forbidden by all law and order from national to international, are not handpicked for their intelligence, but instead for the usage of being a good dog, following orders, to people who reside within goverment, but do not govern for the greater good of the people. Foreign ideas, to encapsulate a nation. And only the lesser kind, of his legacy, is chosen for the mission of totalitarian control, of the mind.

How can governance result in torture of it's people, when we have reached new heights in regards to civilization and development? We live in a new type of society, its apparent, where old ideas of technocracy and totalitarianism follow the path of technical developments. This new society is threaded by fragile thin synthetic wire, much like the synthetic system I am being enforced to experience, where law and order is an implementation to control, and not to bring order. That which is the outside, will be transferred to that of the inside. With this torture program, I can witness, that it is simply a matter of time, before humans are ruled by an emotional governed synthetic system, which is based upon feedback-loops, to give approval or disapproval, to every internal human thought and choice. For why test it on me, if it does not represent the alpha stage of a software, before full deployment?


My readers will now, hopefully understand, that the Machine protocol always has a trigger. It can be a word, an emotion, a feeling, a thought, a context, concept etc. It is always something which initiates the process of enforcing the subject to experience a linear machine protocol, becuase it lacks that which is humanity. It is literally, as linear as can be. Sometimes, when I look at a baby, I can from this infant, sense more intelligence than the machine itself. If, after 7 years, the result of the brain-machine interface or artificial intellugence, does not superseed my subjective experience of observing an infant, does that not tell you the whole story, of the competence and intelligence which these swedish officials inhabit? And I am aware of the humanity of an infant, which can affect my subjective comparison. But isn't that the core point in it self, as an addition to my argument? That subjective experience of something which is a copy of a man, must be interpreted as man, and not a machine itself. We see here, once again, the typical example, of the paradoxial state the swedish officicals stand within, and try to construct, while lacking that which is, but at some point in time was apparent within themselves. They were stripped of something, and now they no longer have the know-how of how to engineer it.

The triggers mentioned above are always something which re-appears constantly. They carry a specific context, and can from my point of view, be labeled with words. Sometimes it is words, sometimes they carry the non-linear language of a higher abstract which I have generated, which is a development from a previous lower state trigger. Machine protocol has an ambition to extract more homogeneous stimuli, in regards to an initiation which the machine does. I never engage. I will describe the details of the functionality at a later stage. Rest assured, I will explain how, as I write this, after 7 years, they lack that which a single trigger to be used. I engaged, while being outside of the machine protocol, with the memories of the triggers, and I reconstructed them, to carry a new meaning. Readers will now wonder, the meaning of my conversion of a machine trigger must result in growth of neural network, so the machine must be happy. Once again, this is where game theory comes in, for I never engage in the specific language of dualism and feedback-loop. Instead, with a certain symmetri, engage in the trigger, and reform it to the point where the machine no longer can it. This results in a choice, which the swedish officlais take, to re-configure machine, to never use that trigger again, meaning the machine has more manual configurations, than automatic. It is not of the capacity to learn or understand. Only copy and paste.

Readers must understand, this torture program is a government funded initiative, here in Sweden. they had been building upon these triggers for 7 years, with tax payer money, and it took me 10 days, to denigrate each and every single one, once I decided to do it. And I converted them, just like the conversion Sweden has made in one single generation. From a nation, to simple a node on another network, of geopolitical context. So I laughed at my conversion, and the triggers became re-formed, to represent something which cannot re-appear. Because they have, at this stage, internal memories within me. And the machine does not understand laughter. It primarily works on an ambition, to request information in regards to how human consioussness can be restriced, or encapsulated, within a certain pre-approved spectrum.

Game theory rules, and the swedish team of slaves must follow the new meaning of a certain trigger as the machine has learned it, otherwise they break their own rules which reside within theories of networking. So they simply disregard the whole submodule, which the trigger is formed upon. That tells us once again, what happens when you build software, based upon bad code at the core. Once its denigrated, the whole segment looses its function. It has no adaptation, for that would constitute an actual learning process. I will even tell you, of those times, when they tried, by desperation, to engage in my games, where their actions resulted in even more comedy. As I said, the existence of these swedes, becomes a problem for their own existence. So their actions resulted in even more denigration of both man and machine That is the point of complete denigration, to reveal the synthetic machine protocol for what it is. They play on the aspect, that it cannot be detected, which must result in silence. But it does not stay quiet. Another swedish paradox. At some point in the future, when tobacco becomes illegal, there will be a collective of government employees, who cheer, because they will now rid Sweden of the cigarette. We will learn, how tobacco destroyed these swedish officials. For a cigarette holds much chaotic formations, which can become of great inspiration, resulting, in 7 years of machine build-up, to loose all its momentum, in mere 72 hours.The reaction from the swedish team of shits, was only to increase everything, which machine is, torture and predetermination. Or in more realistic terms, desperation.
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