Cope of Arms

Swedish Torture

Drag and Drop

The system, outside of subjective enforcement, is easy to understand

The machine protocol, outside of subjective experience, as you can understand from this publishment, is a dumb machine, and I think its important for readers to understand this. This clusterfuck, of a project, which the self-proclaimed swedish neuro-elites have brought forth, and ensured I must be tortured for, literally has no more advancements than the simplest games a child performs. The foundation of the protocol, which constitutes its actions, behavior, ambition and goal, is indicative, of swedish officials, who have taken it upon themselves, to form something, which is very easy to recognize. This is also why, the discipline of psychology, holds a very high degree of relevance, in their overall road-map. Everything, about this machine, is for the swedish officials, to ensure, the machine actually have relevance. That is being done by psychological conditioning of a human. If they would stop the torture, of both physical and mental kind, the machine becomes simply noise, without any relevance whatsoever in the life of the subject.

This is not representative of an objective picture thou. I am used to being surrounded by bottom-tier neuro-scientists. I would assume, if they were to try the same setup, against another subject, they might succeed in having the subject to act upon machine protocol and its mission. The physical and mental torture is very substantial against me thou. Simply because they can never break the barrier of my mind. I do not engage, and never have been, and I always remind the men behind the machine of this very fact. If we were to measure the amount of code which the whole swedish project consists of, which is being transferred to me, i would say torture has at least 90% holding of overall code. Synthetic neurological code, meaning thoughts, abstracts etc, in relation to its ambition hold no more than 10%. And this number is estimated for a day, where the machine is over-active, applying neurological code in masses. Otherwise I would say the ratio is closer to 95/5. The last 18 months, from when I formed the doctrine is the most interesting aspect of the power the machine holds, for I kid you not, when I tell you, that everyday, the last 18 months, consisted of 99% physical and mental torture, and only a single percent left, for generic artificial intelligence, which only resulted, in classifications, indications, emotions and feedback-loops.

These numbers and this information holds much importance. It tells of what is needed for the ambition of totalitarian control of the human if it must become true. The swedish ambition is very high. The ambition thou, is not of their own making. Understand, I'm dealing with swedish industry, military, and intelligence. Sovereignty is not a term, applicable to these swedish entities. They are simply a collective of hounds, bought and paid for, and have been given an assignment, to climb the ladder of a foreign owned hierarchy. That climb is done, by lying to themselves, by deluding themselves, by manipulating themselves, and fabricate a success in producing a software, of trans-humanistic agenda, to enslave all of their own population. they failed, but they act like winners. They lost their nation, but they act like free men.

For somebody like me, of average intelligence, rationale, and with a good sense of critical thinking, it becomes very easy to reduce the machine to its smallest action point, in regards to synthetic input, and ensure I keep a structural analysis, when I connect the patterns, to that which becomes its highest abstract. It is a software, which is being formed, to encapsulate all individuals, in the western hemisphere, into a spectrum of pre-approved thoughts, processes and other neurological activity.

Drag and Drop is the software

  1. I must state this once again, same as I stated last chapter. These illustrations only describe, if I were to engage.
  2. It holds importance thou, for I am not the first subject, nor the last.
  3. More chapters incoming, which will describe my counter-measures, and how I denigrated the men behind the machine.
  4. To understand the very low intellectual ideologies behind the system, allow me to present the drag-and-drop system, which probably holds more pedagogical value than their own swedish documents.
  5. All machine configurations and equations, are based upon a few factors. The system is very easy to recognize.
  6. This is also why they have failed completely. Everything revolves around unnecessary complexity, because swedish neuro-science, believe complexity constitutes higher academic value.
  7. Additions and subtractions, that is all.
  8. Every-time they add more to machine protocol, as some invisible universal balance, something is subtracted from their nation at the same time.
  9. Below illustration ought to give my readers an indication to the "complexity" of the artificial intelligence.
  10. The symbols are only for illustration. But it is reality. Each shape represent a different synthetic input.
  11. Millions of combinations can be created, but none of them carry the qualities of a human mind.
  12. It is a recording device they have developed, and from that they have never been able to create a single indication of machine protocol, in regards to higher neurological information. I will detail this story.
  13. The machine protocol is based upon recordings of homogeneous human neurological activity. Thats it.
  14. It's literally a machine without any form of intelligence. Manual configurations, decide the output.
  15. These manual configurations can become conceptualized, and equation-based, but that, in itself equals less human quality.
  16. Important, through this drag-and-drop system, these denigrates of swedish neuro-science, believed, that a human subject, could be tested according to principles of the Turing test.
Drag and Drop
Drag-and-drop system of machine input, and previously recorded homogeneous activity.


  1. From below picture, you see data-banks, which are storage units for each section forming a global machine protocol.
  2. I am sure, ever more delusional, the swedes probably call it artificial intelligence. Because equations and history, constitutes automatic machine choices. Its therefore intelligent.
  3. Each unit, within the data-banks, can be converted, to a specific symbol and color. Examples seen below.
  4. Subjectively, of course, the experience will feel overwhelming, in relation to its diversity of neurological stimuli.
  5. But that is where humanity separates from machine. Humans cannot be copied. There is only output which the machine can detect and replicate.
  6. It's through these subjective experiences, they try to imply fear, paranoia, and other negative conditioned emotions, and thereby hope to condition a human, to subdue and become part of machine protocol.
  7. They want to create symbiosis between man and machine.
  8. Their ambitions are clear, they were delusional from the very beginning.
  9. Delusional people, proclaiming elite status, only hold their status by lies.
  10. results speak the objective truth. In comparison to 7 years ago when they arrived, they have less of their own national sovereignty left. That is their true elite value, and that speaks more about their ambitions.
  11. Instead, use illustrations like below and above, to understand, that this type of intelligence, is simply a drag and drop system, which even a child can manipulate, and create.
  12. This ensures, that with enough recording of homogeneous neurological activity, they can create what seems to be millions of combinations.
  13. Understand thou, none of them are real. They are simply very noticeable outputs, which you are forced to experience.
  14. The plan, still is, removal of human free will.
  15. That means that their ambitions for human neurological combinations, only exists, because the diversity of humans exists.
  16. But this ambition does NOT equal a curiosity for the human brain. It's simply obligatory for the greater abstract of the mission.
  17. The mission is to ensure one single global individual, tho think alike.
  18. They wish to create an Avatar, and integrate those traits, within each human, in the western hemisphere.
  19. This will equal a few combinations, to ensure human input, which results in action/output, becomes alike.
  20. With neurological slavery, you create, the perfect framework, for how you, the self-proclaimed Elite, can sustain your synthetic Kingdom.
Drag and drop combo
Data-banks form the access for machine protocol. The more data-banks grow, the more the machine learns how to perfect human neurological restriction.

Neuro Philosophy

  1. Below illustration, shows another data-bank. This one consists of the ideologies, which form the choices for the machine protocol.
  2. The machine speaks according to a linear machine.
  3. There is a pattern thou, in regards to how, when and why it makes its choices of synthetic input.
  4. That pattern, is a compilation, of the greatest failure in human history, the team who sold their nation, and was able to produce a software, and thereby becoming a greater hound, in the hierarchy of foreign ownership.
  5. A few of these disciplines are:
    • Neuro-science
    • Neuro-biology
    • Psychology
    • Computer science
    • Software engineering
    • Artificial intelligence
    • Machine learning
  6. The machine protocol can collect millions of nodes or neurological activity.
  7. The pattern of machine shares a few elements, which connects all synthetic input, and results in what can be defined as machine protocol.
  8. Those are:
    • Dualism
    • Feedback-loop
    • Classifications of thoughts
    • Emotional conditioned input
    • Emotional conditioned actions/outputs
    • Triggers to act
    • Reward or punishment.
  9. The ideology behind the machine protocol, only consists of data collection, and a denigrated team of swedish bottom-tier degenerates, who believe they have found the answer to human control or restriction.
  10. I'm going to tell you, exactly how they failed this mission.
Drag and drop ideology
Disciplines form the behavior of the machine. Some aspects of the machine determine the machine agenda.