Cope of Arms

Swedish Torture

Machine vs Man

The linear vs the non-linear

This section is a work in progress

Remember how everything is configured with the machine protocol. Nothing is suppose to obvious for me, in regards to myself. My state of mind, must be within continous confusion, and disconnection in regards to my own self. At least that is what they believe with the torture. But it's not a state of disconnection of my own self, its simply a very complex lie (input swedish remark here dear reader). And I will explain how. I never engage, and I keep my discipline of restriction through everything. the machine triggers do not result in homogeneous activity. Besides the silence, all the machine is receiving is a rotational motion as a mechanism or an adaptation of the rotational motion which holds same language and pattern. This ensures an encapsulation of the machine and myself, but its of my own making. The machine must have an encapsulation in regards to a specific context. So I do the same, by disregarding the machine objective, and the context, which is an orientation for the machine protocol. And I ensure the machine and I encapsulate deeper. A typical example is my answering all triggers by stating them out loud, or responding by a single string of well chosen words.

With this encapsulation they have nothing new to extract. All they have are linear thoughts, based upon my actions at the moment in realtional to a routine activity. Meaning they have a certain configuration of machine protocol through the day, prepared, and once engaged, the machine receives no response by my own homogeneous activity. Instead the restriction has resulted in the swedish officials, being forced to create more synthetic content, to replace every single instance of them not receiving an output from me. Results are everything. And I always notice which results they have and which they dont. Meaning it's very noticeable, with all the gap-fillers they must manually configure and apply. I can't reproduce them, because of machine origin, but I have memories, and I canlogically explain each sequence in how the machine protocol behaves. These results always appear, when I take a break and engage in acitvities which are unpredetermined. Adapaptions, where the swedes must fill in the failure of not being able to extract data, as we all understand, is the greatest indication of the greatest failure. The game is over. For they must continue the self-delusion of generating new lies and manipulations by machine additions, each and every single day, until the day arrives, when I might give them one new thought or two, in relation to the machine.

These new adaptations carry a recording, of my previous analysis. Once I analyze, outside the machine protocol, I engage in my normal self, with my normal non-linear pathway of thinkinging, abstracting, generating and resulting. They still, have the ability to keep recording and experiencing my thoughts. Realize what Im writing. there is technology, here in Sweden, where humans can communicate, by non-invasice measures, between human and human, and also human and machine. More importantly then anything else, even the encapsulation they think they uphold, where I as a human subject, is a lie. It's simply a combination of torture and different signals, where machine protocol then enagages with me, forming a brain-machine interface. One look at somethng unpredetermined and the encapsulation is "broken". they hold no power, besides being able to actually torture. But when truth must be heard, all will know, swedish officials failed miserably, to extract homogeneous neurological activity, while having access to the brain of the subject.

As I stated before, additions to the software represent growth, as a neural network, and by swedish standard that constitutes a more advanced concept. But they are simply complications to the software, and they always carry more machine protocol which is supposed to add more interruptions and more torture, in comparison to a previous state. It's additions by more frequency of everything they already have, in regards to everything which has been mapped and added to create a predetrmined action and reaction, in a machine protocol. This is another Another swedish paradox, where torture results in me behaving in a certain pattern, where they receive less. They torture more so they reveive and more of less. Once I engage with that which is unpredetermined, I start to create, engage, and analyze and can find the obvious pattern very rapidly.

At this point readers might ask the obvious question. Are they not smart enough to understand this? We must all realise, within one generation, they lost their nation. Not kidding aside, Of course a few must have some rationale and understand. But they believe there is something to be held onto. More torture until I give up and, subdue to the machine, and start generating based upon what the configuration of the machine, which results in pathways added to the network. This is their last line of defence if you want to call it so. They think that more torture must break me. Realise that torture is not only physical, but also mental. And mental is an important word. For we are delaing with people who belive mental conditioning can still happen, even when it's obvious it was a failure. These people truly are sick in their minds. Something was removed as I've stated previously, and they now lack those qualities which I believe all humans share. These humans carry the patters of sectarian behaviorisms.

As I've always stated, I never enagge with the machine, but once the machine protocol is disabled I start to create an analysis and thoughts based upon the memories of the configuration of the machine. That gives me a clear answer. Also remember, this clusterfuck of a dualistic feedback machine protocol, which has been configured with real swedish dna, in regards to its configuration and build up. Everything is very easy for me nowadays. I can see what they do before they do it basically. It's not hard, it's based upon dualism and a feedback-loop. They cannot do anything beyond this. Im average in intelligence, and I play with the geniuses of neuro science in Sweden. I rarely even analyze the new additions, or the new problems they have created. There is no need. I look back sometimes, at my history when I formed the doctrine, and I relaize, what they do today is something I already thought about. The truth speaks clearly, and my attributes which I decided to integrate deeply, have done excellent, in keeping the machine protocol at bay. At some point, which will detail more later, everything became so easy for me to analyze and see clearly, I never wwanted to solve it too fast. I actually started to play with the men behind the machine. I work with neurological homogeneous mechanisms, created and generated by chaotic means. What once took me a few seconds to realise when I engaged in analysis, now I ensure it takes much longer. Because why not play around a bit with these self-proclaimed neuro-elites of Sweden? And that which takes a bit longer, means a few more visualitations and jokes to play around with. I'm bored, so I might as well entertain myself. Remember, keeping the truth in very high regards, internally, is of utmost importance, for much information cannot be a part of the machine protocol, and I will explain this philosophy later on. So I hold only truth, while I joke at their expense, I also play with the machine protocol, before, during and after. Still they persist. For laves cannot simply break their chains.

Everybody in the discipline of neuro scince will notice a faulty pattern of logic here. They are a team, against a subject, who under torture do not enageg with the machine, in never engaging with the test, and always solving the test in regards to the configuration the machine protocol carries, and the idea above the patterns. Swedish officials decide to take those resultants I have generated based upon an analysis of the test. Re-configure the machine protocol to involve those thoughts, but never realising what they do.No matter how much the test and illustration might indicate an advanced software and the communication is o The machine objective, is that of an internal trigger, where the machine requests for me to define or classify ownership of internal models which have been executed. The machine requests, thereby, another internal homogeneous thought, which will inahbit classification, to a previous thought or model. The new thought should declare if the previous was of machine or human. Basically the machine is asking me a question, but not in literal sense, instead through neurological triggers.

The machine is asking me: the neurological model/though which was just played out, was that of machine or human origin? I never engage in the game, but I always solve the game while not engaging. Synthetic stimuli, machine protocol, torture all form patterns and mistakes, and all can be calculated by me without ever performing a single noticeable thought which the machine can use. It is being done by observing the actions of the machine. So that observation initself, is an answer, because the men behind the machine have learned to understand me and what it actually means, when I never react. The machine is also, simply a machine, it cannot replicate humanity. That is why, the swedish officials have come to fear my eyes. Because the machine can spend hours, trying to feedback-loop and classify every single action I do. All it takes is one look at something unpredetermined, and my homogeneous self is now in context. Restricition, observation.

For readers who understand how the brain can abstract and conceptualize different aspect or activities, one might come to see a concept being formed, and that concept, which, by swedish logic, is an adaption of Turing, forms a baseline of the machine protocol. It has certian abilities. It can record homogeneous activities. And it can replay those recordings. It can create false synthetic stimuli. It can feedback among everything. This results in the swedish officials, The baseline is simple, what is of machine origin and what is of human origin, synthetic or homogeneous? From this baseline, reduction can be applied, because humans consists of many internal models or activities. Depending on which context, a seperate concept is applied, where, still, the obejective of the machine is of defining ownership but regarding different types of neurological contexts. Feelings, triggers, internal momentum, thoughts, emotions, feedbacks etc. Basically anything a human can model internally, can be used to record, and create a dualistic feedback-loop of, which results in the men behind the machine, demanding more internal models.

Be aware, the swedes reside within that which is true lunacy, and people familiar in the industry will probably understand what I mean when I describe the view of Turing they have interpreted, and by which means they implemented it. I am dealing with people, who overcompensate, for that which they lack, and I'm not referring to them being without a nation, because that cannot be true. Instead, it is clear they actually lack knowledge about the industry they are involved in, which they believe they are researching. But I will give the simple truth of what they do, and why the lack of competence is actually the sole reson as to why they were picked. Keep reading.

I have no history of academia in the field of neuro science or its subsidiaries, but I'm very good at picking up patterns, and conceptualizing them, understanding them, which is one of the qualities I'm sure they have an interest in researching, or in the correct context of the new Sweden, an ability to learn to control and regulate. Nonetheless, why not teach a machine to learn how to understand higher abstracts and concepts, and why does the machine always ensure to interrupt and standardize torture while non-linear abstracts are suppressed?

The answer is simple, they lack the intelligence, competence, apparatus, coding language or the technique for it, the time is not ready, for a machine to learn anything beyond that which is a databank and a connection between nodes. The industry has yet to coincide around a single governing model of neuro science and consciousness. But im suspecting the primary argument for their failure, is part of the human psyche, funny enough since that is the part of relevance,. Im referring to that fragile human psyche behind the machine. Once I decided to play with the men behind the machine, they allowed it to happen for about 10 days, simply because I believe they saw that it was way ahead of anything they could do, and they wished for a demonstration of my full capacity, in relation to same concept of linking with more linkages which they uphold as an idea. I showed that which goes beyond of a simple linear the machine protocol. Once they noticed I could do what the linear machine can do, but instead of linear connections bring the human modelling to the feedback-loop process, that is when I formed the meme Johnson. Because they ran away from that aspect as if they were the legendary world runner Michael Johnson. Once again, the swedes show themselves to be good at ending and running.

Johnson from Sweden
I apologize to connect Johnsons name to Sweden, a true Legend!.

It is quite clear thou, from below text, that these people, are mentally stuck, and brought shame of the absolute highest order to Turings name, with this failure of a concept.
They cannot reach a further level in regards of usage of the machine protocol. I feel it's important, in this section, to mention the never-ending homogeneous neurological generative mechanism, which I created in 10 days, and which denigrated and encapsulated the machine protocol. The same protocol which is based upon 7 years of a never-ending feedback-loop. What surprises me the most, which also is indicative to the limitation in regards to software engineering, and how that code is transsmitted through invisble energy. The machine protocol still show no other signs besides the feedback-loop. It does not change. It's obvious, the torture program which stretches back 7 years lack any human qualities whatsoever. You see, it's made of code, and it has resulted in a paradoxial state, a messy blob of code which cannot be re-written, because it is based upon a faulty foundation. Well it's all relative, because the swedish assignment is not interested to learn, they have been assigned to apply torture and restrict that which is the free will. Future will tell the truth. For readers who inhabitat critical thinking, will realise the swedish torture program follows same steps society as a whole are proceeding with. This ambition of theirs results, in being dependent on the feedback-loop.

But fear not, I have a good understanding of people, and I know the swedish people of academia, and I'm more right than wrong, when I tell you that most likely these officials have decided to lie to themselves, how else can you keep a torture program for 7 years? It's called deluding yourself, or as a famous phrase which each and every single politician of Sweden have expressed while the nation is continously failing; "I suppose we were naive". And with that naivete, the intellectualls decided that through dualism, the singularity will be birthed. Either that, or im suspecting the feedback-loop theory might have some esoteric value to these degenerates.

I will now describe, how the feedback-loop, based on dualism, is a concept which, in an abstract neurological model, is a dead-end. It always originates from the same type of neurological standard, which is dualism, or in software code I suspect could be labeled: EITHER OR. Imagine, instead of instructing software to compute, you instruct software to apply, that which is a recording of neurological activity.
Basically, most of the code they write, and convert to that which is a neurological experience for a human subject, is initiated by a dualistic preference, from the machine itself.

As can be understood, by readers, humans have been taught dualism as a philosophy, and the concept is residing within us, because it is around us, and our physical state carries that of a dualistic symmetri, including the brain itself, which I suspect plays in to the very large amount of torture being directed at everything on my right physical side, from my eyes to my legs. Dualism has a legacy which stretches back thousands of years. To take this concept thou, digitalize it, and convert it to wave energy, trying to make it fit for a human brain, in regards to the subjects own homogeneous actions, is at the very foundation, faulty.

Trying to apply, to every single action of a human, a dualistic origin, by synthetic means is also the resultant which is very problematic for a machine trying to exist within. It tells me, either it has a fast response to a homogeneous thought, or the thought itself was synthetic. I can engage, but I do not, and the machine does leave room for engagement, instead I either give the machine a rotational motion, or I simply wait it out, which results in more intense machine protocol and more intense torture. So we understand, they are conditioning humans by this strategy. But I do not speak this type of swedish language they try to teach me, instead I speak the swedish I was taught as a young man, the version their fathers spoke, it carried legacy, and it was simple to understand. What was spoken, was meant, no dualism.
Instead I'm supposed to be understanding, this version of swedish, which carries tendencies of external forces, residing outside of Sweden, who originated the plan for our approaching 4th revolution which they speak of, that be the artifical intelligent revolution. I do not fear this torture program, for I only fear our creator. I do not bend the knee. But I do like to laugh, and I do believe our creator sees everything. therefore, I said to myself, why not take these mighty swedes on a journey, which even their fathers would be proud of, and laughing along with I'm sure. The machine always carries a certain pattern, or a message, behind the linear machine protocol. Depending on the context, beoyond the strictly linear, it carries the thought process of the swedish officials. See beyond the linear, and you can read that message, because nothing is fully encrypted, obviously, since im writing about it, not even the human mind.

Based upon technicalities and theories, you as a subject can trace which industry these people belong in. A man of my average intelligence, but good at generating models, has therefore an opportunity to make these people understand, truly, that fear does not reside within a torture program. In this machine context, fear is that which is a response. I never responded to the machine. But the men behind the machine responded, and showed changes, after I ensured to denigrate their ideas, and laughing at the obvious delusion they belong to. They are not leaving, obviously, since I'm being tortured while this is written, as crazy as that sounds. I might as well ensure, that these powerful people, and yes, unfortunately, I am serious, they do have power, and that power they inhabitat, these men, tells us much about the state of Sweden.

Understand, already at this point of reading, that the power they carry, has become a laughing stock. I will detail this much more later on, but always remember, the human mind carries legacy, which these swedes also do, of course. They chose to forget their legacy, I chose to embrace mine, as a simple human, belonging to a simple universe, where symmetri generates great beauty. With a few important internal mechanisms i created, and laughter, you can break a group of old farts who sold their nation. Their actions, resulting from this disposal of their state, has generated a self-deluding ego-boost. The more they lack of their own self, they more they proclaim success. Once again, there is something about dualism, which simply, I believe, might even at this stage, have become programmed, in the very genetics they are made of. Its amazing, once you start to analyze, how the ideology of dualism, is a tool of manipulation, for those who decide to make denigration, a measurement of their own success.

At this point, it is obvious what is happening. They are simply, keeping themselves busy by delusion (or insert whatever new scientic argument in here instead of delusion), thereby ensuring they get another months salary, and have the self-manipulation on-going, as if they are onto a certain objective in regards to the human mind. Even thou. I always sense how it goes beyond that which is an idea of trying to condition/torture a human, and proclaim science. At a certain stage, and believe, me, I understand this might be weird for you to read, but at a certain stage, everybody within a program, like the torture program I belong to, must understand and have knowledge about the factors involved, and how they are resolved. The question remains, why still uphold those factors? Why keep them? Why keep deluding yourself?

These are those thin threads which I keep reminding the men behind the machine of. How they keep their survival intact, which for once I can understand, everybody wants to live right? Right! But why the over-compensation in regards to a torture program, and why the lack of actions, when you need to survive in regards to your own nation and its content? In the context of these people, it is simply another layer of code, supplement by torture, and the subject can no longer refer to the same arguments.
Only action can confirm knowledge, but they dont act upon them, thereby hearing, but not listening. They simply synthetize another layer, and requests the machine protocol to be active, apply torture. At that point, we must have reached the end stage. Why? Because creativity is not of relevance. Control is. And once that control is denigrated by my own homogeneous mind. Then it is impossible, to synthetize another meaning behind the never-ending feedback-loop. Simply because another layer, another feedback-loop, by digital means can be experienced as something missing, does not indicate that any part is missing. Once again, we can see, that if they applied the same concept they apply to, but to themselves, and keep demanding another layer by feedback, then at some point, they would understand they are missing everything, if the context in mind was their own nation.

Feedback-loop is part of the control function, so we do not engage with the feedback loop, but we ensure, by creating internal mechanisms, which can be read and listened to, and copied, that the subject, now, by all means have denigrated the higher function of control, which the feedback simply is one of many elements. Never engage, and never be locked in to the synthetic experience. Always focus on the men behind the machine. that is how you beat these fools. Denigrate that control function, and the feedback-loop must stop. Why? Because those are the rules of networking and logic you see. We are not dealing with different point of views. I encapsulated every single computational function which can generate and be experienced as human originated stimuli. The rules which they were taught in school. Why regulates the industry ought to be respected. If something wins. Something wins. But it keeps going, because it's not knowledge the swedes abide by, its not competence, it is instead the poisonous ideology they revolve around. Degeneracy. Ideology has a will of its own. Once it affects the human it can reach a stage where it can eat your nation alive, with simply a couple decades from emergence. These old farts, they believe they inhabit godlike features. The logic is simple from their point of view. I reject God, now I am God. It's actually ironic once I start to write about it. When you realise they inhabitat the mannerisms of simplicity, a small rule with great effects. But they choose to soleley apply them in regards to excluding themselves, as belonging to something great, simple, our universe. They wish to start eating their own tail, localize themselves, encapsulate themselves, and force everybody to be alike them. Thereby creating themselves, as Gods, with their own servants. After that disconnection from belonging, they start to produce complexity. It is a strange philosophy, but it is typical of the philosophy which regulates the western hemisphere. It is that of the ego, and not our surroundings. They synthetized something in their own mind, something out of order, and that something is what governs new modern liberal rationale.

They revolve around sectarian aspects, it is ideology with these types of people, not science but spectrums, degeneracy, denigration, delusions. And all of this carries linkages within their minds. Their idea for this machine/BMI/Ai is thereby something they themselves revolve around. I have made this connection after much analytics. Something happened to the swedish people and their nation, that enforced change, by external forces. Those reactions, are deeply buried beneath the new synthetic minds they carry, in the subconscious. Once they were allowed to be beyond law and order, they were also allowed, to form an idea. Is it simply coincidence, that the machine protocol has a mission to apply certain objectives within my own mind, which I can trace, to the same objectives which happened to the swedes themselves? They seem very found of logic, for all engineering is logic, but they forget the most important factor of logic in regards to the human mind, it's the forgotten virtue called common sense or rationale, with a relation to us as biological beings, within a greater construct. It is one of the biggest sins you can do, create new logic and rationale, because you encapsulated your own mind, to a smaller space.

I know projects, of these kinds, stretches beyond solely me as a subject. The apparatus was not developed with me in consideration. The technical capacity was already existing. Other people, therefore, have succumbed to the the torture, the conditioning and the theory of the dualistic feedback-loop, and it would not suprise me, if some people in Sweden actually are fully emerged, being ruled and directed by a pre-determined synthetic protocol. Once again, these swedish officials have shown themselves to reject that which is internalized generative neurological creativity. Instead everything which is implemented by synthetic machine protocol, resides from the dark pages of psychology, control, totalitarianism, pre-determenism, or simply the view of themselves, as Godless Gods. That ought to give my readers a clear indication as to where and what projects of these kind actually will result in. It is a control mechanism for your mind, simply. How you see free speech and expression being reduced in the west, is what they believe will become a self-learned, internalized self-regulated function. They believe, we only have to keep the factors of conditioning on-going. They look at us humans as dogs, and a dog can be trained. Conditoning is a huge part for these people, so imagine, instead of external stimuli, you apply the same mechanisms, but by synthetic neurological code. You try to force a human, to abide by synthetic functions, triggers, ideas, thoughts, which all together are trying to convey a message to you. Be afraid! Be small! Be a fool! be dumb! Be sick! Become everything we are, and let go of God. Our universe do not allow self-regulated mechanisms, for the whole idea of the universe is growth, as above, so below. Externally, according to macro-physics, and internally, in mind, according to micro-physics. Western ideology rests on a foundation of the highest kind of degeneracy, and they demand for you stop growing. Which is why I believe it's important, for people to understand, that if this is happening in innocent Sweden, then we truly are on the verge of true transhumanism, the wet dream of the technocrats.

Once you undertand the theory of networking, and a collective of technocrats learns this concept. What they are planning, is what they are doing. Seeing societies, nations, regions as networks. Connectivity is therefore the future. They simply take that which they see on paper. Connections between nodes. They scale it up. Add more nodes, and they now have planned for the future of their own nation. This is why, by automatic extension, the torture program I am experiencing, or the tool they are developing, is a means for centralisation, of the free will of humans. It goes beyond the initiatives we see in the western hemisphere today. The centralisation, and the surveillance of every single action a human performs. They wish to expand, beyond mere words and the channels of influence they own today. They also wish for you, to implement the control they inhabitat, into a further deeper state, and that would be your mind. Everything you see in your society, which falls under the term centralisation, being argued as better for you, is part of the same philosophy of conditioning which I am forced to endure. It is preparation which these people are researching. The preperation of the complete denigration of your own mind. And it comes in the form of, creating something abstract, and install it over that creation called your brain, it's a synthetic software above your own homogeneous software. We can see and understand, the legacy which quantum physics initiated, gave pathway for a certain revolution. The new generation never evolved beyond this state. They simply took the ideas, and said to themselves, I want to keep deluding myself as being God, how can I ensure this reality ow mine, becomes part of everybodys relaity. And that is through invisible energy, where changes, will come through the state of quantum fluctuations, to your mind, enforcing you, to never fluctuate, beyond the pre-determined spectrum. As I said many times already, they lack intelligence. They read a book, and said, I wish this theory to be applied in another context, and now they proclaim themselves as heroes.

If we step back to the never-ending feedback-loop theory. Once it engages, I simply find it hard to apply any thought, it has become an integrated automated rejection by pure thought-less reflex, which is ironic, because that homogeneous integration, which is a response to a synthetic machine, is the very response they were hoping I would self-generate, based upon machine protocol repetition of synthetic code which can be experienced as human neurological actions. The integration, is of high importance for these people. The feedback-loop which engages in classifying a neurological activity is reducing its own properties therefore, by repetition, because of my own state of mind. You see, by synthetic existence, it reminds me of it's existence, and I dont engage with synthetic protocol. It therefore exists only, by using complex swedish philosophy based upon the classic swedish paradox .That results in, an existensial paradox, so why persist?

And this question initiated my analysis of the humans as my objective, instead of the linear machine. The machine carries no interesting parts to analyze. It is a copy and paste type of output, the torture has many functions, and one of them is to ensure I, as a subject loose my state of mind, to ease the existence of syn thetic protocol. The only thing that makes this program interesting, from an engineering point of view, is the fact that it is done wirelessly, but that part is irrelevant. It seems thou, after years of analyzing the men behind the machine, has resulted in classifying the swedish human, as a linear machine. Irony, it seems, is without mercy. The machine protocol requests clasification of homogeneous neurological activity by synthetic means. As I stated previously, Im not here to play with the machine, but instead laugh at the men behind the machine. At that stage, the best thing to do, would be to close down the feedback-loop system, but not in Sweden, for here we are naive, and keep deluding ourselves. Once the machine disengages, I go back to my own self. It literally happens within a minute or two. they have no relevance in my life. So the analysis, or the focus, by humor, of the swedish officials, is not done by some obsession. It is simply done as a response. They try to analyze me, I analyze them. I laugh, they dont. Anybody in their right state of mind, would understand, by game theory, it is simply a relation which cannot sustain, but this is way too logical for people who were picked for their competence in torturing their own citizens.

The limitation of their competence is therefore the factor which I use, continously. They never think of the long term, or what is called Game Theory. They simply smash buttons, crave requests, and torture, based upon a short-term plan, and because they uphold the dark pages of psychology and belive they can condition humans they must be doing it correctly. In Sweden we build good directions, that is after all what IKEA is famous for. Instructions. It is tragic, once they read through the pages of human conditioning, why they did not take the knowledge and did self-analysis. For once they might actually have constructed something internally, that might be called enlightment, instead of having a foreigner define their enlightment, based upon foreign rituals.

But they misunderstood me, because I'm an avid user of that which is called restriction, observation and discipline. And once a synthetic machine protocol tries to convey a certain neurological message, It must stand against the chaos of the future, once my own homogeneous self decides to engage with a certain context which the machine protocol tried to engage me with. Memories are meories, and patterns are patterns, thereby patterns become memories. That is why I denigrated the machine, because as you can see, within this text, the focus is on Sweden, and I'm not doing that because I try to create an emotional response from my countrymen. Instead Im telling my readers, by which means I broke the man behind the machine, and by logic extension, their own machine.

Either they actually thought through a certain context which they created by synthetic means, or I will notice that which I call the swedish paradox, a pattern which tells me the story about the thought process of the men behind the machine. Its simply a logical collision, between that which has been stated by the machine protocol before, and what is being stated by the machine today. Once this pattern emerges, I do an encapsulation of my own making, containing swedish officials, because at this point they have told me a message about themselves, involuntarily. The fun begins at this point, because I have reached a state, where the swedish officials are broken. Both in mind and soul. I simply took every single abstract of higher order, which defines these people, I took their own tools, meaning every single thing the machine does, and I applied laughter, to the point now, where torture is my everyday existence, as a direct result, of swedish officials, who simply cannot follow along the homogeneous mind, which they claim, by synthetic means, they control.

Now, it took them a while to actually figure out what they ought to do at the next step. Im surprised, actually, how long it took. But once they figured it out, it is, by far the most used string of code they have ever created and applied, except for the feedback-loop. It is truly, without me exaggerating, a string of code which has been used hundreds of thousands of times. And it's literally all my fault, if you wish to apply a relative analysis, because it is a direct effect of me causing them to become ever more emotional. The string of code being used is BUT IF. Of course, once again, dualism. which makes the whole thing much more comical. The fact that the only answer they could apply, is the core idea they applied to the human psyche itself. Once again, the failure of the snake eating its own tail, becomes very apparent.

Everytime single time, I analyze and often apply comedy to the machine pattern of an overall-view to an analytical point, abstract, context, concept etc. A synthetic feedback, is being signaled back to me. And it tells me: But what if we, the swedish officials actually knew how you would respond to the machine. As anybody can understand, it means once again, according to the failure of dualism, simply adding another layer, and where the men behind the machine have failed, instead they try to proclaim, once again, that the string of homogeneous thoughts, abstracts, vizualisations etc, which performed a certain analysis, actually are originated from a synthetic machine, and which I observe and act upon. Thereby, still trying, after 7 years, to hold on to the original failure of implicating, that my consciousness is encapsulated, by a machine protocol.

I'm going to get into details later on, because I do believe this part of the story, which truly is filled with comedy of highest order, deservers a proper explanation. Nonetheless, when the string BUT IF continously appears, I do that which is a big part of what I always do. I like to bring shame to the names of these so called academics, and I like to laugh. Therefore, I bring chaotic stimuli into the picture. Uncontrolled geometria. Unregulated patterns. Simply pure beauty of our creator. As always, with these swedish officials, the only solution is more repetition, and more torture, so while I'm writing this segment, my face is burning, itching, the skin under my right eye is being manipulated, I feel encapsulated within a frequency, I feel, by different synthetic pulses, tired one second, confused the other second, angry the thrid second. And that is the swedish fear they carry for this part of the story.

The reasoning being, as to why the code BUT IF has been used and abused is because not only the machine, but the men lack a response to higher abstracts of my making. They truly are of lesser intellect. Once again, worthy to mention. The industry of human torture, which stretches on for 7 years, does not attract people of intellect. It simply is a place for slaves to delude themselves, as if their masters see them as their friends. Nonetheless, I don't reside within a spectrum, a belief, but I always think acoording to the truth. That is why I understand, that the development of this western world which is on-going, is solely based upon the same factors which reside in the torture program. The truth is always the truth. Once you understand, how much these people live among manipulation, lies, deceit, and of course supplemented by dualism, it means they are never wrong, but they simply add another layer of delusion to their own sectarian beliefs, and call themselves more complex beings than yesterday. That is why I uphold simplicity, no matter how complex the information presented here might sound. After you are done reading the whole story, you will see that the smallest types of stimuli, can denigrate the machine carrying 7 years of planning. The swedish officials, no matter how much manipulation they have tried to apply on me, have somehow lost the core idea of our creation, entropy. They simply keep adding more complex structures, which results in more energy spent, and by doing so, they receive less results, from me, the subject. As I said, I hold no higher degree, but the simplicity of entropy holds true. We humans are the result of 14 billion years, If you simply uphold thruth in your brain, as a core discipline, alot of the machines protocols are not compatible with you. Once again, a simple word, destroys the machine. The machine speaks by synthetic means, therefore it cannot generate a response from me, by mere principle. The machine holds no truth, and it's another example of the rotational motion of a response which destroys the machines objective. I do not abide by the machine.

The machine is not able to uphold creativity. The machine cannot create. I can, because I'm a human. The machine wants me to create thou, once again, we approach the swedish paradox. All this torture, and their own delusional beliefs in thinking they can condition a human to abide by a machineSo the machine can only at that point repeat the same string, and apply more torture. And that string is BUT IF, and once that happens, I do the one thing I do the best, I laugh, and I laugh. I like game theory, and as I stated before, these people, since they have failed, do not meet the criteria of actual research, therefore it becomes very easy for me, to play with their own fragile minds. It will be detailed much more later on. But as we can see, the Turing test, is therefore a concept which they failed to apply because they lack data, from the human subject, so they do not understand how to construct a certain test. And laughter does that to you, you simply enjoy the different concepts which were created by better men, long time ago, and you show respect by not engaging. And you see these men from today, as the joke they are, and you do your utmost, to teach them, to stay away. there is no better way than laughter, simply because everybody likes to laugh, but nobody likes to be laughed at.

for me, by having a very apparent machine protocol, being forced to apply a never-ending feedback-loop. is by extension them stating, we do not wish for you, the subject, to understand, that there is a deeper, non regarding the understandings of the brain, but instead we create our own origin or starting line. From this synthetic starting line, which is based upon the limitation of the apparatus, but more of the men behind the machine, it is their competence stating, the machine must be existing, and it begins at this frequency, and with the feedback-loop which carries dualism, forcing the subject to provide a thought of ownership, to the previous thought, is therefore the answer to the machine which tells me, this is the only understanding it has. Therefore, if you understand the demand from these men, it means the view of dualism, men and machine, is based upon a theory, of their own limited visibility. And that has grave consequences. Because, not only is software code hard to re-write, but these men have also decided to create a theory, stretching on for 7 years, based upon an imaginary line.

the machine and through many years of torture, try to convince me, this is the origin. This is the thoaught. As can be understood. Having a recording of a human action potential/thought does not equal the origin of the action. It started, according to studies, much earlier, well relativitely spekaing, but in the language of neuro science, it truly is much earlier where the smallest activity, emerges in that which are visible thoughts for a subject. The swedish officials lack the apparatur. Therefore they must use a certain frequency, torture a human, who has some internal capacities which might be a bit special, and force his own neurological self, to produce according to the language which the frequency forces it to adhhere to. A human is abiding by his actions, if you ask a human, to classify ownership, while applying a stronger signal which follows his own actions, according to a planned predetermined activity, then the men behind the machine, is obviously good at observing, but not understanding. because the theory must be visble, it's dualism. This philosophy opens the door for the machine protocol to be used and abused. Which I did. Which I will explain in detail later.

In todays world, we see intense enforcement from both government and private entities, to ensure people are categorized. You are rarely allowed to exist in between very strict governed values, and as dumb as it sounds, it seems everybody is playing the same game. Everybody wishes for their tribe to grow.. It truly is, our world, a world of EITHER OR. There is a spectrum to it, of course, because our new liberal order appreciates spectrums. But for anybody understanding the development of the never-ending spectrum will see patterns between goverment social engineering and its initiatives, a spectrum is simply another layer of EITHER OR.
You must always "choose a tribe", yes that english sentence choosing a tribe, is an actual quote being frequently used in swedish media. What happens when all tribes are part of soncial engineering, approved before deployment, or manipulated after origin? Once you move out of the spectrum, you are not adhering to the social engineering which is of highest importance within the western hemisphere.

From my point of view thou, it makes the machine very easy to recognize, and at its core, the necessity, to construct a seemingly new fabricated scenario, and by extension proclaim a new version of Turing, is simply by adding a slight change in the machines protocol, meaning adding another layer to the already established over-all function. The machine is also, a spectrum you see. Its of utmost importance, to always keep focus on the men behind the machine, for that brings only information into my own homogeneous self, which i know is of my own. These people, still think of themselves, as being selected for their intellect, but when you make them, their culture, history, industry, democracy, policy the core of everything of synthetic which is applied, then the machine....when you analyze from a perspective of the men behind the machine, their origins as humans, and which values they carry try to enforce. There is a limitation to the machines understanding, or using same analogy as above, if I move outside the spectrums pre-approved, by the men behind the machine, I move outside that which is pre-determined engineering. This ensures, always, the very same outcome. The core philosophy which rules the machines functionality, is an extension, of that collective psyche, which the swedes carry. And the swedish officials understand psyche, they are very good at psyche, they were picked for their psyches, they are psychopats.

So how does the machine protocol respond to a human subject breaking away from the pre-termined approced spectrum of software engineered, and wireless transmitted energy? The answer, from my readers, will obviously at this point. I am not dealing with people of the higher spectrum ,pun intended, of intelligence. I'm dealing with slaves, who were handpicked because they lack those attributes, which stops a man from torturing another man. And that swedish man, becuase of him lacking competence, he intensifies torture even more. Resulting in the easist path to save the dualistic approach they carry, torture, apply some new frequency, and what the subject did 5 minutes ago, which broke the system, never happened. In swedish coding it should be called, Simply add more torture, and the subject now resides within a new Turing scenario, at least from the point of view of swedish neuro science. Same rules and code, based upon a philosophy of dualism and feedback, rules the machine protocol, which they continued to build upon, without sufficient results, for at least 7 years. It's indicative of their fragile competence, dualism is therefore a choice these people have used in life, to always be either or, making every decision very simple they built a model which always can be re-applied, by another loop, therefore, they can never be wrong, therefore can be re-applied, with additonal torture and synthetic contexts.

What happens when the subject either refuses, or simply makes the most economical path out of all synthetic neurological context?
It simply keep feedback-looping. Because it is software, engineered in Sweden, and it lacks intelligence. Example: 3 different synthetic scenarios. 3 different neurological contexts. the machine requests many different nodes/answers/thoughts, in relation to all 3 examples. The machine protocol initiates. How can I find the common denominator for all 3 different contexts? As we can understand, it's about not engaging. But with enough torture and internal triggers, you almost become forced to produce something, in relation to the synthetic stimuli. You, as a subject, can either focus on the synthetic context, thereby engaging, and playing along, or ensure you find something which breaks ensures the swedish officials close the machine from operating. That answer, is to always, focus, on the men behind the machine. For that is reality. The machine is not real. The synthetic stimuli might be recorded from your own thoughts, but it's still being processed in a linear pattern. Meaning it is not of your own homogeneous ownership/making. So, focus on the swedish officials became my answer. That is how I broke every single aspect of every single context, in every single scenario, until the swedish officials, must have had a mental breakdown, for these last 2 years, I have never had a single day, without torture, or sleep deprivation. They have truly become insane, literally, because they truly do not understand, why and how it does not function, even when the answer is in the very same room they reside at the very moment. The answer to the failure are the men behind the machine! All I need to do, which I have done continously for many years, is to simply find something very simple about the swedes, and keep repeating that thought. As an answer, to every single synthetic process. Thereby, have the feedback-loop system, keep looping, keep looping, and simply, always, keep looping. For that function, is what the swedes taught its little machine. It reaches a point, where the machine and the synthetic stimuli simply is disengages, and I can go back to my own self. I feel the irony, with swedish self-recognition, of closing down their own system. Sweden.

Compare this state, to that which humans inhabitat during normal circumstances, and we understand, that the concept of trying to implement the ideas of Turing, into a neurological based model, fabricated and feedback based system which the swedish officials have created, is wrong, in its purest essence. Its visible. I can sense the linear aspects. And the swedes create another loop, by the machine applying the thought of invincibility, and therefore dualism is, once again, the single most pathetic fallout which these people inhabit. It is truly, a software, which seems to be re-applying the software code ELSE, AND, OR NO. Which has been a routinely mockery of mine, where I call the swedes who can count to 4. Because everything I recognize, is that of 1, 2, 3, 4. therefore, we see, the next stage which the swedes take. The stage of insuniation of invincibility, once again, looping back to dualism. AND OR. To apply mental and physical torture, and therefore try to, by synthetic means, convince a human of certain internal models being of human or machine ownership, by applying more torture while trying to convince the human of a specific predetrmined ownedship, is intiself, a feedback-loop based concept. This holds importance. That means you can create, an endless revisions of the Turing test, which bas been part of the mockery I signal to these lunatics. Now we understand where the madness resides. These people simply keep looping, by adding an additional synthetic stimuli, and when you have the ability to loop, it seems only the imagination is that which sets the limit, and from the state of Sweden as a nation, it has plenty of imagination. and trying their utmost, to have the subject to either act upon synthetic triggers or generate homogeneous thoughts upon triggers, must be a theory formed, truly, by the lowest of their kind, in the industry, within which they reside. But this is Sweden, maybe I'm simply embellishing the theory, and the standard which the swedes have formed is a correct re-implementation. As can be understood, when dealing with a synthetic machine, collecting homogeneous models and stimuli, the Turing test can be re-formed, to fit that of many purposes. Readers, who understand Ai/neural networks will be able to identify some triggers and other synthetic requests as part of that which can be applicable to that of a neurological Turing test. A few of those synthetic requests of me are: me classifying stimuli, me generating stimuli, me accepting stimuli as mine, me rejecting stimuli as mine, Besides demanding more homogeneous data, the Machine/BMI/Ai has been configured to test according to the Turing test, after years of forced torture/collection and continuing of re-implementation of re-configured neurological code, within many contexts of real human experiences. So, understand, that the swedish officials, reached a certain milestone, where the implementation of forced synthetic stimuli must be acted upon. here in lies much of the lunacy which the swedish officials revolve around. They decided, sometime, before 2021-06-06, to intensify the torture, to a level I believe will tell the true story, of what types of people, these individuals truly are. They have failed you see, in every single aspect, of ensuring they can test the subject, and have the subject detrmine if the synthetic stimuli is human or not. to reach a certain milestone, to challenge the human subject, in a game. The game is being played inside the subject’s mind, and the goal of the game is of multi-purpose, and I will go into details later surrounding the scope, but most importantly, it is to identify if the human understands when he is playing the game, and if the human can identify which stimulus belongs to the human and which stimulus belongs to the machine. It is an adaption of the Turing test, but re-purposed to take place and evolve while the machine is connected, by some wireless means, to a human brain.
As far as to my own knowledge, I have never engaged in this game, simply because I choose not to, and instead I will tell you, how I broke the machine, and especially, how I broke the swedish officials, who control the machine. I will clarify how they finally, after many trials and failures, ended up formulating the machine, to ensure, that it creates a never-ending feedback-loop system, which can be applied to all internal human sensations, and not only thoughts.
The goal is to always indicate a dualistic thought pattern, within the mind of the human subject, where the human must experience synthetic stimuli, which always classifies both homogenous thoughts and synthetic thoughts, with feedback, an actual signal. The message of the signal/feedback is, that the thought in context either belongs to the machine, or the human, or other combinations which I will explain in detail later.

Fig 3
Feedback loop by it's simplest means, based upon a single thought.


The Machine/BMI/Ai is of no challenge to me in regards to that which is classification of neurological data, false or real, because I simply do not accept the game. That does not mean I would not be able to beat the game, because that is exactly what I did, and I did it by not playing. I did not engage, and I never will, but I ensured to demonstrate, that with simple chaotic inspiration, how to solve all mind-puzzles which they leave, without ever feedback-looping, which in itself sounds abnormal, since all humans apply feedback to a certain degree, but I will explain this later.
So, the network they build, based upon my neurological data, is manipulated to create confusion/unorder/paranoia/fear, in regards to your own conscious self. It is expected of me, to engage with the Machine/BMI/Ai, and together solve these mind-puzzles. Look at it, as if they’ve stolen an unconscious behavioural pattern, made that thievery very observable by your own mind, and tried to manipulate you, by synthetic means, to tell you how a normally unconscious action/behaviour of yours, now carry synthetic connected feedback. That synthetic feedback-loop, classifies you, by implying the action is not of your origin, which paradoxically, is the solving solution itself, which I will detail later. Since it lacks those qualities which I believe all humans inherit, and that human legacy, no matter how human consciousness fully functions, where no governing model exists as of yet, I do know, my mind at least, does not speak the language of binary, linear or code.
I do not consist of manual inputs by a collective of swedish officials, who believe their limited amount of time on this earth, and their inadequate amount of time within the field of neuro science, results in that which is a copy of me. That is wrong and a falsehood of highest magnitude. They have some homogeneous data, but they lack the majority of data, and they lack the understanding of the data, or primarily it’s origin.
Origin of homogenous data describes, in simpler terms, the minds need to act according to a certain behaviour, why some processed information becomes an action potential, which results for you to experience and act upon. Meaning data is of secondary importance in this instance, it is the reasoning as to why data is being generated within a human mind, the reasoning for it, the connecting dots which the machine cannot see. Because it is something called human experience.

Fig 2
You invent computers by the means of linear binary.
You use computers to research humans, by the means of linear binary
You get results, which are shown in linear binary
You decide to make artificial intelligence, using a collective knowledge, based upon linear binary.
You declare one day, Singularity!, based upon a chain of reactions, which is a result of that which is a limitation of your own mind, and it's binary.

At some point, which I have traced to the 6th of June 2021, not because the date might be correct to the day, but I do know for certain it still is the Independence Day of Sweden, so it felt like comical justice to use this date as the origin, of a period stretching 10 days, where I was able to dissect 7 years of synthetic code/stimuli, and where the machine was no longer compatible to use its collection of synthetic stimuli. I call this homogeneous based system, simply the Doctrine, and have a section for it on this website.
I decided to start taking notes of the synthetic stimuli, and which has resulted in this website. And I decided to actually start to test the system, mind you, not engage, which has been a core discipline of mine for many years.
What I did was to apply the reduction mechanism, meaning the system is an addition of synthetic rules which are signalled to your brain. The experience of a synthetic sequence is overwhelming, even for somebody like me, who have been experienced to this Machine for many years. Nonetheless, I knew that the system is based upon a network-based model, so, that ensures I can pinpoint the rules one at the time, which is more important than synthetic thoughts. Observing the rules, and thereby breaking the rules, ensures the system has become solved, and the men behind the machine, must therefore create adaptions. I will explain these adaptions, and I will explain therefore, it seems the field of neuro science in Sweden, holds little to offer to this world. Perhaps for the better.
There are many ways to proceed on this path, without engaging, but an example of simpler version, is through the usage of chaotic stimuli. This term refers to engaging and further advance internal models you have created, based upon origins which the machine cannot take into consideration. Mind you, I am not stating that I live by these rules, but it is a system to use, to ensure the men behind the machine become reminded, once a new configuration is added, that I cannot be fooled by synthetic stimuli.