Cope of Arms

Swedish Torture


Do not be fooled, by the research which are in the field of neuro science, or its subsidiaries like machine learning, brain-machine interface or even artificial intelligence to some regard. Remember instead, the western hemisphere, in regards to its existence, is based upon centralization. Old ideas in a new shape and new form, aided by new technologies. All research are motivated or argued as part of helping people. Solving problems, which reside within faulty neurological functions, and no, this time my readers might be catching on and think once again I'm referring to the swedes, but no. There actually are real neurological complications, which research does help. But be assured, that research is being done, not by the motivation to aid these complications, it is simply a ladder, a stage of human action, they must perform, to ensure they can do the research itself. Of course, there are people who lack understanding of our world, and while doing what they think is helping, is simply part of a scheme which goes beyond their perspective. That perspective is centralization, or technocracy, of every single human function imaginable, external and internal. I will detail exactly what this torture program entails, in regards to a higher abstract.

I must use terminology like, brain-machine interface, because that is the technical platform which is used. I'm engaged in a connection between me and a machine. But if you read upon the research of brain-machine interface, it is for assistance of people, who suffer from different neurological complications. They have decided to commit crimes against humanity, by this torture program, because they realized I inhabit some neurological abilities which they can put to the test, and hopefully have the machine learn how to subdue them, or restrict them, or corrupt them. I also must use the term neural network, because that is how its built, it requests more information, continuously, and forms a linkage which constitutes a network with rules. That network is based upon my previous recorded neurological models and activity. I also must use the term artificial intelligence, as a joke, because the machine lacks everything which represents intelligence, both in the aspects of learning, or deep learning. But it truly is all, at its essence, the purest form of bullshit. What I have experienced, is the real reason behind many initiatives, and how all research will coincide to result in. I speak of synergy. And humans within our western hierarchy very rarely realize the synergy they belong and work towards. That is control of the human being. That control will be in his direct surroundings, as a physical object, but also along his brain activity, restricting subjective decision-making and behavior. It simply is technocracy. And people are blinded of the actions being made by these types of initiatives, which academia, industry, intelligence and governance together are involved in.

These people have shown many technical capabilities which I still have not come in contact with, in any literature. It includes producing holograms in my proximity, involuntary movement of limbs and body, and I'm not only speaking of a leg making a sudden movement. No I'm speaking of complete physical control of a human without his consent. Also involuntary movement of eyes, manipulation of internal sound, physical pain, physical scars, and much much more to be detailed. If you understand the development of our western hemisphere, you will understand that ideas, like these, foreign in origin, are shared by many nations. And its not by coincidence. These nations do not belong to the people. These ideas, are the results to corrupt nations, who seek to reshape the human mind, and create a biological neural network, governed by something small inside each subjects head. Hardware, apparently, is not even necessary. They wish to keep their stature of self-proclaimed Gods as something real. That comes to reality, only, by ensuring everybody abides. Is there no greater indication of lacking actual relevance, if you have to enforce your values and ideas, your existence, to be shared among everybody?

Centralization is the greatest indication, of actual lack of power and control, which are governed by your own people. It's a hierarchy, which feeds itself, and the nutrition is in the form of denigration, corruption, delusion, lies and deceit of the majority. Its a game. And our leaders, of all western nations, share the ambition, to fight for the crumbs those foreigners throw away to these rabid hounds who policy our lives. Understand, that the men behind the machine, have given plenty of indications, as to how this machine protocol, is a synergistic initiative, between different nations. The swedish officials, as I have stated, are not interested in anything regarding brain research, but instead of different measures, in how to implement control of the mind. And how that restriction can create a neural network, which forms the basis, of a machine protocol, which only seeks to implement totalitarian control of every single subject in the western hemisphere. They see ugliness in this world. And they have decided to be rid of it, by ugly means. As I said, these people are expert in looping around philosophy above their understanding. By using internal feedback, and in essence, by positive or negative classification, of anything which initiates from the internal. Its a software which observes a subject, continuously, and by continuous re-configurations, or updates to that software, the machine brings forth new measures of homogeneous restriction. The machine rejects anything of homogeneous activity, besides simple neurological initiatives, which must abide a machine originated supplementation to the homogeneous activity. It truly is, by their own terms, ensuring humans will be part of a zombie-network.

From objective spectrum

There is only one real objective spectrum. That is light.
This spectrum gives us life, and differentiation within the system of life.
All other spectrum's, are products of living primates, who themselves are products of light.
They have been here for a short while, and decided to role play the part of God, the one who created light.
The primate learns about the spectrum, conceptualizes it, and ensures a new religion is synthesized.
In this new religion, degeneracy is the official ritual, and light disappears.
Somewhere, within above illustration, lies the frequency and energy, the swedes use to perpetrate these crimes against humanity. The technique ensures, wireless, noninvasive communication, not only between human and machine, but human and human. The swedes, have a history of expertise and technical development, of weaponry, which utilizes the energy spectrum as its source. We could take on the argument of relativity, and proclaim all is light, not only weaponry, but lets stay rationale, in relation to the context. I am very sure, this torture program has been a co-operative project, between different disciplines here in Sweden, where the military, has a leading role, of the organization and structure. The swedish military, even as I write this very paragraph, is using this technology, to send heavy pulses, to my head, interrupting my concentration as I try to find the correct words to use, and with each interruption, comes a machine initiation, to indicate many synthetic emotional and indications as to what I am, what I ought to feel, and what I ought to think. The pulses and the synthetic communication, not to mention all torture specified on the torture section, all can be located from above illustration. Which frequency, I don't know. Which type of energy, I don't know. But I do know, that the symbol used, for the only objectively truthful spectrum, instead of staying relevant to its purpose, instead was converted, to become the new religion of the nation of Sweden.

To subjective spectrum

Swedish Evolution
Math is simple.
Homogeneous nation + foreign ideas = Loss of nation + loss of differentiation
The plan the swedish officials now abide by, here in Sweden, but planned from abroad is to remove human aspects of differentiation, and ensure they all fall under a specific spectrum. They wish to reshape humanity, by the path of aligning the neurological standard of all, and form the perfect individual. They desire for all to think alike. the great deceit, and obvious lie, in accordance to the denigrated dualistic idea, is to ensure the lie instead tells the opposite. Diversity is not real! The path to the removal of free thinking, is by small but invisible intermittent milestones, of how we interpret information which we receive by our senses, and being replaced by computerized non-noticeable stimuli. Once again, look at this illustration. The possibility, is real as of now, today, for a group of 20 people, separated geographically, ideologically, religiously, by gender, by skin color and even intelligence. The beautiful physical separation has no relevance. These swedish officials, could ensure they are connected, to this non-invasive wave energy framework, developed by the sovereign military in Sweden, and the machine can synthesize a protocol, for each human, so the elephant, can be interpreted just alike. Even if all above subjects, have different paths to create a resultant. Meaning their neurological activity is different in processing. The machine can still learn each separate neurological language, and ensure, to create a common resultant. The machine decides for how the elephant will be perceived, processed and what the output for each human must be. They will ensure some separation of interpretation, but it will all fall under a predetermined spectrum. This is the highest abstract, for these government funded initiatives. Deceit the masses, by telling them they now are diverse, and ensure, through the progression of time, the ideology which rules the nation, can prepare the masses, for the inevitable regression, which will be in the form of trans humanism, technocracy, totalitarianism, authoritarianism. Doesn't matter which label, for they are all simply an additional mechanism of control. Correct semantics is needed, to ensure politicians feel special, while hunting the crumbs of a selected few foreigners.

The term spectrum, in all contexts, which are in regards to society and its developments, is truly a social engineering framework. It's a protocol of control. Just as I have been tortured, and enforced to follow a certain encapsulation, that same idea could be scaled, and the philosophy could be applicable to aspects of complete denigration within our society. Denigration of the mind is a preparation, to ensure the individual of the future, will be connected, to the hive-mind network, voluntarily. Our new modern society, has already begun this work, and many will recognize of which ideology I speak of. It is the one ideology, which even, in what used to be christian societies, now Christianity must abide under. It is the government controlled sociologically engineered framework, for how all westerners ought to be brought forth within and live under. It comes in the form of a rainbow, and it is the absolute greatest engineering experiment ever perpetrated on the modern human. It literally, by all definitions, is a project of ensuring a limitation of human potential must exist, and of course, since its originators do adore dualism, they claim the exact opposite is the reasoning for the ideology. They proclaim diversity, while ensuring the result is a controlled diversity. Differentiation, is the greatest lie within the ideology of the rainbow. Differentiation is not allowed. For it's a tribe. And anybody outside the tribe, is an enemy to the tribe. It's a spectrum, with pre-approved pathways. It's a religion, with rituals which ensures the pathways become ever more strengthened with each other. There is a reason as to why every single nation, on the western hemisphere, ensures the rainbow is the highest order of ideology, which all sociological developments fall under. The rainbow flag, in any western nation, is an indication that sovereignty has been removed, and the flag is the banner of the new commanders of the nation. They don't reside within the nation.

Western Evolution
When politicians rob you, and ensure you, you cannot be angry, because you are diversed and anger is not part of the religion.

Expansion is religious growth

It is not a creation, done to ensure societies progress further. Regression, in all forms, from the highest point of governance to each individual, is the ultimate goal. And the desire of its masters, is for all tribe members to regress together, and be blinded while it's becomes reality. The nutrition, or the component of centralized mechanics in this group, is to ensure humanity, as a product of evolutionary legacy, loses every single real physical and metaphysical reason to continue. The ambition is for the continuation of humanity, goes along an idea, which stands outside of order, outside of rationale, outside of common sense, and outside of what actually is human. While real human qualities are removed, slowly but surely, ensure the masses still are fed, for they must have replacements. That nutrition are false words, which only hold power, for the fact that the tribe is growing. The words have no power without the tribe. This ensures that semantics, and the spread of the disease must become real, for the functionality of the ideology, to be relevant. Remove any component, in this synthetic equation, and the whole house will fall. It's a fragile system, it's an enforced system, it's a slave system. It is the swedish system.

This makes sense
Nations, companies, educations, religions, industries.
Is it only coincidence, they all carry the same banner, and it was done within a decade or two?
Understand, the ideology of the rainbow, and how it is spread, is the most obvious form of false propaganda. It is literally, a tool of indoctrination, and does not adhere to a limitation, in regards to how young you can start the transformation, and way it has become a virus, to be allowed, to spread into each and every single entity, which forms a nation, is part of a road-map itself. It's a project. It's a protocol. It has no homogeneous reasoning behind it. It's impossible. Most nations took centuries to grow and become. It is a homogeneous build-up, much like a the theory of networking they work on, they forgot it was inspired by the fact Sweden is a resultant on same variables. Culture, history, language, education, industry and real democracy are factors which combined to form your nation, it was homogeneous, real, and it was stolen. By their own so called neuro-elites, for they have chosen to no longer align themselves, with themselves, but chosen the priorities of foreigners, to become their own agenda. How does it make sense, that foreign ideas of destruction, of your identity and existence are not only proclaimed, but executed by your own swedish people?

It is a story which holds much information, and I'm going to explain exactly how I reached the point of my theory, which truly extracted all information, which these men behind the machine, thought they could keep encrypted. Laughter is the greatest hacking tool, when it comes to neuro-design. The swedes could no longer, simply refer everything to the machine. Patterns became obvious, patterns which I used to form that which is my theory about the men behind the machine. I will go into detail later, but understand, the swedes who hold this project, truly are lunatics. They truly have no connection to themselves. Their egos, personas, or their own self, no matter how you wish to label, is not controlled by their own selves. They thought, they could disturb my subconscious, where I become lost in relation to myself, or my conscious, they tried to create a disconnection, and have the machine fill in the missing gap, and they believed mental and physical torture can supplement this sick idea of swedish origin. Not only did I keep myself, but I learned.

Inside equals outside

I learned that these swedes behind the machine, found this idea, based upon something that goes deep, within themselves. The interesting part, is that physical and mental torture was not needed to ensure they loose the neurological foundation which defines us. What was needed, was a replacement of the feedback-loop process. Instead of feed-backing against organic homogeneous logical rationale and reasoning, which is a resultant of how our universe has produced us. They started to feedback against foreign ideas, which we can see, have resulted in the complete denigration of their nation, within one generation. The banner for this foreign victory without visible and physical invasion, comes in the form of a rainbow.

Something which was allowed to spread in only a decade or two, and expand to become a new religion, does not fall under the umbrella of organic evolution. It holds no real relevance. It's an idea of preparation, an invasion. It is, in it's purest sense, a synthetic protocol, which acts as a tool to prepare people, mentally and physically, to become something new. Something ugly. Something inhuman. Something synthetic, and that something is for a reason. The reason is not for the benefit of you. If it is a plan, it means it was planned. If that plan belongs to the same people who rob you, then it means they plan to keep on robbing you. These people do not care for the likes of the masses. They only wish to sustain the control, which is fabricated in itself, an illusion without concrete connections to reality, and holds a fragile position, upon a foundation, which literally can be structured according to a hierarchy, where classifications, rankings, categorizations and other terms of separation. Their power is not true. The more you grow in this hierarchy, the more you have regressed, that is the rule. Growth within a synthetic hierarchy based upon denigrating yourself and your surroundings only has one result. We shall all die one day. They seem to have forgotten this very important point. They believe a synthetic abstract, which they manged to fabricate and hold true, because of conditioning the masses, will be a concept, which our creator has an understanding for. Denigrates will meet our maker, and they will start to feedback, hoping it will save them.

This results in a truth, which most people hate to hear. Because understanding it, equals realization, how little you as an individual actually matter. Governance and politicians, is all a game. You, the masses, have no relevance whatsoever, and the more our western hemisphere grows, meaning the more time passes by, the less your relevance is. You lack everything which is real, in regards to ensuring you sustain yourself, your culture, your legacy and your nation. Everything is planned to be deleted. Permanently. The replacement will a spectrum, where all components involved, in accordance to the strategy, seems like social growth, but that is only the nutrition, to keep you blinded. They reformed you, and you never realized it. You allowed it to happen, for they gave you a spectrum, where the feedback-loop process, became your new God and religion. And you allowed yourself to reward your own synthetic behavior.

Here in Sweden, the word naivety is a routine of our policy makers. Every single politician who uttered the words "We were naive" in regards to some political matter, were lying to you. They have never, and never will be naive. They understand, exactly, what their actions will result in. Nothing is chaotic. Everything are in accordance to a cause and effect. Expectations came true when a swedish politician tells you, "we were naive". Even the rationalization is part of that process. Everything, is according to a predetermined technocratic pattern, which holds its origin, outside the false borders of this nation. Democracy, as they call it, has been transformed, to hold a certain structure, to ensure the great lie of "power of the people", must hold true, as to keep the cattle satisfied, being imprisoned. Every single one, right-wing or left-wing, and everything in between, they are all indulged in the same degeneracy, and every single one of them understand, that their opponents play the same game. That is why, you never see, a single politician proclaim the real problems, which continuously is an origin for these false nations. That origin is centralization. None of them dare to truly speak of it. For to speak of it, while also being part of the centralized sub-segment, called democracy, equals popular policy. They all play the same game. None of them can escape, but only allowed to have the spectrum grow, which in itself is part of the game. This is why right-wingers are allowed to exist and grow, because they are still playing the synthetic game of democracy, and that is the greatest indication of false actions.

Democracy, industry, policy, religion, education, history, or even specified questions such as immigration, diversity, climate change, war, education, religion, are all part of a preplanned effect. They are all reformed, to fit into the pattern, of keeping the cattle asleep, thinking their votes have relevance, while all these entities, can be traced, to hold an origin outside of Sweden. First you care for your nation. That is, and must be, the reason you became a politician. All other options indicates you became part of a game. There can be no other option, for it makes no sense, if your political ideology within a nation, is in reference to questions outside your nation.

Many ideologies, have some legacy and importance, in relation to the feedback mechanism. But the ideology of the rainbow, cannot exist, without the feedback-loop platform. Remove the feedback-loop, and each member will be lost in action. They will be like the deer who for the first in its life, is in the way of a moving vehicle, and it does not have history or experience, how to react. It stands still and the moving car kills it. It lacks experience, because it cannot apply real analytics to a physical situation with the collection of competence it has gathered. Not the deers fault thou, it simply is an animal and needs to be trained to understand.

The same analogy, can be used for the tribe members of this disease on this earth, the rainbow ideology. They will be without action, for they lack training, to exist outside the spectrum, which they have received training within. Remove the feedback-loop process, and they don't understand how they will react, in regards to even the smallest situation. The other tribe members are gone, so they have lost purpose. They must have the external feedback-loop to be normal. The feedback-loop process is simply, a part of their integrated mechanism of existence. Its the core. Once the core does not get correct nutrition, or fed the correct action potentials, referring to routine brain activity, which they have been trained in relation to, they will become, same like the deer, without realization, as to the fact that they soon will be without existence. Ensure the external feedback-loop process, which establishes connections between each and every member, is continuously on-going, growing, and connections stronger, and you ensure the tribe will be alive. The same analogy can be applied to artificial intelligence, based upon a neural network. The network cannot be separated, because separating one node from the other, results in loss of connections. It looses the feedback-loop process, and thereby looses its function. It is without purpose. For the purpose is synthetic. Disconnection equals loss of action. The system is without power.

Look at below pictures, and ask yourself, which system is the predecessor?

This is real
The theory of networking, scaled to encapsulate nations.
This makes sense
The theory of networking, scaled to encapsulate humans.

If they start rationale now, everything built collapses

How do you ensure, a lie, can sustain itself? Everybody understands, because even children are taught this lesson in all cultures. Stop lying, for each lie only ensures you get deeper, and ever deeper, into the rabbit hole, much like Alice. It's interesting, how lessons for children, are the primary engine for how our governance is ruled. And that is what this ideology continues to do. It grows, not because it's necessary, or grows organically. It grows solely because it holds a centralized function. That is its ambition, objective, and its masters will ensure it grows ever more. Even if it goes against common rationale, that rationale will be substituted. It is a mechanism to keep the masses, under a given spectrum. Every single thing it stands for, are not aspects which the government or other initiatives and entities who rule it, find them to hold real purpose. If the same ruling elite, one generation ago, punished people, by institutionalization, euthanization, or even death, do you actually believe that, at some point, they were illuminated to their sick ideas? Of course not, they were simply illuminated as to how they can herd the cattle, that be the masses. They don't believe in diversity, it is a mechanism of illusion.

They don't truly abide by its philosophy, and the overcompensation which they continue to demonstrate, is its greatest indication to it. Once something is overcompensating, the mechanisms of self-deceit, manipulation, lies are the factors which gives the truth in the context. If something is organic, it simply is, and evolution will ensure it grows organically, for it abides by all rules and regulations, which brought forward, the very existence of humanity herself. It simply makes sense, as to why something grows. Its a reaction to our universe. Its a system, which hold real physical and metaphysical exchange, with other systems it is surrounded by. Its something with specification, something with definition, something real. Common sense is the one rule, which is a resultant of this exchange of energy and information, and we primates became conscious at some point, and inherited common sense, which is libertarian in its core. Common sense which must be within us all, instead has become a quality, of uniqueness. It's more easy to find a mass-psychosis, to connect yourself to, then it is to find common sense these days. That is the resultant of the rainbow ideology. Its removal of normality, and bringing forth the normative, and the conformative. In Sweden, among the self-proclaimed elites, these traits are impossible to locate. They are not gone, for nothing of evolution disappears, for it is our legacy and trace, it is assembled somewhere along the branch-tree which our ancestors built for us. denigrated ideologies, as the rainbow is, ensures this legacy becomes buried, beneath many layers of synthetic degeneracy.

Observe as a human, disconnected from the normative, illogical rules of today, and you will see, for the fools of our western hemisphere, make it easy for you, to identify these experiments, which hold social engineering as its objective. Rapid social changes, are not organic, thereby it's a tool, a weapon if you wish to declare it so. It serves a purpose only, and that purpose is human regression. The government, like I said, does not hold the interests of its people, in high regards. Rationale ought to tell you, if they demand for you to change your perspective in regards to life, then that demand must be criticized by you, and traced, to the point of origin, to understand the factors involved, for why they seek a certain result. Nowadays, they tell you, "don't make your own research". Instead they refer you to another government controlled entity which is supposed to educate you. Never become entangled by government semantics, or visual representation, or how its philosophy is formed. Words, if misused, can be weaponized, for they play on emotions in our western hemisphere. It is very easy for you to identify these factors. Open up the 3 biggest news outlets of your nation, and identify how much of the content, is written in accordance to a structure, where you are supposed to apply emotions, instead of being informed. That is all part of its advertising. It's a mechanism of control. And the control, which is a lie, can only sustain itself, by additional lies. that is why, on a yearly basis, before the rituals during the summer of degeneracy begins, they have reformed the synthetic organism which they truly are, and added another revision to the flag they all identify under. Every single revision, which has happened, every single decision, which has ensured its growth, are all based upon the rule, of additional synthetics, to ensure the survival of a synthetic organism. It truly is, the greatest social engineering performed in our modern times.

Remove God, and Replace God, by new God.

It is not only government which applies the ideology of the spectrum. It is in every single aspect of Sweden and its entities. It is the religion of Sweden as a nation. It rules academia. Industry must subdue to it. Culture, is nowadays synonymous with the rainbow. History is re-written, to ensure it is interpreted by representatives from the rainbow. Even traditional Christianity in Sweden, has now become a sub-module to its new mother, the rainbow religion. Politicians all wear the rainbow banner and ensure national policy, instead of being ruled by Sweden for Sweden, the new religion now creates complexity, which is a resultant, for being ruled by foreign centralized functions. Complexity only arises, when Sweden becomes part of a foreign network, so we understand, complexity gives birth to additional complexity, for Sweden becomes ever more entangled among these foreign ideas. In Europe, there are no countries, who don't walk the same path. This spectrum ideology is brought forth, by the same men who have brought forth the idea behind the machine protocol. Why it ought to be a new standard, for the modern human falls under the same perspective or analysis which surrounds the rainbow. The objective, for this denigrated ideology, which was formed and now ruled by degenerates, is to ensure all of humanity, becomes part of an external network, and an internal network. Both networks have the same agenda. Restriction, by fabrication. Give you cultural riches, by removal of legacy. "Increase" freedom, by removal of free will. Technocracy never died, but simple went through a transformation.

Technocracy in new form

How centralization will become singularity

The first people, to shout loudly, that the machine has become self-aware, will be the representatives of this very ideology. It's a snake eating its own tail. There will never be a singularity, for we lack knowledge to specify that word as of yet. When they start shouting singularity, it will entail the mechanism of removal, of all that is human, has been completed.

This is the the sole reason as to why this is happening to me, and that is the motivation of the swedish officials. Being good hounds, because somebody who is not swedish needs to feel like a King of Sweden. It was obvious, when I formed my counter-measure against the machine protocol, the doctrine, that these swedes do not seek anything beyond that which will give more understanding of the brain, creativity that is. They truly are simply bottom-tier in their respective fields, because how can torture attract those who carry primary competence within neuro science. It becomes a conflict, because using torture does not represent humans, who truly have a curiosity for the mind. If torture is the core attribute in the program, which is proclaimed as research, then we truly have come to understand, why the swedes lost their nation, within one generation. They went from being one of the smallest, but still one of the most high functional countries in regards to industry. Now, their industry belongs to foreigners, and the very same foreigners told the swedes: here, take the tools your father developed, and use it to make me more powerful in your nation. Torture your own citizens and thereby, receive a feedback from your master, which confirms your existence as a good dog. And what happens you collect individuals instead of humans, and force them to apply their collective intelligence. You get that which has happened to themselves, for individuals must act, upon the deeper feedback which controls them. The swedes themselves are under control because this generation has gone through deep denigration of their own culture, history, legacy and nation. That is why sometimes, despite being tortured, when I make some high abstract joke and cannot stop laughing for 10 minutes, there is a moment, where i feel a slight sensation of empathy for these fools. They abide by the subconscious programming they have endured the last 60 years. That is their only subconscious ambition, to ensure that previously specific deeper conditioning, they themselves have endured, can come to be acted upon finally. But not against those who committed these atrocities against the swedes, but instead, to somebody else. This is a primary definition of a sociological hierarchy in our western hemisphere. Send the signals, which you received, to those below you. And that is our future.

Everything I've experienced, is part of a symbiosis, between different disciplines, of the Swedish nation. I am positive, since we are dealing with an environment which consists of electro magnetic signals, wireless of its kind, non-invasive, it means the technology resides within the industry which upholds the defense of Sweden. I am quite sure this program is being led, by a team within this industry, but which also consist of people outside of the defence of Sweden, like universities where the research of software engineering and neuro science has a strong foot hold. We see a torture program, consisting of centralized functions, with co-operation between academia, medicine, research, military, intelligence and governance. And these intelligence networks go beyond Sweden.
Who Can It Be Now?

Restriction is key!

Understand, that while you are reading this, you are not exactly focused on how you are learning the material being read. Imagine somebody, recording those silent homogeneous activities, of how you learn something, by which mechanisms, and make them very noticeable in your head. And request for you to engage upon these synthetic recordings. That is one example of a category of triggers. They can be described as a context of information, which carries a specific message, in a synthetic environment, by a linear machine protocol. The machine, has been taught, through the usage of negative conditioned stimuli, to request information from these trigger origins. How do I break this 7 year old routine? Before 2021-06-06, I never engaged in anything which the swedish officials demanded. perhaps even I, share that classic swedish naivete, because I thought at some point, they must leave. But when people find a routine, and they act and receive a reaction based upon their self-delusion, and this structure actually grants you a monthly salary, then of course you will not leave. Why would you? You're a neuro-elite in your own mind. You have a category. In this category there are other like you. They all feedback and ensure they stay relevant. That is what I mean with self-relevance. There actually is no demand for their existence, and their existence is there by a problem, for their existence. Just a little bit of loop-philosophy I've learned to manage while analyzing the competence they carry.

Whenever the machine decides to engage, with a new machine protocol, I always did what I've always done for many years. I never engage with the machine machine, according to the structure it requests. I'm going to detail all counter-measures later on, but one very important is that of restriction. To simply wait the machine out until it stops trying to engage. Restriction is of utmost importance. The machine is a linear machine, and it will at some points stop demanding for you to keep generating according to the context of synthetic machine protocol. I never engage, and I make sure to always be very restrictive and observant. It is one of the pathways to break this machine, which itself requests pathways.

Since these men refuse to leave me alone, there are also other paths to break this torture program. One path is the one you read now, me whistle-blowing,. Another is what I call the circular motion, where I ensure the machine context, or protocol, becomes even smaller than what they planned. I ensure the machine keeps looping, and carries a synthetic language. It comes in many forms, but the most used form is that I compile a string of words, which can be re-applied continuously and constantly whenever it decides to request information from me. Yet another is taking the structure/context of the machine protocol, but instead of communicating with the machine, you extract the important structures of the system. You identify which trigger, what it resolves around and you ensure that. You ensure to identify the core of the trigger, and instead of it being a torment in your head, you instead convert the trigger which is of machine origin, to that of comedy, mockery, satire, and thereby ensuring the removal of the synthetic energized state it carries. This results in the men behind the machine receiving information, which will become an adaption of the machine configuration. The synthetic trigger has thereby been converted. Instead of the message it carried at its original creation by synthetic measures, it now carries that which is a conversion, done by me, by homogeneous chaotic models. And my models always represent comedy. Simple game theory. They make a negative neurological equity decision, by re-using the same trigger. I always desire to laugh, and ensure these men behind the machine understand the joke which their existence is based upon. These men know, from history that if I'm laughing, then the machine will have little relevance, because I will continue to generate laughter. And the machine will loose its connection.

That is why the torture exists, to break the human state of mind, in regards to himself and his attributes. This results, in that when the machine once again engages the same trigger, you as a human, will be remembered by your new experience, of the new state it carries. I will go into detail of what the men behind the machine does at this point, but as a small indication, more torture is the response with new triggers, and me reacting upon it, with more conversion to that of comedy and mockery.

Machine represents the men

The lack of real understanding is not a fault of the machine, because it truly is simply a machine based upon linkages and feedbacks, calculations, computing, equity and results. A data-bank, or a search index, are some of the correct terms which can be applied, from the theory of networking. Reasoning being that the work is not of some standard beyond that which is of common practices on todays field of neuro science and artificial intelligence. These people solely try to manipulate the subject, to the point where the subject must feel overwhelmed over the wireless synthetic stimuli being experienced supplemented by the never-ending amount of mental and physical torture. The type of work being produced in this torture program, is only special, because it is outside of law and order. I will also tell how these swedes, have decided to act, upon feeling like special beings. It is, in itself, beyond the torture program, a story which belongs among that material, which is comedy of the highest order. Look at the picture farther down on this web-page, try to understand how a machine might be configured, to create this beautiful picture. That entails more advanced formulas than what this torture program represents. this program only carries a linear message and with an enforced encapsulation within that message. Meaning the machine makes it mentally very hard to think outside of the synthetic context. That is why the rotational motion works well. That is why the generative chaos works well. That is why restriction works well. That is why comedy works well. Because it simply is a machine under control of bottom-tier swedes, who have decided to create a generic system based upon detection of certain homogeneous stimuli and create responses where majority are restrictions.

I feel it is my duty, to ensure, not only people of all cultures understand this torture program, but especially those people which these swedes officials share an industry with; the field of neuro science and its subsidiaries. I'm writing on this website to make people around the world understand which choices the swedes made along all these years, which resulted in what might be, a very funny read. Torturous for me, every single day, but I ensured to never give in to the machine, to never engage with the machine according to its conditions, and always focus on the man behind the machine. To focus on the men behind the machine automatically results, in denigrating the machine, once you denigrate the man. It is simply, by logic, taken from their own philosophy, of neural network, linkages. These swedes also have a consciousness, and everything is linked to the psyche, which these swedish officials also inhabit, at least I hope so. Breaking the mind of the swedish officials was all done, by pure chaotic comedy. Everything was inspired, by that which cannot be controlled, neither by man or machine.

No matter if you break the man behind the machine, and denigrate the synthetic machine protocol he has formed, by the push of a button, on a computer, they always find a way to reignite. Simply because the neural network, no matter the choice, requests another internalized homogeneous stimulus, so it can continue on the work of adding another node to an ever-growing network. And continue the work of learning how to control a human. i will later explain more details of the never-ending feedback-loop. This network they have built, which also forms the core idea of their software, is based upon rules and regulations. As can be understood, a team based upon high resources, if they can generate a node-based model, which has been extracted from a human, consisting of human homogeneous neurological data, creates a baseline, where much research from many disciplines can be done, which resides beyond that which is law and regulation of the human brain. Thus, it is clear, for people who understand the ambition of the western world, that once the technical capabilities have been developed, it was only a matter of time, before even, an innocent country as Sweden, would become among them, who engage in atrocities against its own citizens, of the highest kind.

This picture, created by American artificial intelligence is more impressive than 7 years of swedish neuro science.