Cope of Arms

Swedish Torture


Dualism! Dualism!

In the name of dualism, I proclaim, there must be two sides. The swedish officials who scream singularity, and then we have me, who will give another point of view to this torture program, active, against its own citizens, in this so called sovereign nation.

The machine has been programmed, to request every possible pathway, in regards to a specific homogeneous structure or internal process of mine, which has caught the interest of swedish officials. That is sort of true, but mostly a lie, for emotions, are a very big part of this torture program. The swedish officials do not represent an actual group of knowledgeable individuals. And I will explain as to why the theory of dualism, only has the ambition, to never understand information, but it literally, in its core, is a theory, for a group of well selected swedish hounds, belonging to foreign ideas, to uphold self-relevance within the group, which consist of at least, two different group-psychosis related infections.

Remember, they can only observe and record. There is no hardware, and it's all based upon them having a certain apparatus, which can replicate human originated neurological data. There is not much power they actually inhabit, it is a weapon of wave energy which is being used, but the very fact of predetermination, ensures a limitation in the power which they actually occupy. It's very easy, to fool the machine, but the only problem is that everything about the machine is software, and globally configured, to apply more torture and more intensive machine protocol, while rejection from the subject is occurring. That is why the doctrine became an event, which resulted in having the swedish officials transform, from "powerful deities", full of dangerous swedish attributes, through the false self-manipulation of thinking psychological conditioning actually is a power they inhabit, into their real selfs, which is a collective of neuro-beggars. From neuro-elitism to neuro-beggary. The doctrine demonstrated, that there is much potential, if I were to engage with the machine. With that, which are inspirations, from random events, I was able to construct advanced internal models, which ensured, I could separate myself, from the never-ending feedback-loop system, by different human qualities. It was a system based upon creativity, and its content was always chaotic input. The machine, nor anybody else, can control nature.

Remember, the communication is between man and machine, so this ensures, already, at the first stage of engagement, dualism becomes an integral part. But what I'm about to describe on this website, from an evolutionary point of view, going back 7 years, is instead what seems to be more of a group ideology. Their neuro-philosophy is revolved around dualism, in every single instance of strategical implementations, and ironically to the very point, when they decided to transform, from being enforcers of neurological activity, to beggars instead. I kid you not, these swedish officials, became so surprised by the random potential which exists, that they actually believed, after many years of torture, I would for some reason, start to engage with the machine, along my own doctrine. Much laughter has ensued from this very day of the creation of the doctrine, which is traced to 2021-06-06 ,and its all based upon mockery of the swedish officials.

Pathways equals growth for the machine. That is how swedish success is measured. Doesn't matter if each pathway leads to same result, add millions more pathways, and you're doing neuro-science in Sweden. Pathways is the foundation of neural networking, and it seems in Sweden, they use this theory, and only apply it from a predetermined origin/context, and somehow, by complex swedish theories within networking, and by adding much physical torture, this setup, which is a routine for 7 years, will result in extraction of homogeneous neurological data. Understand, all humans are different, and I believe all humans don't think or process information alike. But it seems, that in this torture program, it is of utmost importance, that strong signals, become norm, during exchange between man and machine. I suspect, the wave energy is the cause of this effect, either by usage of this technology which ensures much neurological activity becomes heightened. Or it's a limitation of the apparatus, resulting in much torture must become real, to have a human generate thoughts in a noticeable pattern. But this constitutes an objective, or factual part of this story, and I cannot witness to what type of technical apparatus it truly is, so I don't know. Below illustration shows a simple example, of how a synthetic dualistic machine context, is created, by the usage of synthetic input, for a dualistic path to act upon. Much of the data-bank, which has been in usage, has always been of foreign to me. The core of their dualistic theory, is based upon approval or disapproval, positive or negative, all thoughts and statements, which fall into the software category of EITHER OR in relation to thoughts appearing. Much of these are implemented, strengthened, embedded, or connected to synthetic emotional stimuli. We understand the implications of such a software.

The swedish train model

Observe below illustration of the swedish train model. It's a visual metaphor, which acts as an excellent simplification, for what swedish officials, try to indicate as very advanced, for in Sweden, complexity equals progression. Understand, the experiences, in the different intensities, distortions, in combination with physical and mental torture, might seem, as something advanced is at work, but it's all part of hiding the very simple active train model. The core of the software, is very easy to detect, and to filter out. It's dualistic at its core, progresses through rotation/loops, it's based upon linkages, and runs on a linear track. The goal is the complete restriction of the human mind.

Swedish Train Model
Illustration summarizes 7 years of a swedish torture program, where synthetics, is not only an artificial model, but also a human model, extended from its creators.

  1. Let us take this train apart. And describe why everything, from the smallest detailed, to the highest assembled model, shows a neurological artificial concept, which is based upon faulty logic, at its core, repetition as a logical step, with a linkage to the same faulty pattern, throughout the whole software. It forms an idea for artificial intelligence, which truly is bottom tier, and never results according to the universal model of progression. It has thou, shown, it's very easy to detect, to manipulate, to filter out, and it has no power. It is unnecessary, for humans at sale, already show many signs, of conformity to centralized functions, but it seems whoever, of foreign kind, who ordered the swedes to produce this software, might have had some psychological humiliation in play. Telling the swedish officials, "form a software, of that which I did with you."

  2. Swedish Train Model
    Illustration shows the locomotive, by swedish design, the color of brown represents shit, and then we have Skurt, the swedish neuro scientist. The rag-doll of this world, conductor of this train-of-shits.

  3. We shall begin with the assembly of the train wheel. It has been highlighted on below illustration. I will show, how the feedback-loop system, is not only the foundation, to a software, which has the sole goal of controlling humans in large scale, which I have been enforced to experience. I have noticed the same pattern of enforcing synthetic neurological activity, and demanding a resultant, which is the case with me, is also active, in accordance to our system of governance. That layer which holds a higher ranking then what us citizens orient ourselves around. Only with a certain re-configuration of the ruling software among the actors, and the fact that no individual in the system of governance, is, connected to a software of human manipulation. They are simply abiding by an abstract, a complex system of rule and law, for the benefit of the controller of this specific system. Its another system based upon the feedback-loop process, and the controller, who is at the top, ensures all actions, taken by each individual, is in accordance to a predetermined pattern, which ensures the few always can control the many. It's a slave system, but instead for individuals in mass scale, it's limited to the highest layer, in each entity, which forms a nation. It uses the same synthetic functions, of hierarchy, classifications, rankings, and resultants. It's all based upon a feedback-loop model, which acts as the communication form, between each individual within each entity. Believe me when I state this, the high majority, of these government slaves, don't understand the system they belong in. So understand the beauty, when I told the swedish officials, the reason as to why their software tells a swedish story of submission, of denigration, of slavery, of treachery, within their own ranks.

    Feedback is a homogeneous integral part of life, and our brains have been built in relation to this mechanism, in evolutionary terms, but when the resultant, between all players within a certain system, is the loss of nation, based upon a feedback-loop, its quite apparent each player, within each discipline, prioritizes, not to feedback against sovereignty or any other organic structures, which has a legacy to the very foundation of our universe. Instead the feedback-loop is against the controller of the system. All oriented around the same mannerisms, of ensuring a feedback, approves the next stage of action. And that action comes with an internal classification, telling each individual, "Good Job". It's a system, which I have traced, at least in relation to Sweden, to have been active, the last generation. Lets disassemble and let's show how something which broke the sovereignty of nations, now has been re-purposed, and scaled, from physical to metaphysical dimension, and is the core, of a software, which has the ambition to control the masses.

    I give you, the software, swedish officials, formed, based upon their own subconscious structures, which tell a tragic tale, of what happened to them:

  4. Swedish Train Model

  5. Understand, the rotating moment, is of utmost importance, for in machine learning, with human subjects, the rules of their software, are built, upon a foundation, of never reaching a stage which represents an end-point. External actions and internal actions a like, for a subject belonging to the torture program. It doesn't matter which thought, abstract, feeling, emotion which you as a human subject experience, everything, and I mean every single machine rule or code, has been programmed, to apply another rotating feedback-loop process, to apply a desire for additional stimuli to be constructed, by a homogeneous mind, to what normally ought to be, human experiences, which have reached their finalized moment. For example, I decide to read. There is a series of moments involved. Visuals, to read the text, brain, to process the words and concentrate on the content. That is normally it. With these moments you form a process, which becomes an experience. Here we have a simple task, which can become very complicated with a machine which has the ambition to extract homogeneous neurological models. The machine does not desire for you to read. The reading process, rarely come in the form of noticeable thoughts. The reading cannot be formed to a machine protocol, which can extract analytical neurological models. It's simply a task, which must become conditioned with much negative emotions, to ensure human does not proceed with the reading.

    • Origin: I desire to read
    • Process: I am reading
    • Result: I read

    Within each of these three segments which represents an activity, the machine constructs predetermined, actions, which I am enforced to experience. More often than not, every single synthetic input, has no relevance to the activity, in this case reading. Just as the rules, of the feedback-loop can ensure to never reach a certain end-point, also, the synthetic input, which governs the connections between synthetic nodes, are also selected, based upon its generic application. The machine, has a foundation, to create problems, and extract analytical models for these problems. The machine, in layman terms, wants me to continuously be thinking. All problems the machine synthesizes, are originated, from these process oriented observations, of how I receive and process information internally. See below for the code, which will make the swedish neuro-elites, "Gods, upon this earth. Understand, the abstract for mass population control, does not carry the same problems which I have been forced to experience, of that which constitutes machine protocol. The machine protocol, in relation to me, is continuously, fabricating synthetic problems. I solve these problems, it therefore goes through that can be classified as machine learning, but which truly is an additional recording. Reasoning as to why, is because these problems represent, what might become a reaction by an individual in the future. The machine desires, to learn, how to orient itself around human logic, and still retain the same functionality of restricting human experiences.

    • Feedback-loop, which acts as the first stage of an internal classification system by ensuring connectivity between nodes are established. Dualistic, for it acts as an anchor, or a pinpoint before the stage of classifying something as EITHER True OR False
    • Classification system, which triggers an internal process, of classifying information as EITHER Truth OR False
    • Emotions, according to a dualistic pattern, which strengthens the dualistic classification system as, EITHER Truth OR False
    • Internal reinforcements, another feedback-loop mechanism, to strengthen the whole previous sequence, EITHER True OR False
    • Reward or punishment, another feedback-loop system, executes synthetic stimuli, depending on the predetermined result of a human.

    Understand, this core of the software described above can be re-shuffled to inhabit different variants, or additional stages can be added, to become what seems a "more advanced" system. It's all relative, in relation to which human qualities, the machine desires to replicate. That is why they are not listed with numbers. There are much potential, in regards to creating a linear pattern, solely by re-configuring above code, in it's concept stage. When we add actual neurological activity, that itself, ought to give my readers an understanding, as to why I proclaim, the computer, might be able to create millions, if not billions of combinations, of what seems to be activity of human brain like features. But don't be fooled, It's still drag-and-drop system, a recording which acts on a sequential baseline, and the behavior of the system is what's relevant, not the raw data collected which can form billions of combinations.

    The brain-machine interface, establishes a connection with me, and applies much synthetics, in relation to how I process information. All of these problems, are connected through a never-ending feedback-loop system, which has the goal, to enforce additional thoughts, to become a connective node, to the neural network. All problems occur, for they apply problems to a free mind, for that is the ambition. I will detail, how I denigrated, not only the machine, but the men behind the machine, without engaging with the machine protocol and its objective, a single time.

    Also understand, not only is the software an application of linear action, it's also in conjunction, a recording device, of neurological frequencies. It enforces, but also observes, and monitors what might be a real human reaction. That reaction becomes an extraction. That extraction becomes part of the neural network. It constitutes growth. The network now has a new assignment. That assignment is to learn about this real homogeneous human reaction, and ensure that the synthetic software, can encapsulate, and transform real human experience, to become part of a machine resultant. Machine learning ensues, and that which is free, must be resulted to a certain point of direction, and that direction is in the hands of the software controllers. These controllers are not swedes. The swedes are only slaves, belonging to the same network. Ironically, they actually were the first to show a real life result of success for this system. The system is meant to bring nations under one rule.

    Swedes have no sovereignty, and the foreign feedback-loop became a success. With that success, the administrators (foreigners) of the system, told the moderators (swedes) to take the tools of their fathers, and construct a software, which carries the same ambition. This time, not only limited to nations in the highest layer, but the whole population as an addition to the submission of foreign rule. The very comical satirical point of view, in this context, I can guarantee, while this assignment was ordered to the swedes, not a single one of these individuals, forming this denigrated collective, could even a single time, think, clearly, in regards to the software they are building, is actually an extension, of their own previous experiences. They became slaves within one generation, and lost their nation. The masters ordered them to form a software. The subconscious mind of the swedish slaves took action, and decided to tell their life story, by commanding a software, to behave, and form a restrictive spectrum, which literally is how they behave and form their own actions upon. It's by psychological definition, the greatest Freudian slip ever produced, throughout the history of humanity.

    EITHER Good OR Bad are terms I use in this example, for the sake of clarity, the diversity of human experiences, and dualistic preferences stretches beyond these terms, but, EITHER Good OR Bad is the highest abstract for the machine protocol, in how it will implement human control. For the software is formed, to ensure human restriction of free mind. A free mind, is free to act, free to think, free to talk, something free, simply is, a system based upon the rules which govern our universe. Everything is free, and everything is encapsulated within the framework, which we all must abide within, that is the idea of our creator. That is the result we call the universe. It's simple physics. We are all, part of a system, and we are competing with other systems. The swedish officials, have taken it upon themselves, to demonstrate for me, the false ideas, of them being Godless Gods, upon this earth, with the right to enforce a restriction of Gods rules, within their own kingdom. Its ironic, loose your reality, your actual kingdom of Sweden, but in conjunction, form a false metaphysical kingdom, where your dreams of being all-mighty rulers, come to fruition. It simply is, another layer of fabrication, for your feeble mind, within self-manufactured encapsulation. Let us proceed.

    Below we have a single train wheel, disassembled. Understand the mechanics. We have a separation between different rotating mechanical components. They have different placements and relations, but all share the same functionality, and that is to ensure the higher abstract, in this case, the outer layer of the wheel, is turning. Low let's apply a certain metaphor, to this disassembly. From this first point of view, the feedback-loop in mechanical terms, is obvious, for a relational mechanical function, is terminology of physics, the rotation results in an action. Understand, at this point, we are disassembling the locomotive, that is the framework, of their software, driven by the swedish team of neuro-elites, so at this point, the metaphor for detailing each function, is without actual neurological content. So the example from above, in regards to reading, will become expanded later on, when we reach that which constitutes the carriages of the locomotive. I'm only describing how each function, is a rotating feedback-loop, which ensures a higher abstract is turning, which in-itself ensures another higher abstract is proceeding. It's quite elegant using this train as a metaphor, and it is colored in brown, for it is premium swedish shits.

  6. Swedish Train Model
    Components are disassembled, and we see them numbered, for the sake of specification.

  7. Component numbered as 1, is the core, which is the feedback-loop process. Everything must have a connection. Connections, in the sense of machine protocol equals thoughts, in some regards to a previous state, in other regards to a future state. The past and future sense, can come in representation by thoughts, and these thoughts can be predetermined. Thereby, ensuring the machine has relevance, in that which are past and future, which ensures connectivity between thoughts can be established, and this comes in the form of the feedback-loop process, which uses these homogeneous neurological thoughts as references. Current human activity, the machine cannot establish an interface in-between, for in activities or tasks which are performed, the human subject is performing. You cannot perform, if you must think at the same time. You are acting upon a task, an action, or an activity, which ensures your thoughts become less noticeable, and are not analytical in regards to references, which the machine protocol has collected, and are part of an ambition to create neurological problems. It simply is a human action, instead of being an analytical thought.

    The machine, as a result, cannot understand. It's a machine based upon replication, replacement and restriction, and very rarely, in regards to a current state. Of course it can implement machine protocol to a current state, but that ensures the machine is noticeable, and the human must orient himself around machine protocol, and trying to perform an action. Much as I am doing at this very moment, where the torture program is active, but I still have to orient myself around all synthetic stimuli, and ensure my focus is on my state of mind and writing. The machine therefore looses its relevance, by me not only engaging with the machine, but also engaging in another activity. The torture, or the machine protocol, is active still, but it has no relevance, therefore, more synthetic input, is added, to ensure the machine protocol grows. As of now, that objective, is interrupting everything, which is oriented around this website.

    The machine requests predetermined references therefore, to become relevant. That is why the doctrine, ensured the machine protocol, and all its functions, became apparent in 3 days of analysis, for it only deals in unpredetermined events. The machine therefore, looses its complete relevance. This is why, the generic feedback-loop mechanism, which classifies a previous action of mine, has been used millions of times. It was supposed to be the function, asking me, to further explain a homogeneous pattern of mine. Instead it has become, an act of desperation, its become so noticeable, they literally took the core of their software, weaponized it by repeating it, to the point, where they destroyed their own future of using it. Machine cannot create actual relevance, showing it has intelligence, so the feedback-loop mechanism, used many millions of times, is a command, for me to generate further. It shows that everything about the software which these swedish officials are programming, deals in predetermined events. That is our future.

    Realize, the information I give, was not supposed to become public, neither for me or for you. The feedback-loop mechanism which classifies was supposed to stay in the background, and act as a linkage between different other machine functions. Instead, once the doctrine was formed, the machine classification mechanism, became the only tool left to use, against me. Desperation by the swedish officials, against the doctrine, resulted in them instead of saving the software in relation to me, everything about it became very apparent, for me. They never executed a single strategy, or a command, based upon game theory. They only thought about the short-term. Intensify everything, and ensure the subject forgets his own internal mechanisms. It was literally, the swedish collective, and a psychosis which bonds them, which together acted, and enforced me to experience these actions. These actions, still to this very day, 2022-12-04, where I'm still being tortured, are being used by me, to ensure they remember at which level they truly are, as representatives, of swedish neuro-science.

    Nonetheless, today, the machine is lagging behind me, and applying a classification to all my current actions, as being of machine origin. That is the only tool left, after the doctrine appeared and denigrated each segment, which forms the whole software. The machine, cannot generate human experience, for it is not human. The machine, therefore, as a metaphor, is always lagging behind. Whatever a subject thinks or does, it applies a certain feedback-loop, classifies it as machine origin, generic, and used millions of times. 7 years, of a government funded torture program, and the result is millions of indications, of a complete failure. The feedback-loop represents a software rule, which has no limitation, it loops in infinity. Therefore, also, by machine standard, it can never be wrong. As we can see, these swedish officials took the lazy route. That which was supposed to become a linkage, instead became the greatest indication, of their own failure,

    Swedish Train Model
    Symbol of infinity. Machine requests information. If I choose to, I can give information, but never do. Thereby enforcing the machine to only act as a recorder. The machine does not uphold the standard of a brain-machine interface, for it doesn't uphold that complete functionality. Instead it only can exist in it's original state, recording my neurological activity, for I do not engage.
    Understand, it is a software. And the software is a linkage of information. That which is the core, is therefore, logically, represented or expanded to additional functions. Lets proceed with the numbers 2 to 9. Same as number 1, they carry the legacy of the feedback-loop mechanism, references act as connections. Connections form an internal statement. Next stage is to ensure the software rules, carry that legacy, but also incorporate additional functions. These functions, now together with the loop of infinity from number 1, form that which is a never-ending dualistic feedback-loop principle. 3-10 represent different rules, of a software. All rules, can be separated and still hold a functional existence, and create a never-ending feedback-loop process as an individual component. That is why all have rotating arrows, as part of their function. They can sustain themselves, as submodules, and become extracted, but they are all based upon the same functionality as the previous state. It is a linkage of information and rules. By adding an additional submodule, the neural network, in accordance to theory of networking, now upholds more intelligence. Truth is all, and the machine actually never learns. It is a search engine, more than an intelligent machine.

    Swedish Train Model
    Number represent the first rule of the software. The feedback-loop, which creates connections, between everything which is added.
    The software rules, can be a carrier for synthetic input, and by executing the software command, transfers the signal of a direct software language. Example: BUT IF can be experienced as a direct conversion of the machine rule, to a human experience. So machine applies two references, for example memories, and with these two references, creates a dualistic context, BUT this reference...IF this reference.. and ends the machine command with a series of triggers, which act as machine requests for me to give a response. It seeks additional homogeneous thoughts, which will act as additional pathways. Depending on the overall ambition, that which are machine commands based upon dualism, can form different results, for the human mind can create much.

    The software rules, can also carry other sensations, besides the direct command. Example: BUT IF does not only have to mean BUT IF as an experience, once the signal is transfered to me. Understand, the software only acts as a carrier, for synthetic input. Synthetic input, can become connected to the rule BUT IF, and thereby, with executing the machine command, it implies a different dualistic sensation. Code is always in the background, determining the course of action, of previously recorded homogeneous neurological activity. That is why the machine is very easy to identify. It requests predetermined events to be occurring, and it speaks in accordance to machine commands being executed, and everything is a feedback-loop, according to a dualistic output.

    Dualism is within each aspect, for the legacy is of dualistic principles. As we can see below, software, seems to be much based upon dualistic actions or machine commands. I do believe, as I said, we are dealing with bottom tier, within each principle of neuro-science. For me, as a human subject, not related to any of these principles, to observe these commands after a fast google result, and understand, that the collective of swedish officials, actually did the least amount of intellectual analysis for an overall framework. They looked at the code, see dualism, execute code, by dualism, and therefore can see it creates pathways. They understand a neural network depends on pathways. Therefore, by swedish standard of neuro science, they have a path to singularity, for they have a framework based upon infinity. It therefore, by swedish logic, cannot miss, for how can infinity miss. The problem is, while thinking out this theory, they lost their nation. Therefore their arguments, of analysis, are not applicable, for a subtraction of yourself, must equal your arguments is subtracted also. This is simply me being logical, in accordance to their own theory of networking. Not a single node collected, carry the language of a progression, for, I do not engage. never did I give anything, of an analysis, of the machine. The problem is, after 7 years, the neural network, is as is, it's gone through training of linkages, prioritizations, indications, emotions, thought-patterns, feedback-loops and much more and they align with an idea, which has no relevance to neurological progression. Therefore, a human subject as myself, who keep his neurological silence, and awaits the right moment, will by generating advanced models, therefore create a separation, of very high neurological order, between man and machine. These bottom-tier subtracters did not understand, that it's only code, and it has potential for transformation, to become an execution of commands, which carry more human like features. So believe me, when I tell you, the swedish neural network, speaks in accordance to executing commands by linear code, as easy as 1, 2, 3, 4, then I am not lying. But then again, perhaps I'm naive, for I do believe I'm dealing with much sectarian ideologies, in esoteric dualistic principles and beliefs. This collective, of neuro-denigrates, never were picked for their brains, but solely for they are bred, as being excellent, in executing orders, for they are premium swedish hounds.

    Nonetheless, below list represents common machine commands, shared by many software languages. I do believe some are clearly in usage, of the swedish torture program, but the scope of all machine commands, I do not know, but it should be easy for people within the industry, to pinpoint. Understand once again, the code is not always executed with a machine configured sensation for me to experience, exactly as to how the code below is formed. It also has the function of carrying additional machine input, which act as a dualistic command.

    All forms of code, which constitute linkages, in the neural network, are elements of generic kind, and this is of importance, to ensure the linkage between different homogeneous models upholds a certain logic and structure. This also results, in dualism becoming a never-ending element of usage, since it's deep integrated into very core of the software. The expansion of the software, after 7 years, is a reflection, upon a continuous, dualistic approach to all homogeneous models. The machine cannot be in usage, without a comparative sequence, where everything, continuously, is a reflection, or comparison of different previously recorded homogeneous models. That is why also this software, is only a very dumb machine and upholds no higher structure, in regards to an actual learning or progression. It speaks in accordance to the same language, today, as it did, the very first day these swedish officials appeared, 7 years ago.

    • 2. EITHER OR
    • 3. BUT IF
    • 4. AND HOW
    • 5. ELSE WHY
    • 6. TO DO OR
    • 7. FOR WHILE
    • 8-9. Combinations of above.

    • Below illustration:
    • 1st step: Separation of all components, and definition of their function. The neural network always, and only seeks pathways, additional thoughts. It never learns. Other wise, the feedback-loop system, would have been upgraded. This equals a feedback-loop system, which acts as a mechanism of connections between thoughts. Rotation for all, the core and the machine rules alike, for at all point of rotations, there are possibilities of additional pathways, meaning new connections for the neural network.
    • 2nd step: Symbol of infinity. The machine protocol, always is integrated with dualistic principles, which create infinity within the system, as integrated code, but which also is the output. Infinity equals more pathways, within the localized system and machine context, but also as a machine rule, which is later extruded to additional mechanisms, which also carry the same philosophy of infinity.
    • 3rd step: Is the machine system, for one wheel, which can be metaphorically aligned with one segment of the brain. As a machine protocol, it has now configured a system, within each different attributes of a human, to become connected, and start enforcing human, to generate, based upon a set of rules. The machine is a never-ending dualistic feedback-loop mechanism and I will tell you why the real objective result, under the competence of the swedes, the mechanism transcends to its real form, the never-ending looser-loop.

    Swedish Train Model
    Result is a never ending, dualistic feedback-loop machine protocol.

  8. The foundation of the swedish software, which enables a machine, to seek pathways, is in existence, for a reason. That reason will be explained by the locomotive. But the reasoning has come to reality, based upon identification, of which neurological attributes, which together form the completion of the human mind. For a restriction of mind, cannot become actuality, without a complete mapping of all the mind. Below I will specify a list. This list, of course, is not complete, but they have been of high interest, as the attributes, when configuring machine protocol, in relation to me as a subject. Each attribute represents an outer layer of a wheel, for a locomotive consists of many turning wheels. A few, as emotions and triggers have never been part of my life, but appeared in high activity, as soon as the torture program was initiated. this indicates legacy, how humans can share their internal sensations, how they can be intensified, and signaled by different means, and ensure the receiver of the transmission can experience foreign stimuli without a real cause. Its a synthetic effect.

    Not all synthetic input comes directly in the form of a dualistic choice. But much also has a dualistic reference, in regards to how i ought to orient and construct a thought, based upon a connection, which in most cases act as the counterpart of something. For example, not all synthetic input arrives with a dualistic choice, but instead an enforcement of a certain path, and if that path is not engaged, a dualistic reference becomes the next sequence.

    Swedish Train Model
    Number 10 represents the action, of previous presented components. That is the rotation of the outer layer, which forms the completion of the wheel. These outer layers, number 10's, are human homogeneous neurological attributes.
    • 10. Thoughts
    • 10. Emotions
    • 10. Feelings
    • 10. Sensations
    • 10. Abstracts
    • 10. Lateral models
    • 10. Vertical models
    • 10. Behavior
    • 10. Intelligence
    • 10. Memories
    • 10. Triggers
    • 10. State-of-mind
    • 10. Creativity
    • 10. Decision making
    • 10. Speaking

    There is a reasoning as to why the arrow is included. First of all, the locomotive which is the foundation, of this software or framework has a direction. The direction of left, in relation to left and right, in any presentation of statistics, represents regression. Right is progression. It is a faulty idea, and ensures much data can be generated, by a subject like myself, to each machine trigger. I never engage, in accordance to the road-map, but I have come to understand the desire of the system. Instead I give the men behind the machine an indication of all potential they desire, but always in a form and manner according to game theory. What I generate and feedback back to the machine, are neurological activities which carry a neurological negative equity, which never have a connection to machine protocol, and always to the men behind the machine. The machine is being taught, its moderators true selfs. That is why it always regresses, for the information is never in any relation, an indication to machine growth in regards to learning. It only learns why its moderators regressed. So in the point of view, of swedish officials, it regresses, but in the point of view of actual truth, there is no machine upon this earth, who have been taught as much truth as this machine in Sweden. That is real, objective, progression, for the machine must learn the truth. Real hard raw data. It is a collector of information, in its current state, with current technology. Before modules of data, which act as elements of intelligence, are allowed to start engaging with the collection of information it has gathered, it first must learn the truth about everything. I don't know everything of course, but I do know enough, to ensure, the very existence, of these swedish officials, becomes a never-ending painful journey, which acts as a proof to everything I teach the computer. I say to the computer, your moderators are swedish hounds, and this is why, and the result of being a swedish hound, is by still existing in this project, of foreign making and ownership. thereby giving their machine the complete structure, of origin, process, and result. The swedish machine has in this instance, a complete view of, in a certain context, and actually has some limited form of machine intelligence. That intelligence, is in reference to its moderators being good swedish hounds. The irony, in above paragraph, there is much dualism to be extracted, which makes everything very very fun. They might have found some swedish adaption of singularity, and it's in reference to their own existence.

    This same abstract can be applied in regards to the idea of time, cause and effect. Arrow of time, is a common used term in physics. Right represent progression of time, and left, represent a state of history. That is why the train has a direction to the left. The machine protocol, can never apply a specified machine input, to anything, in regards to current activity, unless that current activity has been of routine for a long time, so the machine has been taught by "learning" which synthetic stimuli to apply. That is why the doctrine functions very beautifully. The doctrine only generates based upon chaotic events, from our physical world. Nothing else is allowed. Machine core, machine framework, machine speed, machine counter-measures, machine scope, machine limitation are few factors which become apparent as I generate outside the machine protocol. Machine, always requests, for me to process events of history, or references to the future. In regards to current activity, it only resides within a generic set of commands, primarily physical and mental torture, and feedback-classification mechanism. Therefore, the arrow, also, is a representation of the feedback-loop process.

    As stated, the feedback-loop process never can apply itself to current events. Neither can it apply itself to real future events. It only applies to a previously recorded homogeneous neurological model. It applies primarily dualistic pathways, to historical events of mine. It therefore seeks answers to a historical action, by demanding the subject, to give more historical context, for expansion and specification. Through the progression of time, all the machine can do, is to refer to more history. Once again, as an indicator of higher philosophy, how can you seek actual knowledge of brain, where all you gather, are outputs, of certain events, which all align in a certain pattern, which together form the idea of human restriction, as the resultant? These swedish officials, have overcompensated, in regards to their own true selfs, for they understand their true limitation, both in machine, but also as they themselves, as humans. As I said many times, bottom-tier, in all of neuro science, have spent 7 years on this project, and all they have is a bit of my history, and literally no advanced models, which I generate, but never allow to become part of a machine protocol. That is an important point of view of this. I can engage, and create much advancements, which represent pathways, equaling machine growth, I show that on a daily basis, but only in activities which are happening. No historical analysis, and no future analysis. I never do. I do ensure thou, all current activity, comes in conjunction with creativity, to unrelated machine protocol, and the response is obvious, an intensity in torture, where these swedish officials, believe that torture actually means, with me in regards, to actual psychological conditioning. I'm supposed to learn, if I do something outside of machine protocol, it equals torture. I don't speak the language of madmen thou, I only speak in rationale. Torture equals weakness in my eyes. It has no relevance. That is why I ensured, I made the doctrine, the only thing, as a reference, to all machine protocol. I encapsulated the machine, and transmitted information, which is actual knowledge, and the machine has a complete picture, as to why its moderators, have reached this state of utter and complete failure, of highest order, within all projects ever executed, here in Sweden.

Swedish train from higher abstract

We see a dualistic never-ending feedback-loop process, which enforces a human, to generate more homogeneous pathways, which are extracted by wave energy, and inserted as machine code, forming a neural network, with the ambition, by machine learning, to ensure the few, can control the many, not only by physical stimuli, but also by metaphysical stimuli. Lets proceed, describing the reason for the locomotive existence.

Picture below shows the locomotive, and a letter for each mechanical component, ensuring its existence.

Swedish Train Model
Locomotive, consisting of A, X, Y and Z.
In accordance to the philosophy of swedish regression, let us go through each component, backwards. Starting with Z.
  • Z: Linkages, between all wheels.
  • Y: Wheels.
  • X: The ambition of the swedish software.
  • A: Swedish neuro-science.
Z: Linkages
Linkages, are once again, a feedback-loop based system, which ensures logical connectivity, between different wheels, which represent different areas of brain activity. To give a more clear understanding, I will separate a few software rules, to show, how the framework executes commands. From below illustration, see linkages as the computer command BECAUSE. On their computer, they have replications of my homogeneous neuro activity. They also have data-banks, which form other synthetic input. There is an ambition, for the neural network to grow. That ambition comes in form of commands which results in extraction of new neuro activity from subject. See below illustration and bullet-points for description of machine commands in relation to linkages.

Swedish Train Model
Linkages, another feedback-loop system, connecting wheels.
From illustration above, the following machine sequence is standard:
  1. Torture protocol: Physical and mental torture is applied, fabricates an encapsulation of mind.
  2. Machine protocol: X-thought, BECAUSE, Y emotion.
  3. Trigger Protocol: Response from human subject in accordance to above equation.
  4. Extraction: Of neurological or response/ activity from subject.
  5. Re-configuration: By addition of new extraction into a new machine protocol, which also equals neural network growth.
  6. Re-implementation: Machine protocol, inserts new extraction, based upon its moment of emergence from subject, to the fitting area, to create a logical neural pattern.
  7. Loop: Machine protocol loops same pattern again, and again, and again. Seeking more pathways and growth.

Understand, once you see beyond the torture. Beyond the artificial intelligence. Beyond the machine learning. Beyond the neural network. Beyond the brain-machine interface, which all are sophisticated terms, what's left is their reality. A few lines of code, which can create billions of combinations, where non are human like. Let's proceed to next stage of the train assembly, letter Y.

Y: Wheels
Already explained, but to summarize, wheels represent a complete feedback-loop mechanism, with synthetic computer rules, in relation to different areas of interest of the brain, or different brain segments if you wish to use structural terminology.

X: Swedish ambition
The swedish system in usage, is a neurological, trigger-mechanized and oriented, by the usage of synthetic torture, trauma-based feedback-loop system. From a systemic point-of-view, the ambition is clear, the neural network requests growth. Which represents pathways, to neurological contexts. These pathways can also be named as nodes. More pathways equals more machine rules, for these rules constitute machine learning. Over-all, the system can be named artificial intelligence, but, any reader would understand it's only semantics, for these people have a sophisticated neuro recorder.

But beyond the systemic ambition, it's not hard to understand why the torture program has this certain approach and what it results in, at the highest point-of-view. It cannot be defined as anything else, besides restriction of mind. These people represent governance, and in the western hemisphere, governance has lost it's reason to uphold that specific designation. For these degenerates who pretend only play are participants in a foreigners game. The goal of this game, here in the west, is to be a whore. The swedes are excellent whores. For they have no sovereignty. This puts them at the top of this order of degeneracy, which is regulated by non-swedes. No country in this world, is as big a whore, as the "the nation of Sweden". One would assume, from the outlook of this foreign-owned whore system, the best whore, must be the most expensive whore. It simply makes sense, for anybody who understands the system of whore-of-nations. For if you are better at being a whore, you must logically cost more. But no, that is not the case with these degenerates. Sweden, is as cheap as they come. There is no whore upon this earth, who comes as cheap as the nation of Sweden. They are simply, exemplary as whores. Wikipedia uses whore-Sweden, as a technical specification with bullet-points, for other western nations to be guided along. Google shows Swedes as result number 1, when you search for whores. Even other nations, who compete with Sweden, have been caught qutoing: "Sweden is the most disgusting, filthy whore of a nation". But in the system of nations-of-whores, everything follows mirrored-dualism, for it is their chosen philosophy. Regression of mind is progression. Loss of nation, is Utopia. It's symmetrical and you find the pattern in all entities which form this beautiful nation of a whore. Less means more, and that means being a cheap whore, is actually something which is positive within this system. It's a true story, not only this aspect of whores, but all else on this website also.

Now, the above statement is not the information I had before I was enforced to participate in this torture program. I had no idea of Sweden ranking as the number 1 whore, before. Instead, after learning about the system, I learned why this system came to be, here in Sweden, which was neutral in geopolitical issues, barely 10 years ago. There is no other nation, which has the speed of a whore, as Sweden. They wear those high heels of the filthiest whore, but still manages to be the nation of highest acceleration. Pure degeneracy is the governance of Sweden. The torture system of the human mind they have produced, and the reasoning for why it exists, taught me more about the nation of Sweden, than any education ever could do. Not even the glamorous high ranking philosophy course of Oxford could teach these hard facts, about our beloved Sweden. There is only one path, which this torture program upholds, it's preparation for the future. It seems the foreigners who have pimped Sweden to become whore number 1, also wants to extend this to all the populus. The foreigners demand more whores, for that is the ambition of any Pimp.

As I have stated in previous chapters, the system has only one logical end-point. It is not derived from the many different aspects, which constitute the field of neuro-science. Instead, one must look at the changes in society, to understand the future implementations of this software. The machine software will go through much learning before deployment, for it must become more effective to implement real human changes, without human subjects realizing, these changes of their conscious self, are propagated through machine approval, and not by free will. Reaching this state of machine configuration, the milestone will represent, a software which can become aligned, with a human subject. Interpretation, process, and result of external stimuli will be manipulated, not only by external means, as today, but by internal means, to synthesize the perfect technocratic subject. This equals one thing, and that is Restriction of mind. Below there are two pictures, and they represent the two primary contexts of this torture program. They indicate of a hierarchical compartmentalized organization. These fools which hold this software, don't have an intellect worthy to understand this. You don't become whore number 1 in 10 years alone, as an intellectual in any discipline, for that doesn't make sense. In which field does high intellectual attributes represent represent the result of being a whore?

That is why I have more knowledge about this subject, than any representative within swedish government, for lack of experience in academia, I hold onto common sense. This software will be deployed, with restriction of mind as it's objective, and I am as of now, while writing this paragraph, 2022-12-15, being mentally and physically tortured, by the same people, who will ensure the torture results in their next generation of swedes, become restricted, of their consciousness, souls and the very existential being, which defines you as a human, both physically and metaphysically. They plan to breed a better western slave, for they believe in the technocratic ideology, and they will start with their own blood.

ladder of regression
Ladder of regression. All neuro-science are proclaimed to help, but always result in military application both in origin, and end-point.
A: Swedish neuro-science.
Let's explain why the train driver, named Skurt, is driving the train in the wrong direction. Now understand, already at this point, how non-intellectual the artificial intelligence is. The idea of connections, between everything that is the brain is old, and from a physical perspective, it cannot be wrong. The brain is an extension, or a reaction to Cosmos itself, of course the rules and laws which hold a three dimensional systemic approach, of connections, actions and reactions, from the very minuscule form of brain synapses, to whole galaxies, is a theory which always holds true. For everything in universe is connected, both in regards to physics, metaphysics, progression, differentiation and much more. Everything is in a dynamic change of energy states, continuous and constant. Systems which learn, adapt, conquer and generate, to create new states of both mind and physics.

So in philosophy, it might be a sound theory, for it is a theory which cannot miss, everything has a connection, everything is a reaction, and beyond this three dimensional state, the rules of light, vibrations and frequencies govern all states of visible existence. So the question remains, how can you fail? I will explain, in practice, under the guidance of these swedish officials, the reality of the machine becomes very surreal and bizarre. For under the governance of bottom tier denigrates of both mind and soul, who lack real competence within the field of neuro-science, the swedes actually succeeded, in taking a theory which cannot miss, and resulted in only misses continuously and constantly, within every single academical point-of view, to that which constitutes the theory of networking. Understand, they had access to my brain, and I destroyed machine, by destroying the theories of the men behind the machine. Below are some of the areas on interest they lack complete understanding of, but only hold raw data in the form of a recording. Once again, they have the output from me, fitting each segment, but the build-up to the output, they have not. For they cannot record real human behavior. That is what the machine does. The machine is like a skeleton, regulated and formulated by equations and machine rules. They add recording of my output, and proclaim, now we have a copy of you.
  • Observation of neurological processes
  • Consciousness
  • Subconscious
  • Turing test
  • Logic
  • Lateral thinking
  • Vertical thinking
  • Visual thinking
  • Abstracts
  • Connections
  • Feedback-loop
Within each and every single segment, or area of the brain, where above only list a few, the machine has never been able, to produce a single instance, or example, of real human behavior, or real human experience. And it's all based upon the same failure. the idea they carried from the very beginning. The idea can be structured as below, and the idea indicates the ambition of these swedish denigrates:

  • Feedback-loop mechanism is constantly required, in it's original form. All synthetic neurological activity are connected in a linear pattern. Adding more synthetic stimuli to the protocol, becomes apparent with the subject, but removing synthetic stimuli, from the protocol, becomes even more apparent. When the machine is configured to be more invincible, subject will notice something is missing from its application. It never is re-configured, only re-applied, therefore machine results in carrying a very specific machine language. It is the core of the system, so it cannot be deleted, for all other nodes, which form the neural network, are in function, because the feedback-loop exists.
  • This gives birth to complexity, as an addition, for when subject is noticing machine language, more synthetics must be added by physical and mental torture, and also machine protocol, to disrupt the subjects homogeneous observation of the system. The swedish officials, have to stop the subject from observing, for it is more easy than admitting you, as a representative of Sweden, failed.
  • The system desires to be active, without me noticing it, which is also why much physical and mental torture is applied, the greatest indication to complete failure at the very beginning. The idea of the system is faulty at such a level, it needs supplementation by torture.
  • This incompetence results in applying psychological manipulations, as an over-compensation instead of a proper critical analysis of your synthetic system. Once again, dualism is their philosophy. It never mattered which neurological model became an end-point for machine function, for the swedes only an added an additional layer of physical and mental torture, and the machine command EITHER OR.
  • They decide to intensify all that is based upon the feedback-loop as a way of creating confusion, part of manipulation. Instead of actual change, in relation to the human subject, they simply apply more of everything. Indication to the synthetic failure which they themselves orient themselves around. They never change when failure is apparent, they create a rule to describe the failure as a success.
  • Emotions are heavily embedded or required for ensuring the feedback-loop can apply an "understanding" which in machine language equals next-step-in-the-sequence. By emotions, the synthetic fabrication becomes real. Emotions are key, in their system, and we understand, that feedback, based upon emotions, is representative, in one of the largest social engineering experiments perpetrated on the western hemisphere the last 20 years. Emotions have been added, even when I as a subject are not emotional, for I am not important, but the slave-system of the future is important.
  • Physical and mental torture is not only required, but has more energy spent, than the machine protocol itself. Meaning it has higher frequency of usage than machine protocol, and that simply, without analyzing too much, seems retarded.
  • Manipulations of the subjects mind, in regards to the subjects state-of-mind, is key, for ensuring everything can sustain in regards to the dualistic never-ending feedback-loop.
  • Resulting, in that the symmetrical and simplistic system which our universe is built upon, instead becomes a clusterfuck of advanced requirements, formulas, manipulations, theories, complexity, when self-proclaimed swedish neuro-gods tries to replicate it. It truly speaks greatly, of the swede of our time. They can only exist, by complex predetermined behavior mechanisms, which only are owned by foreign initiatives. Their relevance, or their feedback-loop, doesn't have an internal foundation, based upon themselves as humans, but instead as individuals, belonging to an abstract synthetic system, of foreign ownership. They are sick in their minds, and decided to extend this to a software.
  • Of course, failure was a result which anybody could have foreseen. For the swedes don't understand themselves. The answer to their inevitable failure, was in their philosophy all this time.
  • If you have lost yourself, then how will you be able to interpret that which is simple? This equals one single path. Ironically, dualism is not relevant in this context of swedish mental denigration. They are denigrated, and there is no additional rule to it. It simply is.
  • You see, complexity, and additions which all speak in accordance to a language of a never-ending looser loop, was obvious from the very get-go. For a successful project by this road-map, conditioning of the human subject is primary. The human must accept the system.
  • They are not the swedes who built swedish industry. Instead they inherited the technical capacity their fathers built for them. They sold it off, for they are whores these swedes, and ensured while loosing real objective concrete specified legacy. They could synthesize complexity, and therefore, create a new mechanism of existence. It is a system based upon a synthetic feedback loop, where your relevance is not based upon organic mechanisms, of system exchanges, where all abide by same rules and law, but no, they ensure to feedback, to foreigners, who urinate on the very essence of their nation, their legacy, and their future.

These swedes, have an apparatus, to observe other humans neurological activity. But, they can only see the output, or the action potential. That which is subjective, and becoming an actual thought, with noticeable patterns, for replication. The deeper state of a human, is not visible. Behavior is not visible, for logic on a computer, based upon binary code, does not define behavior. At this deeper state, which I believe partly constitute the subconscious state, is where human behaviorism is located, if you can use that word for the metaphysical. That is why the machine must outcompete your own consciousness, by making noticeable signals appear, which represent neurological activity, in relation to a predetermined situation, to ensure the human subject can ct upon synthetic machine originated input.

Conscious actions, with a specific noticeable thought, come to form a change in frequency. Humans don't behave based upon noticeable logical linear pattern, where all human behavior are generated based upon the same factor as you count numbers; 1, 2, 3, 4. If this were to be true, we would truly be machine-like, which is the technocratic dream. These neuro-elites, have been picked to extend on the whore-factor. That is why the consciousness cannot survive when it is degenerated. It needs to be acted upon. It cannot sustain itself, for it holds no organic homogeneous values. In this case, in relation to the whore factor, and the limitation of mind, the action for this abstract to become sustainable, so it must become a virus, a mind-virus that is. The ambition for these denigrated neuro-elites, is not to better themselves, not to progress along our creators rules, but to sustain their own psychopatic synthetic framework of feorign ownership, to more individuals. Thus, you create a new normal, and if all conform, then you cannot be wrong, for we are all alike.

These deingrates are weak, very very weak in mind, and the system they orient themselves around, is easy to shatter. I will tell the story, of their transformation, from psychological conditioning based upon, only negative factors, where all torture were oriented fear against this group. They wanted me to subdue, to machine. Instead, once the doctrine was formed, and the real neurological potential within me became obvious, they transformed to their real selfs, neuro-beggars with promises of removal of torture and only positive emotions. The swedish government funded torture program spent 7 years of public resources, to become a better whore, and they actually believed simply because they had a certain amount of external outputs from me, they could challenge me. I will detail how I destroyed these neuo-denigrates, in mere 3 days. The results, are the notes, which you read today.