Cope of Arms

Swedish Torture

Brain-Machine Interface

Swedish dream
You invent computers by the means of linear binary
You use computers to research humans, by the means of linear binary
You get results, which are shown in linear binary
You decide to make artificial intelligence, using a collective knowledge, based upon linear binary
You declare one day, Singularity!, based upon a chain of reactions, which is a result of that which is a limitation of your own mind, and it's binary.

For new visitors, visit the torture section to understand the physical and mental torture which is involved in this swedish government funded torture program. Keep in mind, when I use terminology like "swedish officials", "men behind the machine", or "the swedes,"" they all refer to the group of people, in swedish government who have formed and executed this torture program.
None of my opinions are against the swedish people in large, with that being said, the implications of the torture program is very relevant to the swedish people.

This website will be dedicated to explain the torture program, which the sovereign state of Sweden has developed and still, is involved in, as of today. It is a program, or a machine protocol, where the core structure is a neurological, trigger-mechanized and oriented, by the usage of synthetic torture, trauma-based feedback-loop system.

Among the many attributes of this system, the factor which all other revolve around, is the possibility of observation and the means to collect/record/copy neurological homogeneous data from a human, by some, as of yet, non-invasive unknown means of recording. The technical apparatus, which also can be classified as a weapon which transfers direct wave energy pulses to the brain, surrounds me, but not physically visible in my own proximity. The apparatus creates an invisible encapsulation by wave energy, of some unknown frequency, where a brain-machine interface is established between a computer and a human subject. Once established, a machine protocol, transfers signals to the subject. These signals, are based upon previously monitored and recorded homogeneous neurological data. The framework, which can be defined as the "brain of the machine" is a neural network, based upon rules, which designate and define the connections, between all replicated human homogeneous data. The torture program, as can be understood, since we are dealing with the human brain, has many motives, where all orients around the same factor, communication between man and machine, which together form a neural based network. The highest abstract is the most obvious. What becomes of man, once machine integrates decision-making, and thereby removing the foundations of human actions, free will, free thinking or even free consciousness. This torture program and the swedish officials behind it, have authorized themselves, based upon foreign owned ideas and social structures, to legitimize, a greatcrime against humanity and personal autonomy, perpetrated against its own citizens, for the reasons to perform neuro-science. I will already, as of now, tell you, there is no science, of any high knowledge or regard being performed, but the sole reason, for them performing these torture experiments, against their own citizens, are to ensure a restriction of the mind, can become true, by constructing a software, which can be deployed, by non-invasive wave energy weaponry. This software is being constructed for one reason alone, it is planned to become the reailty of every single citizen in the western hemisphere.

I'm here to witness to a torture program, being perpetrated in the very territory of Sweden, breaking all law and order, both national and international. I can also guarantee, based upon the demonstrations from the swedish officials, but also according to rationale and common sense, that in regards to physical and mental torture, personal isolation, the technical apparatuses involved, the reach of the software, this project holds much resource and man-power, and it's origin, is most likely of military use Engineered and repurposed, for the ability to read the minds of its own citizens. These resources are tax-payer money, being utilized, here in Sweden, unknowingly stolen from the common man, and used to torture their own citizens. This project holds an international organizational structure and I will witness, how these swedish officials show all indications, that this very nation of ours, do not belong to the swedish people. The project, based upon its history of implementation, the last 7 years, holds a very typical hierarchical structure, with milestones, which progresses the torture program, to proceed according to steps, where all steps represent an increase in both torture and advancement of machine protocol. The project is of centralized functions, with co-operation between academia, medicine, psychology, neuro science, military, intelligence and governance, but also private industry. For in the field of stealing neuro-experiences and experimenting with human subjects, there is much wealth to be gained. once again, they are building a machine, and it has no purpose, to be of assistance, for the human race, but instead I will tell the story, of how swedish officials, who lost their nation, decided to overcompensate with this loss, by ensuring, the same thieves of their borders, now are allowed to steal their people.

The machine has a goal, and that is to write code, on computers, which are controlled and housed somewhere in Sweden. It becomes software code, after a conversion from the apparatus which functions according to unknown wave energy. The apparatus can detect frequencies and changes in frequencies, which represents action potentials, which are activity in your brain, which can be thoughts among much else. These swedish officials, have brought forth, and demonstrated for me, the sick ideas of totalitarianism which will be transferred, to not only exist on a humans physical environment, but also within the humans in that which is metaphysical. Understand, their knowledge of human consciousness does not stretch beyond todays established ideas within academia. I would say, based upon their road-map, these swedish officials, would be considered the lowest form of academics. The aspects of control will be in a compatible form factor, with the human brain. See the software as a shell, which can replicate your own output, that is the noticeable, and visible, action potential. Not what defines you, as a human, for it does not represent consciousness, but, it becomes an outer shell to your normal self, ensuring, your thoughts, actions and behavior, becomes part of a machine configuration, or spectrum, which derives its configuration, from a centralized government institution. I am here to blow the whistle, and to witness, that our nation of Sweden, now belong to an international program, where the western hemisphere has a long-term goal, to reshape the human mind, where the core structure which all human patterns will be based upon, is that of a machine-applied and human-configured system, of unnoticeable and noticeable, emotional conditioned approvals or disapprovals, of all internal processing. As we understand, the foundation of our existence is cause and effect. The swedish officials are forming a software, to corrupt the cause of this universal chain, and ensure the effect follows suit, in accordance to the foreign ideas, which now rules this land.

Brain-Machine Interface
Collection/recording of homogeneous neurological activity.
These swedish officials have an ambition to change, and align all causes, according to new standards, which will define the new human. Ironically, they manufactured this idea, while these same swedes lost their nation. Continue to read, and you will understand this software is not based, upon a view of the world, which requests change in human behavior, in mass scale. We will learn how denigration of the mind, ansured a collective of people, now hold much grudge, within their own subconsious self, where they form an idea, to ensure all human must follow suit with their own mental denigration. A simple metaphor for why this software came to become a real project; these swedish officials have a sinking ship out on the sea, so instead of sinking and accepting the inevitable, as a na effect of your own choice, they sail to land instead, and once they arrive, they force all population of that land to board the ship, and then they sail back out, and ensure the ship continues to sink to the bottom, with everybody joining them to death. There is literally nothing of this project, which states research about human consciousness. Its about self-proclaimed swedish neuro-elites, who have been transformed, from a legacy of pride in nation, to that of compleete mental denigration. They carry a virus, they extracted the abstract of this self-induced virus, constructed a software, and plan to unleash it.

Circulation of Sweden
illustration shows, the probable pathway, from detecting my brain signals, to replication, neural network, to become an implementation of machine protocol.
The torture program, which is a brain-machine interface, inhabits a linear machine protocol, where all actions it applies are of non-human language. Meaning, it executes commands, and a human subject, who are used to it, can detect the software language. But be advised, I make this statement since I understand this torture program, and I'm able to identify the machine patterns easily. I do not make an objective statement, and can proclaim all humans will notice the machine. Meaning, I believe already, based upon the demonstrations of the capacities of the system, that a normal human being, not realizing he or she is connected to such a system, would not be able to detect how the system, can manipulate, pre-configured contexts, ideas, values, feelings, sensations etc. Anything of ordinary human neurological activity, can be re-configured. With me, the brain-machine interface forms a neural network, where each node is a recorded neurological activity from a human subject, in this case that is me.At least that is how I, from a subjective experience, must regard the system. I am sure, from the other side of the computer, the logic of the neural network, might classify a node by other qualifications. The neural system has only one ambition, it desires growth, for the system is based upon rules, which carry the pattern of restrictions of human activities. Growth represent more human paterns, more human patters equals machine can learn how to respond, to ensure a certain ambition, which itself is a centralized command, can become reality. Our world today, tells that ambition has only one path, and that is restriction of the mind. That restriction must be, for the system to grow. The system cannot grow optimally, solely based upon monitoring and replicating a normal human being. The system also desires to understand all pathways in regards to a certain context. It desires to understand all the experience, which can be contributed, to a certain value, you as a human inhabit. As we can understand, the neural network, is a systems based upon logics, layers, classifications, categories, ambitions, and output. The output follows suit, along with our soceity. The goverments of todays western hemisphere, do not belong to its people, and they have decided, to expand on the centralized functions, to an ever deeper state. In the future, information which are of indoctrination will not only be of external stimuli, where you still have an ability, by your own free will and free thinking, to process it, according to your own self. Instead, your own self, will become guided, by an internal non-invasive software, which will condition you, that certain paths results in approval by the system.
Collection by rules
The machine acts based upon rules and commands, which configures the choices it makes.
Software acts as carrier, of real human recorded neuro-experiences.
The machine formulates itself, to replicate human behavior, by typical machine code.
We therefore are dealing with swedish officials, who have demonstrated to me, technical capabilities, and psychological theories, to try and reform, or condition a human, by torture, both physical and mental, to the point of acceptance, of including a synthesized machine originated system in relation to his own homogeneous neurological activities. The long-term goal, where machine will be part of the subjects everyday experience. We understand therefore, that within that which is trauma based psychology, to ensure the success of this project of great magnitude, one must apply, theories of mental and physical torture, which you do not even find in the most hardcore literature. Which I am here, to witness. The swedish government, using swedish manufactured weapons and other technical components, to perform torture on swedish citizens. This is the state of the swedish nation. It is, in its most pure sense, attempting to break a human mind. The subject must be conditioned, to reform his own internal structure, to align hisself to a synthetic idea, which is based upon a feedback-loop system. The machine and its core, neural network must grow, for the swedish officials have a desire to impress their foreign masters, so they sacrifice their own citizens, to the sick idea, of thinking that their status as neuro-elites, gives them the right, to define, what the future in mankind must be. Sick people who have regressed, put a demand on our future as humans, to follow suit, and regress along the same pattern.

Feedback-loop is the core of the software

Remember, this project does not abide by neuro science, or engages in the idea of research and development regarding the human brain, the origin of action potentials, understanding of consciousness. Everything, according to their plans, are in relation to behaviorism, the cause and effect, and how to manipulate these factors.This idea is already developed and the platform is defined. The usages are obvious in regards to human relations and behavior. The software and application is of relevance, for all humans belonging to the western hemisphere. I cannot state if other regions plan the same, but this project is of western standard and I can apply my analysis on western geography and geopolitical relevance. The feedback-loop is one of the core attributes of the machine system and protocol. It is the one submodule or element, of the whole software, where all other machine protocol revolve around. It acts as connections, between neurological activity. It classifies, defines, it applies, it implies. It is the rule, which all software code, rely on, and function according to. Remember, I am stating this, in accordance to my analysis of the application-factor, in the highest abstract, and that is human control. It is very clear, simply, because the application is derived from social factors, in how to control behavior of mass populus. There are certain government initiatives, in how they control and subdue its swedish citizens, and see this software as an internal integration of these external factors. This is a software, it was built, and has been demonstrated for me, and this is the result. There no other arguments, to reform my observation of its implications. Software, based upon many years of code, cannot be changed. It is what it is, today, for that was the ambition. Totalitarian control, of the human mind, internally. Look around you, and tell me if you have more or less freedom in comparison to twenty years ago? The answer will be obvious to anyone who understands the concept of centralization, which comes ever closer to all populations, in all countries, which form a region, where unelected officials, rules our everyday existence. We have much less freedom, while we have governance which spend billions of tax payer money, to argue for the exact opposite, by many governement-funded programs, which come in form of external stimuli, like television, radio, newpapers etc.

Feedback-loop, in a simple form. Machine can define previous thought or action as machine origin or human origin.
It can imply what you must feel. It can indicate the feeling is because of a reference.
It can re-inforce machine arguments.
With the feedback-loop, the ambitions and application factors are very apparent. The feedback-loop can be considered a classification system. A connection system. An indication system. A re-inforcement system. A reward system. A punishment system. To only name a few. It ensures all ambitions of the machine framework has a reason to exist, and a reason to apply a synthetic output. Among the functions, machine applies a classification, to homogeneous neuro activity with synthetic reactions. At a later stage of this 7 years old torture program, with the inclusion of Turing test, the feedback-loop became re-configured to classify neuro activity as machine or human origin. This adaptation of the feedback-loop, also became, the most overused machine command. For at this point I decided to construct my own homogeneous counter-measures. The men behind the machine, retracted from all other protocol, and expanded on this feedback-loop classification of machine origin, to become part of each and every single second of my life. An neuro evolution of failure, which still holds true today, 2022-12-11. I will explain later how this came to be a result, but it deals with bottom-tier engineering in neuro-science, where an overcompensation in psychological conditioning, instead of actual engineering was their primary focus point.

Understand, even when the feedback-loop is configured as classification, it is a relative term. For classification is a category with its own subsidiaries. For the feedback-loop can be redefined to apply different functions and requests. I will detail much of the functionality later. It literally is a linear feedback-loop, comes in many forms and shapes in both abstract internal sense, and also by physical torture, but the most usual kind, is a noticeable thought, which primarily, nowadays, acts as classification system to define both homogeneous neurological thoughts, or synthetic thoughts, to be classified as EITHER OR machine origin. Understand thou, the feedback-loop acts as a filter for your mind, based upon predetermined stimuli which you process. because of the strong pulses and frequencies of synthetic form which are involved, the feedback-loop simply forces your attention, to abide by its syntetic message. Against me, in accordance to the faulty idea they uphold, of trying to test a subject who is tortured along with the ideas of Turing, the feedback-loop results in asking me a question; is the previous neuro activity, of machine or human origin? Why? How? Think! Analyze! Why? How?

This represents a typical machine protocol. A context, which expands to many forms of synthetic stimuli, being connected to the context by a feedback-loop. Many synthetic results, which are emotionally conditioned, connected by a feedback-loop process. And throughout each context, many gaps are left, for the human subject to respond, in accordance to the over-all function of the machine protocol. This equals growth. My thoughts become a result. This results are now included into the neual network. My thoughts represent how a human can become free of the machine protocol. The machine becomes re-configured with my new actions at a later stage, repeats the same protocol, with new machine learning, trying, once again to encapsulate and restric my mind. The feedback-loop ensures everything functions according to a linear function. Observe, I have been through much, and the more machine protocol grows, the more its machine language becomes apparent. That is why I can, based upon my experience, subjectively tell you it speaks like a a machine, where commands are executed very clearly as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. But this does not represnt full deployment, of this software, to the populus.

In regards to its potential and future purpose. It can and it will be re-defined to fit into our new modern neo-liberal standards in the western hemisphere. Centralization equals a machine controlled filter for your mind. The machine is learning to convince you what thoughts in which contexts you ought to process, by applying or restricting or re-inforcing factors which ensures you become conditioned, to think according to a certain pattern. Much of machine protocol is applied with synthetic emotional stimuli before you act upon a process. machine tries to re-align how you think before you actually processa thought. Understand, these deingrates, which govern us, desire to control the whole perspective of how information is produced from the outside, to how its processed on the inside. It therefore redefines, how you process that stimuli. And if you, as a subject, subdue and make the right choice, in regards to the machine configuration, the machine will reward you, with a feedback, consisting of synthetic emotional input. Telling you, good job by reward you a synthetic positive sensation!

Look at below illustration to understand the potential the of the machine protocol. Zoom in or open the illustration in a new tab if you have problems identifying the text.

X. The machine can reconfigure what you perceive to be your own emotional self.
Y. The machine can reconfigure what you perceive to be your own mental state besides emotions (State of mind).
Z. The machine can apply physical torture, and combined with above synthetic stimuli it can change your overall perception of your own self.
  1. The machine can tell you when to look, how to look, and even if you should look at all.
  2. The machine can corrupt your visual capacity. Replace a normal clear visual perception with an image that carries internal emotions conditioned to apply negative aspects to the process of establishing your eyes to the elephant.
  3. The elephant, as an object, can be conditioned, with negative interpretations, so when you establish a visual contact, the machine tells you what to feel, instead of you actually feeling. It outcomoetes your own self.
  4. Those feelings and interpretations, can be transferred, acc. to standards, which subjectively feels like an actual homogeneous sensation. You believe machine is yourself.
  5. Your internal self and the way you process information can be replaced, with a machine interpretation of what you ought to think.
  6. The machine can imply these thoughts in a manner which seems like your internal voice, telling you, to act upon them, and express your values.
  7. The machine can reward you, by a synthetic sensation of positive internal mechanisms. Replication or output of neurochemicals.
  8. The machine can punish you, by a synthetic sensation of negative internal mechanisms. Replication or output of neurochemicals.
Now apply the feedback-loop process to this illustration, and understand the potential.
With the correct set of data-bank, of synthetic input, the machine can create millions of combinations.
None of them real.
Understand, from this simple picture, the description I give by each point, probably represent a limited amount, in relation to the machine protocol and its potential to manipulate free processing by your own free brain. As anybody with a sense of math can understand, one single object, as an elephant, connected to my eyes and brain, can create millions of combinations of experiences, where each can be configured, by the men behind the machine, to make the elephant seem, like the greatest threat to humanity itself. Variables, which constitue deforent cartegories of synthetic input, aligned ,toa linear movement as above, can grow to synthetize millions of combinations. Add more senses, like touch, smell, hearing and the amount of synthetic combinations becomes a number hard to imagine. This is not a theory. But every single point I describe, is from my own experience. This is reality, this is being engineered, with a plan to deploy. These sick denigrates of mind, who hold "important positions" in swedish governance, believe they hold the right, to formulate a new human mind, based upon a set of configurations, or a spectrum, which is their philosophy. You will, instead of being a human, be transformmed to an individual, who only c an exist within a finite set of synthetic combinations. They abide by the belief that humans must not form real homogeneous thoughts, based upon their own self and their own experiences.

As I've stated, the synthetic implementation is non-invasive, many of the physical scars they have left through history, healed, and mental torture is hard to prove. I could take a lie detectors test, and would be able to prove everything that I write on this website, for it only holds the truth. Understand what this means, in relation to the world we inhabit, and how information becomes stimuli, which is received by your senses, which previously only could be manipulated by it's existence in the physical sphere. Now, the swedish officials, have decided to extend this power, to the metaphysical sphere. Once we apply manipulation, for a certain internal neurological ambition, and have the tools to do so, it will not only be science-fiction, but they will proclaim it is actual science. This is the path for deployment. Humans will be entized to become part of this centralized governed neural network. To become regulated, not understanding they are regulated. For they will be offered, a few benefits, in regards to process of information, and instead they will give up their own free selfs. As all mechanisms of centralization are concerned, this will be argued as a great path for you, as an individual, to encapsulate yourself within the control of artificial intelligence. They will tell you that you are more intelligent now, you have access to more information now or that you are faster in processing now. But that access they give you is a library in chains. It is the long wet dream of the technocrats. To ensure complete control, of every single aspect of all humans, to become within a controlled narrative, to all patterns of human behaviors, even subconsious actions as breathing will become of regulation. And through these arguments, you will allow yourself, to no longer be a complete human, and unelected foreigners rule your life. Understand, for the machine, to be able, to inhabit billions of combinations, is simply a milestone. The ultimate objective, is for what will be the next human, and that human is a limitation of these formerly, real human qualities. And the ambition for this software, is not to have a situation, where billions of computer combinations must be of relevance. Instead, the billions of combinations are meant to ensure, they construct, a few selcted combinations which will become a regulatory pattern, for all humans.

“Science? Nonsense. In this situation, mediocrity and genius are equally useless. We have no interest in conquering any cosmos. We want to extend the Earth to the borders of the cosmos. We don’t know what to do with other worlds. We don’t need other worlds. We need a mirror. We struggle for contact, but we’ll never find it. We’re in the foolish human predicament of striving for a goal that he fears, that he has no need for. Man needs man.”

-Snaut, Solaris
The plan, is to reshape humanity, by the path of aligning the neurological standard of all, and form the perfect individual. The path, is by small but invisible removals, of how we interpret information which we receive by our senses, and being replaced by computerized non-noticeable stimuli. Once again, look at above illustration depicting the elephant. The possibility, is real as of now today, for a group of 20 people, separated geographically, ideologically, religiously, by gender and by skin color, for the physical combination has no relevance, and the neurological differentation between all have no relevance. The machine can learn all neuro languages. These swedish officials, could ensure they are connected, to this non-invasive wave energy framework, and the machine can synthesize a protocol, for each human, so the elephant, can be interpreted just alike. The machine decides for how the elephant will be perceived, processed and what the output for each human must be. The computer can teach you to love the elephant, but also to hate the elephant. Two extreme scenarios, but within them, we have the billions of different experiences which humans, of differentiation can generate. The machine desires to learn all these combinations, for the ambition to ensure a restriction can become reality. An elephant is only an elephant, but instead of the elephant, insert a random geopolitical issue, which you have an opinion regarding, and understand the consequences of the software.

Our new modern society, has already begun this work, and many will recognize of which ideology I speak of. It is the one ideology, which even, in what used to be christian societies, now must bend and abide under. It is the government controlled sociologically engineered framework, for how all westerners ought to be living under. It comes in the form of a rainbow, and it is the absolute greatest engineering experiment ever perpetrated on the modern human. It literally, by all definitions, is a project of ensuring a limitation of human potential can exist, by claiming the exact opposite. Differentiation, is the greatest lie within the ideology of the rainbow. Differentiation is not allowed. For individuals must become labelled within this religion, each label represent a color. And as we know, this governemnt regulated rainbow, doesn't hold all colors, that means no more differentiation. Pick your tribe, become labelled and follow suit with all other labelled individuals. This religion hold secterian tribe-like preferences. And anybody outside the tribe, is an enemy to the tribe. It's a spectrum, with pre-approved pathways. It's a religion, with rituals which ensures the pathways becomes ever more strengthened with each other. There is a reason as to why every single nation, on the western hemisphere, ensures the rainbow is the highest order of ideology, which all sociological developments fall under. It is not a creation, done to ensure societies progress further, in any way, form or shape. Regression, for you as a human, is the ultimate goal. It is the sole reason as to why this experiment holds much relevance within all entities which formulates a nation. The desire is for all tribe members to regress together. national government, or in a higher abstract, the foreigners, who synthetized this centralized religion, now holds more power, not by becoming stronger, but by ensuring all become weaker. The same pattern holds truth for the software, which these swedish degenerates are engineering. It is a software of mental regression.

It is not only government which applies the ideology of the spectrum. It is in every single aspect of Sweden and its entities. It is the religion of Sweden as a nation. It rules academia. Industry must subdue to it. Culture, is nowadays synonymous with the rainbow. History is re-written, to ensure it is interpreted by representatives from the rainbow. Politicians all wear its banners and ensures national policy, is ruled by centralized functions, who are foreigners and unelected, seated in other countries.

These very same people, or the predecessors of these modern technocrats, used to institutionalize and euthanize todays rainbow tribe members, not even one generation ago. Now they wear the banner of the rainbow, and ensure every centralized function in Europe or across Europe, first and foremost, are identified by the colors of the rainbow. There is a reason for this change of heart, and it's not organic, it is by strategy. Religion, in it's traditional mechanism, is bad. Remove religion, and replace religion, by new religion, which is fully emerged and connected to governance. Construct loyal human vassalls.

Understand a simple rule, and everything will be clear. Government, in all nations, do not rule for the sake of the people, do not care for the people, and do their utmost, to ensure they prostitute the people. Once you understand, that this democratic rule we live under, is simply a small game, you will understand, that todays western nations, are part of a greater plan, to ensure the complete denigration of every single aspect, of what it is to be an actual human. These neuro elites, have authorized themselves, as of greater wisdom and knowledge, for what shall be the future of humanity. They must remove what they perceive as filth, and the flag of the rainbow, ironically, is the purest form of synthetic filth. Understand, it is simply a tool, which has replaced what used to be common sense. We are all different. And that is beautiful. Once that difference becomes ideology and policy, it means the objective is the exact opposite. Understand, for these people, dualism, is their true religion. Government do not care for you, so if they policy you, and you feel content, then you have been fooled, same as they have been, but by other people above them in this hierarchy. Instead of a car loan like you, they might have a car loan and a boat loan, for the treachery they have performed on their nation does not pay well, at least not here in Sweden.

Objective: the single individual

The primary long-term objective, with me as a subject, is to break my human mind, and not only by the usage of machine protocol. But by very intensive physical and mental torture, and disconnect the mind from his own self, and have the human, subconsciously to accept a machine protocol into every single thought process the subject has. Remember thou, nothing internally, by my own homogeneous self, is something which has been an integration of the machine. I have memories, of all machine commands, but I don't act or think alike the machine. I still think along the same patterns and actions, which I remember from my early days, before the swedish officials appeared and decided to proclaim themselves as slaves to foreign masters. This indication of non-integration, even after 7 years of machine protocol and torture, results in a failure. They have extracted information, yes, but most potential of data extraction lies in accepting the machine. I'm no expert thou, but once again, this opinion is based upon my subjective experience. I'm probably one of the early test subjects, to this torture program, and I'm used for the machine to learn, how to keep restricting humans. For 7 years, synthetic additions ensure a certain contextual machine protocol grows in size, each time bringing forth a different challenge for me. These human experiments teach the swedes, how they can refine their software. This crime against humanity, and this 7 years old torture program, against their own citizens, only exist so they can climb a synthetic hierarchy they believe they have an organic belonging in. By adding synthetics of torture, and subtracting real national value, they will climb, only to find the climb stripped them naked, of all that is their legacy.

If the human does not accept the machine, I believe something very human, which carries deep legacy to our very first idea of creation. I cannot prove this statement, since it's only my own subjective experience, but I do believe the brain has subconscious self-defense mechanisms, which ensures much restriction, to hinder corruption and notice-ability of your thoughts and human patterns, once it becomes apparent you have a foreign visitor. This is at least, for me, my state of mind the few first years. At least, that is how I ensured I did not engage the first few years once the swedish torture program appeared in my life. Restrictions and rejections, for I believed the lunacy ought to be stopped, one they noticed the lack of data. The response from these swedish degenerates was always the same, more physical and mental torture.

Understand, much of what i'm writing, is from my understanding from an over-all abstract, from the origin of the software to its end-point. I apply much restriction, which is a counter-measure against the enforcement of the machine. I do not subdue to any torture. The machine has failed to have me as a subject, to engage, or behave according to the ambitions of the swedish officials. It is simply, an external software, aided by technical apparatus, which sends signals by wave energy of unknown form, and your attention, depending on the strength of the signal, must endure the machine protocol within a certain frequency. It's very hard to stop the machine software, for the amplitude is strong enough, to outcompete your own thoughts and other neurological activity. You are enforced to become part of the machines assignement. Once again, I can only witness to my own subjective experience in this matter. To the question of the possibility of potential, in regards to machine integration within or with human mind, I cannot say I'm entirely sure. For me, it's only in conjunction with the human mind and not within.s And I will detail how I became aware of the limitation but also the scope of the software.

I can witness, the last 18 months, after many desperate actions, the swedish officials have admitted, that there are individuals, in Sweden, who are aligned and in symbiosis, with a machine protocol, governed by human configurations, deciding each and every single action of that very individuals life. How does this statement come to reality when I have never met them? Understand that what I'm describing is not only a brain-machine interface. Since brain is a factor in this equation, the factor which constitues machine can become replaced by brain, resulting in a brain-brain interface. Meaning, the swedish denigrates, have the capacity, by non-invasive means, to perform communications between humans, by minds alone. These relationships, or enforcements, or slavery of mind, which were declared to hold true by the swedish officials, must now have grown to a very expansive neural network. And not all human originated neural networks are the same. For not all humans are the same, as of yet, but that is the goal of the future. This tells us of one thing, the swedish officials, must adapt and write much new rules and regulations, based upon the personality traits of the human subject. For example, the collection they have of me, along with all the relations and rules which govern the neural network is very subjectively, according to me. Well, at least they tried to make a copy of me, but it seems only the output is of me. They copied that output, and pasted them, into a skeleton of rules, of artificial intelligence, which behaviorism dos not represent me, but instead much more like a collective of mental denigrates. I suspect there is much surrealism involved in this story, where these swedes have, perhaps subconsciously, made an artifical intelligence in relation to behaviorism, of themselves, but suing my homogeneous brain activity.

Nonetheless, this also means, the individuals who are living in symbiosis with machine, carry different rules, different form, because it is a different human. The project of mapping a human does not always follow the same project plan. An adaptation must happen, to all subjects, and it has multiple reasonings. For before they merge human into a machine spectrum configured baseline, they first must learn of all different contrasts. I do believe, in relation to detection of the synthetic computer input, one of the strongest form factors, is that which lies in human experience. The torture program was started when I was a grown-up. I already had a certain experience until this point. This experience is my experience and nobody elses, and at a certain degree, defines me as a human. It cannot be corrupted or become classified as anything beyond a normal upbringing like many other billions on this earth. They could not condition me, to loose myself. This torture program is a failure. I still have all myself, and much more, for now I have additional experiences, of real homogeneous value, which the machine cannot adapt to.

To continue from above paragraph, realize, what this program actually entails and where it has a substantial impact. Children. We understand, therefore, in accordance to the machine objective, that it must be only a matter of time, before the infrastructure is setup, to ensure, the ideology of the common single individual with common values and traits of individuality, becomes an actual reality. It will become the norm. They are literally, preparing to breed a zombie-network of new configured, and feedback-loop controlled humans. It's all relative, if you wish to define that linear state as a human. I would say, not only will these degenerate people still define you as a human, but they will argue that you have received a biological upgrade. That is the standard for denigrates who argue for less humanity. Loose more of your personal freedom, your choices, your speech and your thinking, and ensure all must implement the same rules and regulations, and this is "benefitial for you". Children have not formed their personalities, have not gone through puberty, have not progressed through journey or hormones, and their brains are not fully developed until late 20's. These will become the perfect victims of this torture program, which seeks to test the limits, of human encapsulation within a controlled narrative. Children do not have experience, which I had. Children do not enough memories, which remind you of your real behavior. Children are not fully developed and very easily manipulated. Children, are a dream scenario for the swedish officials, to implent their ideas. Understand one thing, these denigrates, who have engineered this software, believes in it. There is a reason as to why it became to be. The reasoning lies in their common denigrated psychosis and sectarian beliefs, that human must change. They will even sacrifice, the free mind of their won children, to become part of this zombie network. Semantics, is weaponry in todays world, and truth only is truth. These denigrates have the capacity to form values, to argue for the decision of deploying this software, and the only reason are lunacy, delusion, after having loss of nation and legacy. They are not fully aware of themselves, and should be stripped of all authority. But that is not how they function, for when the synthetic systems grows to failure, more synthetics are added, to aid in the structure. It has now accelerated to the point, where they have managed to create anough brain-gymnastics, to argue how loss of mind for their own swedish children, is something which benefits them.

There is a reason this program is developed. Development is an action. It's an effect. And the cause inhabits the ideas from the initiators. I can witness to the resultant of this road-map. That is the complete process. It is therefore being developed, and planned, to be applied. I do believe, todays fully developed humans have the mentality, to identify the synthetic machine protocol. And that is why I know that me, and whoever else in Sweden, or around the world, who carries the knowledge of same or alike torture programs, are simply the first to be involved in that which will be the future. It will be implemented, in accordance to the same strategy that is within theory of networking itself. Nothing is applied globally. Globally in this instance is in reference to all western population, being enforced to become part of this hive-mind network at the same time. It demands a slow process of implementation. From the build-up, and the road-map which I've experienced, I believe generations are demanded, before full deployment. This is also why the software, carries same pattern and structures as our outside world occupy. Electronic devices, and the feedback-loop system, are already deeply integrated into all humans. Everything, based upon hardware, is closing in, ever more, to be physically part of us. Again, I am not stating that this software will be deployed by non-invasive means, for I can only witness to my experience, but have no knowledge of the hardware which is in usage. I do not know its capacity, but integrated hardware, adapated for human brains are becoming ever more reality.

If I may theorize. If the engineering used on me, still holds true in the future. That be, non-invasive, implemented by secrecy, transferred by unknown wave-energy, the first to be abused, and to be experimented with, in a larger experimental scale, will be children. Anybody who can identify the patterns of our modern world, will see that our children already are abused, and ideologies of centralized governments, are being regulated to not only be taught, but they are indoctrinated. Children will be the first, enforced, to become part of a hive-mind controlled infrastructure. The machine will have enough data in regards to what can be expected as stimuli, from a predetermined course of action by the children. The machine has shwon much capacity, to form the initiation of synthetic process before I have the chance to apply my own self. Same strategy will be applied in this mass scale implementation, and direct that child into a predetermined, or pre-approved spectrum of pathways, which results in a behaviorism of approval by machine. Internal synthetics which reward these victims, represent the evolutionary steps humans have for release of neurochemicals. They seek to condition humans, to engineer themselves, according to a pre-approved standard, with the aid and guidance of machine. Conformity takes on a new level as we understanf. Our western hemisphere has ambitions, and they go under different banners. They all revolve around the same never-ending, very old idea, class-ideology and hierarchy. These people are the elite, and understand more, therefore they make a decision, for us to understand less. And we are supposed to accept these two factors have no connection between each other.

For some readers, we realize, already, our world, consists of electrical devices, which all are built upon the feedback ideology. The feedback ideology, which has its foundations in human behavior and psychology, is a method of preparation in this context. This centralized function to control all, will happen. All humans must have the opportunity, to reflect, and act, upon information, internally, which forms a change within you. But to expand and extend the propaganda channels of today, to internalized mechanized machine protocol, must be the greatest crime against humanity, throughout it's existence. How can a crime be of greater magnitude, then changing humanity without her consent?

Reality to be
A classic meme, based upon separation of ideologies. Only separation can create a meme of this meaning thou. Without differentiation, and only one single individualistic preference, we remove potential.

The machine is a recorder of all neurological activities

As of today, 2022-12-11, in acoordance to the road-map, the computer has collected enough data, for the machine to apply continous synthetic signals, through every action you take consciously and subconsciously. The signals make you aware of the machine protocol, and through a series of triggers and machine requests, much of predetermined and pre-planned thought processes are applied. This constitutes a machine protocol, it has an origin, which is a context of mind, and can be anything from internal neurological activity, thoughts to emotions, and they all share the same outline, to become a problem for your mind. Connected to this origin, through the feedback-loop mechanism are many additional synthetic nodes, to form this "mind-problem", which the machine synthetizes. By mapping the life of the subject, the machine can simulate your actions, step by step, but understand, it's not because of machine intelligence, but instead because of high resources and the ability to map my everyday routines. Timing in applying synthetic stimuli is an important moment for the machine.It also holds an important role, in what is part of psychological conditioning. To experience, a day, where a machine simulates synthetic thoughts, in relation to thoughtless routines, can become much for the mind. But once you understand, that predetermination is the platform, for machine relevance, you do not inhabit fear.

Laughter is always my reaction, for it must be much work to map a humans life, try to fool the human with timing of synthetic stimuli, apply much triggers and requests for the human to analyze, and thereby create a false narrative by his own self. Of course I don't engage or respond, but only break the barrier of predetermination, by creating a an internal model, of chaotic events or objects around me. The machine always responds by same standard, more physical and mental torture. While writing this paragraph the same machine routine, which been in usage for many years was applied. mental interruptions, physical torture, synthetic memories and thoughts, requests for analysis of reactions by a series of different internal triggers, all connected through a linear dualistic language, to think in accordance to a dualistic ananlysis, between man and machine. This website already is quite extensive, and through every single word I have typed, there has been machine torture on-going. This indicates in the lunacy of these swedish denigrates. Understand, they try to condition your mind by applying this amount of torture, I'm supposed to feel fear, so laughter is an act of balance.

Nonetheless, this machine routine ensures, that by predetermined factors, the machine applies synthetic thoughts, along the subjects normal day routine, which ought to be without thoughts of noticeable kind. The highest abstract, in this context of machine application, is of course the indication, that I'm supposed to be controlled by machine. WIth the feedback-loop mechanisms, it generates a synthetic thought at the first stage, at scond stage it feedbacks back to the thought, and synthetizes another thought, which states: that previous action was of machine origin. The swedish officials, believe, with enough of these fabricated reinforcements, where machine timing is applied along with predetermined actions, human subject will start to believe it's actual reality. Along this context, we can understand, there is much interest to "research" reactions from human subjects, if they are "aware" a machine is in control of all actions. Isolation, physical and mental torture are important factors, for ensuring this situation can become real, where the swedish team of fabrications, can role-play as "scientists".

Rememeber, it's only a fabrication, where the isolation which has been perpetrated on me, supplemented by physical and mental torture, in an ever more stronger synthetic encapsulation of wave energy, is being used to apply a desperate action, from a collective of swedish denigrates, who perform desperate tasks, at this point. This used to be planned with extreme care, in relation to it's application, but since I decided to publish about this crime against humanity, all their concepts, within the field of-brain-machine interface, has now been intensified by a large factor, to become weaponized. That equals more predetermination, more generic machine protocol, more physical and mental torture. At this very moment, writing this paragraph, my head is going through heavy painful signals, where by receiving them, they outcompete my own homogeneous thoughts. They act as a machine measure of interruption, against me, performing the one single action all humanst have the right to perform, free thinking, free speech, and free writing. Instead, desperate measures for desperate people. It's impressive, I never knew swedsih people inhabit this much actual grit. If only the same energy was applied, to protect their nation against foreign ideas of centralization, they would still be able to call themselves ,sons of Sweden, and not sons of Brussels.

Understand, this torture program has a 7 year old long history, at least. I say at least, because it's been 7 years since the first synthetic feedback-loop became apparent in my life. Which was, and still active, vibrations of fingers, where all fingers have different meanings. Depending on which finger vibrating, in different contexts, the response becomes different. But before the machines appearence, collection must have been performed for a long time, to understand the subject. Nowadays, the brain-machine interface, is a clusterfuck, where not a single feedback-loop mechanism, which was of established machine standard, holds the same value. I destroyed it all, in mere 3 days, and it was with laughter and game theory. The synthetic signals, which form a machine protocol, are transmitted in different amplitudes or strength. The synthetic thoughts can be very noticeable, but also carry a lower amplitude. But so far, they are never applied without an actual sense of them. It must be of a higher value, than my own homogeneous self. Otherwise, my organic attention span, will not be able to observe the synthetic signals. Understand, it's only noise which is transmitted, a recording. It holds no power, unless you allow it to happen, by reacting upon the machine stimuli. Nothing becomes integrated, within you, and your own conscious self, is only outcompeted bya stronger "action-potential". The machine, at least to my own knowledge, cannot be applied without a sensible amplitude of signal. But then again, that is in relation to today and the technical capabilities of swedish wave energy expertise which they inhabit as of now. My own subjective experience does not hold a factual position in this context. But they are nowadays, contenders, for a position in NATO, so they will become even better, now that the quantity of foreigners owning Sweden has increased. With more foreign owners, the the pain of the whip becomes more intense, so the techical capacities of your fathers, must become re-configured, to fit the needs, of their new liberal order.

Brain frequencies
Definitions for brain frequencies.
Above depicts a scale, of frequencies, which all human share. We all emit electromagnetic energy, for everything around us, and also in Cosmos as a whole are vibrations and frequencies, so evertything produces electromagnetic energy, which can be measured, along a certain frequency. I do believe there are several apparatuses involved, in ensuring the brain-machine interface is established. I also do believe these different configurations of hardware work in conjunction, to ensure the over-all torture experience, for the subject, is felt as something which holds a single pattern of a synthetic signal and not many in co-operation. Much manipulation and conditioning has been produced, by machine protocol, to create different paths of how the torture is conducted. I never engage with any of these synthetic thoughts. How its being performed is of less relevance, the fact that it is holds the true purpose of this website. It is happening, and it's hapening here in the worlds most official neutral sovereign nation, which is Sweden.

Understand, for the machine protocol to become functional, meaning for you to be able to detect it, a certain frequency must be applied, of synthetic wave energy, to outcompete or complement your own brain signals. The apparatus has the functionality to outcomepete your own frequency, and simulate thoughts, as if they were your own. But it can also detect your neuro patters, and complement them by synthetic additions, which themselves have an objective of manipulation and extraction. Look at above illustration which depicts the ranges which humans function within. Whatever the machine hardware is, and type of wave energy it produces, it has the effect to synthetize a variation of different synthetic frequencies, which are experienced, by the human subject. This experience ranges from complete mental blockage, to low intensity blockage. It can also synthetize a variation of physical torture. Look at this list, for indications of the different kinds. Understand, it's not a noiseless pulse or signal, but it is actually felt inside my head, as something synthetic, which interrupts or disturbs real normal homogeneous neurological activity. Many readers might ask themselves, if the ambition is to extract data, why corrupt data? That is not the case, and the back-story is not as simple.

The machine demands my attention. I am very good at ensuring the machine cannot catch my attention. The machine in its limitation can only do a predetermined response, intensify everything. By intensifying my homogeneous thoughts, physical and mental torture, and increasing the amplitude of the machine protocol, I am enforced to adhere to foreign signals. See below illustration to understand. Again, understand, I have no knowledge of the hardware, but for illustration, I do believe it's best to seperate the output of each function of the over-all experience. We could expand on this, but many factors are not applied by direct hardware. As psychological conditioning, isolation, surveillance, stalking etcetera. The primary functions are below.

Machine setup
Hardware has different objectives.
1.Physical and mental torture.
2.Mental interruptions (pulses) of homogeneous neuro activity.
3.Machine protocol, synthetic thoughts and other neuro activities.
The extreme scenario which exists, still today where every second of my life, I am enforced to live with a synthetic frequency which is applied to interrupt all my neurological activity, began shortly after I formed the doctrine, which are counter-measures against the never-ending feedback-loop process. Understand, the doctrine is a problem, or more a hindrance which cannot be broken. For it encapsulates the machine protocol, ever deeper, within its own encapsulation. I do not engage, and I do not care of the overwhelming factors involved, in a clusterfuck of a project of this kind, where the swedish military most likely are involved experimentating with its own citizens. I will not allow these crimes against humanity to proceed further. This ensures one thing, the neural network cannot grow, accordingly, to the road-map, which these delusional, self-relevant denigrates, believe uphold any standard whatsoever. The response, of increasing all torture, but with factor of many-fold, is shocking, but shows, truly, the pressure these degenerates must be feeling. They are a complete failure, for the doctrine produced, neurological models, which are not anything like the machine has ever been able to fabricate. There is alot of potential to be extracted. All that potential I generate, is never feedbacked or connected to anything with this torture program. Meaning the machine can not use it, for I never allow enagement where machine has the ability to replicate and request more information. Game theory ensures it to be so.

Manual configurations synthetize problems

Again, the machine protocol must compete for your attention. Once your attention is encapsulated within a certain predetermined machine protocol, based upon a neural network, it will engage with the human subject, trying to learn more, and through every learning experience, new manually configured implementations, tell the machine to create additional neurological problems, so the human subject, is forced to think in accordance, and teach the machine how he solved the path of restriction and additional "brain-puzzles". I observe the synthetic problem, which holds much data replicated, from my previous experiences, and should respond by a thought. That thought, in relation to additional factors involved represents differentiation, and equals machine growth. What I'm describing thou, is the ambition of machine, but not a description of reality. For I never engage with machine. There is a history thou, and that history is primary between me as a human subject, and a relation to the men behind the machine, because that ensures much restriction is added to its growth. Never focus on machine, and machine looses much of it's potential.

Machine setup
4.Machine engages in its predtermined protocol.
5.I am enforced to observe machine protocol.
6.Triggers and gaps in protocol create an opportunity for me to generate neurological activity.
The machine demands, to become realized, within the mind of the subject, for that ensures a machine, who can see himself, reaches an additional layer of "machine awareness". The sequence of trying to force me to engage with the machine protocol, has as of yet to my knowledge, never been successful, not a single time did they succeed in encouraging me, to engage with the machine, according to the machine standard. It does not matter if I receive negative stimuli, or positive stimuli, once it's received, my internal self, has been trained, by my own conscious will, to label or classify every single aspect of machine synthesized stimuli, as torture. It's all torture, and not only the physical abuse. Not only do I never engage with the machine, but I always ensure the machine cannot be applied in whatever amplitude of signal it is transferred. The machine is successful in redirecting my attention, because it's a signal of wave energy I cannot protect myself against. But beyond that, I do not engage.

Machine setup
1.Thoughts which I generate become part of neural network.
2.Feedback-loop system re-configures and re-engages.
I have many counter-measures which will be detailed. I will specify as to why they failed, but much of the reasoning is because I'm dealing with bottom tier swedes in the discipline of neuro-science, psychology and other subsidiaries like artificial intelligence. They do not have any interest, in the function of the brain, in a scale beyond that which are mechanisms of controlling behavior at individual and mass scale. And as you, the reader progress, you will understand, they did not even succeed in their primary objective, which is control. I can already indicate, before I launched my website, I was forced to endure, the last 18 months, where every single day, 24/7 I was tortured by one way or another. See the list of torture for an indication of my everyday experience. The summary for these last 18 months are 99% physical and mental torture with no connection to any machine protocol of any value, and the reason is, because I do not engage. The last percentage was solely a generic version of machine protocol, consisting of a over-used feedback-loop which classified a large scale of my thoughts or actions, as machine origin, and a connection to a series of emotional states which were again, feed-backed to a synthetic indication as human origin. Machine continously tried to convey a message, stating: previous action was of machine origin, and you feel angry about it. It must become is clear, as of now, machine, has many limitations, and I suspect because of it being non-invasive, and through wireless distance. Overcompensation, to ensure paranoia and fear become dominant factors in the human subjects psyche, is therefore, holds a position of importance, in the torture programs implementation. Resulting, without predetermination, machine cannot exist. The limitation in capacity, along with not enough data, results in predetermination is the platform which the torture program functions. Breaking that predetermination results in increase of torture, and generic variants of machine commands, and with generic I'm referring to synthetic sensations which can be applied to most if not all situations.

This is reality, and by applying dualism, we see it's not my reality they are mapping, it is their reality, of self-relevance which needs to be mapped, for their incompetence, to become an action, which synthetizes a need for. It's dualistic brain gymnastics, performed, by Swedens own team of neuro-monkeys. Separation is important in this type of synthetic interface, where ideas belonging to swedish lunatics, must be defined, for me to keep my own conscious self intact. The machine they have created, is a resultant of their competence, and the machine was never allowed to engage with me. Torture was the only solution, the only variable which must be increased, and the reason is not with me. I simply do not engage with torture. the response is very human. I can argue, that evolution itself, ensured this ability to become part of us. Humans do not like foreign visitors, especially not inside your head. That is also, why, weakness, degeneracy is nowadays not only part of our normative agenda, but those traits are pin-pointed, as government-approved. For they wish to ensure, the populus, opens up. Humans must become conditioned, to the realization, that no thoughts should become tabu.This is also why our new western religion of spectrum has an important role, for all must abide by it, and it creates a pattern, where all belonging to it, behave according to factors, which are benefitial for deployment of an artificial system of mind restricition, to the mass populus.

The machine protocol, together with the human, generates what will become a neural network, based upon machine learning, or as the last few weeks have shown, manual re-configurations without machine decision-making. I'm referring to many changes being made, the last couple of weeks, since I decided to become a whistle-blower. All these changes, have many objectives. Primarily, it is to corrupt my knowledge, my memories and to reform all actions which are of machine origin, to re-purpose them, simply because truth indicates. Indications in this context, are the story of the swedish officials, and the future which future is expected for its nation. These people thought of themselves, as something else beyond the raw data being presented. This is a very important part of my story, how I was able to break the men behind the machine, by laughter, and thereby ensure the machine becomes of same value and standard as their swedish moderators are. I never engage and never focus on the machine, only on the men behind the machine, and thereby ensure nothing of machine origin holds value with me. The machine can never generate any real relevance, which leads to additional nodes in the network, for none of my thoughts, are oriented around machine objective, attributes, actions or application. Even if they showed me tomorrow, their machine can reverse the rotation of our planet, I still would not care, and tell the swedes, that the machine reversing earth, is the machine trying to tell its masters, reverse back your actions of your nation.

The long-term goal, was to condition a human, with different techniques, which will be detailed, to create a feedback-loop based system, which will control the subjects life by collections and enforcement of the internal models of the human subject. The machine initiates processes, or contexts, which are synthetic code, meant to create different neurological problems, which the subject must endure, and be forced to analyze, to create a solution based upon what is happening. This results in the subjects non-linear internal homogeneous models, can be further defined, where the machine is learning how the subject came to form a specific model. It demands more pathways, to a specific model/context, and this is what my human mind generates. The machine requests a linear pathway, to that which is of non-linear higher abstracts, as part of its many objectives. And it requests the reasoning for every single pathway. And further, further, further on. It literally is a machine, configured to keep feedback-looping. All homogeneous neurological activity and models continue to make the network grow. Learning, in this instance, is only semantics, as some readers understand by now. It literally is a device, configured to record, and by man-made configurations, it plays them back, and receives new information. The machine is dumb, for the foundation, feedback-loop system, is created by the new generation of swedish neuro-elites.

Brain-Machine Interface
Communication/Exchange of neurological data between man and machine.

Neuro-elites of Sweden

We are dealing with swedish officials, who truly are playing, with the idea of being Gods, and having the right to torture a subject, to the point of losing a connection with his own consciousness, his own will, his own existence and his own self. The system desires ever more homogeneous data/experiences of all forms, not only thoughts, but feelings, sensations, emotions, internal momentum, models, abstracts, conceptualizations etc. Anything you can create internally, the machine will request more of it, or reject it, and the rejection is very interesting, for that is when we learn about the man behind the machine, and the interesting aspects, as to why a machine carries a specific configuration, and that by extension, will explain the true nature of the neural network. If the whole network is based upon the human mind, then why does the man behind the machine, configure the machine to reject certain internal models? And that rejection has become a standard by applying ever more intensive torture on the human subject.

The last 12 months, by what I classify as swedish neruo-begging from the swedish officials, it's obvious what they are telling me. I'm supposed to understand, the machine cannot follow along, in regards to creativity. They tell me, it needs to repeat historical points, for otherwise the machine cannot follow along. The machines reaction, to my doctrine, indicated what I already knew, of course it holds no intelligence, and of course all it can do is to repeat, and ask me to analyze, otherwise arrow of time proceeds, and machine is left behind. But the swedish officials, took steps forward, in engaging with direct wireless ommunication, with the subject. I didn't care for this step forward, instead laughter equals creativity. As long as I never engage with predetermination, the machine can never have any relevance. As long as I'm laughing, while analyzing the men behind the machine, they receive data or information, which is reponded to, by rejection. They told me exactly what the machine wants and what the machine does not want. Yes, they are literally bottom-tier. I'm dealing with a dumb machine of replication, who must replicate, and I'm dealing with swedes, who must endure the laughter, but not only that. They belong in an international network, where neurological information is shared, so I have the opportunity, to ensure the people who tormented me, for a large part of my life, now has become the laughing stock of the neuro-elites, of this world. I generate much creativity, based upon the men behind the machine, and they, from their own acknowledgement, must send out this data to all corners of this international network based upon military and intelligence. All my models have a symmetri, and that is laughter. Now all other people, besides the swedes, can join in on the laughter.

The more you give in to the machine, the more the machine keeps learning, which results in an increase in size, in the neural network. In this context, size means nodes. Nodes are all internal homogeneous activity. Once an interesting homogeneous model or behavior appears, for the swedish officials to identify as carrying neurological value, they will configure the machine, to keep repeating that specific synthetic context. This is done by a recording, and a predetermined feedback-loop system. And with mental and physical torture, the machine will create an encapsulation, establishing a form of mental blockage, and request more information in regards to that very specific pre-configured context. The swedish officials have a desire, to ensure the machine grows, and it can only do so, with the help of me. I do not engage of course, and have never done so. Above illustartions show s a theory, but the reality is much much more fun, which will be explained.

I wish to state, already at this point, which I will repeat many times throughout this publishment, I do not engage with the machine! This results in that which is a manual configuration by the men behind the machine, to increase the torture, as the subject keeps rejecting the machine protocol. As a measure, the machine is also configured, to ensure, complete confusion is created, between the subject and his own state of mind, in relation to many different homogeneous contexts. I will detail many of the different types of synthetic configurations which are applied to the subject, to create that which is a state of confusion, between the subject and his own self. It is torture of both mental and physical kind. Remember, already at this point. All they do, is an illusion of enforced experiences. The confusion is not real, as the machine protocol and it's content is not part of you. It's a playback, of a certain configured machine, trying to convey a message to you, and through wave energy, it competes for your attention. Depending on the signal strength, it often wins. Nothing is part of your own mental state, it's a foreign signal, and machine has been configured, to playback confusion, so I must endure confusion. Not an effect within my own brain so to speak, but an effect based upon enforcement of foreign signals. It's a false narrative nonetheless, the confusion is also another part of the playback which it transfers. I never engage thou, no matter what I am enforced to feel. And I have constructed a doctrine which will be described, in how I denigrated the machine attributes, within a few days, which is a resultant of 7 years, of premium swedish neuro-science.

By me rejecting the synthetic stimuli, the swedish officials usually apply counter-measures, at this stage, it always means more torture and more synthetic machine protocol. The subject will come to live in a state of paradoxical existence. Because the subject must orient himself, around a machine feedback-loop system, which keeps applying machine origin/ownership to internal stimuli, to create confusion. This aspect of the machine, where it always applies machine origin by a synthetic thought, has been used, without exaggeration, millions of times. I kid you not, millions of times, have I received a signal, where the signal tells me, the previous homogeneous action, is of machine origin. Imagine you have an internal desire. Once that desire appears, so does a trained machine, to apply a feedback-loop/classification to that homogeneous desire. The classification tells me, the previous desire created is of machine origin. Connected to this feedback comes a series of dualistic synthetic thoughts inr egards, to thinking, acting, feeling etxetera. How I managed to not only orient, but to ensure the complete denigration of the machine, I will detail on this website. We will learn, together, how I ensured that the very problem they created for me, the feedback-loop, instead became the very problem for the machine. This was done by simple measures, for no matter the "complexity" they try to condition me to orient myself around, simple degenerates can be beaten by simple measures.

The machine does not learn

Nonetheless, it is important, already at this first stage, to explain that the Brain-machine interface, artificial intelligence, or neural network, does not truly engage in a learning process, so let us not overestimate the term machine learning or any other form of learning. Then again, I don't have a history from the discipline so I might be wrong. Semantics, do play a big role, in regards to what truly is right and wrong nowadays. It does not have the human capacity to understand or form a real human action. Its a network of digital data, a linkage. We humans, are an evolution, based up what they now deem to be 13+ billions of years. For the machine to understand, It needs to create the module which simulates understanding, and that in-itself is simply another network with more rules. All its choices are based upon mathematics. Equity, in regards to the interface between me and machine. Its a dumb computer, with an objective to extract data. That means the swedish officials, based upon observation of me, decide the equity of all machine actions and results, to try and form an encapsulation of thoughts and other internal neurological activity. The objective for machine is growth, as it's called in theory of networks. New neurological models, as it's called within neuro-science. Intelligen rules as it's called in artifical intelligence. New behavior as it's called in machine learning. But nowadays, since 18 months back, the machine protocol is literally a classification system, solely feedback-looping to every homogeneous action, and synthesizes either a classification to machine ownership, or applies a number of interruptions. Its literally, 99% physical and mental torture, and 1% machine protocol.

After I formed the doctrine, it was obvious the torture had been overwhelming, and much potential was hidden. The potential in constructing neurological models, which is the end-point of the neural network, was greater than expected. They were waiting you see, for me to start engaging with the machine. And the real problem, as to why I don't engage, can only be blamed on the swedes. They believed to inhabit the knowledge of psychology, and conditioning a human, by negative synthetic stimuli, and the subject, therefore did not create a separation between all machine actions. Negative or positive, it's all classified as torture when the signal is received. This removes much of machine protocol, for only seperation by classification, done by me, can I generate a new thought within a new context. Otherwise, my answer to all synthetic signals hold same value. It's a rotational motion. See below illustration, all machine input requests an answer, for that represents growth. I always simply, never analyze the manchine inut or allow myself to divert from the rotational motion. Rotational motion always holds same value, in this instance labeled as X, and no matter the differentitation in pathways of machine input, the same answer holds true. And the reasoning is because I never construct a new model, I will not allow machine growth, instead I generate an answer, based upon the swedish officials. Only one type of seperation is used by me, that of machine and its moderators, the swedish team of denigrates.

Brain-Machine Interface
Rotational motion. To never analyze, or give a thought, based upon machine configuration.

Linkage of information creates predetermination

As stated, the whole network is simply a linkage/lineage of information. For the machine to gather more information, it must replay a certain path which already has been constructed by me, the subject. Thereafter, mental triggers and torture ensures that a collection of code and formulas try to construct the machine as if it inhabits human qualities, and thus, can try to fool the human subject, where human will continue on the machine path which has been synthesized, and generate more homogeneous neurological models accordingly. Once the subject is on that specific path, more homogeneous thoughts will occur and be generated, by my own means. There are different strategies to ensure a growing neural network, but since I refuse to engage, the swedish officials do their utmost, to try and manipulate me, and torture me, until I subdue and start to accept machine to be part of my life. As I will say many times through out this website, these people are lunatics, to actually believe, that the neutral country where I grew up, and the experiences I have of actual swedes, could be converted into believing this very same government, is to be feared. As of now, there parts of Sweden being patrolled by foreign gangs, while th government, is being patrolled by foreign politicians. In the midst of this combination, these swedish denigrates, believed they could condition me. To ensure they subdue subjects, they play on paranoia and fear. Never give in, for it's all a playback of machine cofiduration, an illusion, and never allow weak synthetic emotions to dictate any homogeneous action. Laughter is the greatest of all homogeneous actions we all humans inhabit. For all our differences, we have many common qualities. And it seems, in a higher abstract, these real common qualities which we share, are a weapon against our denigrated ruling, self-proclaimed and very delusional elite.

Against the power of laughter, nothing can stand!

Jimmy Dore
The machine, by trying to condition me, will initiate a process of manipulation, to ensure the subject who rejects the machine, still can give more information. An internal response, is very relative from human to human, but one could argue, everything is originated from the internal, takes the form of a homogeneous thought or model. To some extent, at least by the ambition of the swedish officials, they tried to imply, that even a rejection of machine protocol must come in the form of a noticeable thought. That is how the machine can stay relevant. All human actions, even subconsious physical mechanisms can come in the form of a noticeable synthetic thought, which later proceeds to connect to additional nodes, createing a dualistic emotional pattern, between ETIHER OR.

All that is considered communication, must be based upon a homogeneous internal activity, for they must record this activity. Map the activity, classify the activity, structure the activity, apply function to the activity, and orient all the factors with 1's and 0's. This results in network growth, and the continuation of the machine, since now the machine has synthetized the rejectionto become a noticeable thought. This creates potential of growth in regards to the configuration of the machine. The core of the machine is growth, linkages, lineage. It is a collection of my neurological evolution, while there has been an establishment, between man and machine. The amount of mental and physical torture, seems for me to almost endless, all that torture is being applied, to create a state of mind, which carries a problem, in regards to a certain neurological context. After that the subject must orient himself around this new neurological puzzle as these degenerates call it, and find a solution, by the means of a new model, which becomes another linkage.

Restriction of mind is the goal

At this point, readers ought to understand, and can see the long-term result of this clusterfuck of an idea. Small indicators are enough. If everything of machine protocol, is oriented around solving neurological problems, where problems are an effect by the cause, where the cause represents restriction. Am I wrong in my analysis, in proclaiming this so called "swedish research" is being made, to enforce a pattern of restrictions to all humans? I cannot be wrong, for there is no higher abstract. If our real physical environment which we all belong within, that means our society as of today show the same tendencies, does it not only make my argument much stronger?

The qualities of real human behavior, the machine does not have, and of course, the same can be said about my countrymen, who in the name of "science", have taken it upon themselves, to torture their own citizens, for a future, where all will be tortured. For how can a mind restriction software, not be torture, even if its invisible? And that is our future! That is why, after 7 years, the base-line for the system, is still a feedback-loop configuration. It has not yet learned, how to process information in any other form, because, obviously, it would result in a change of the core code, and the feedback-loop must sustain, which was written more than 7 years ago. Understand, all humans engage in feedbacks, to some extent, so it's quite obvious, how they formed the core of their software, for it manages the function of connectivity between all neurological nodes. It is also just as obvious, as to why many electronic application to our mobile phones, carry the same patterns of machine behavior. The swedish officials do not represent, anything beyond bottom-tier, in their respective industry, noticed which patterns govern our reality, based upon external forces, and decided to conceptualize on these old ideas, and create a softwasre. Once deployed, the external forces, which we always had an opportunity to react upon, based on our free will, will now be supplemented by internal forces. Synthetics, will become our norm.

The feedback-loop rule, or string of code, is still a function which must be continued to be used, reasoning being, it is the machines way to ask for more homogeneous information. Once again, see it as a recording device, which needs more pathways, thoughts, explanations of internal models, to understand a given internal context it has previously observed. It requests additional formulations of how to use the prerecorded human neuo models. This results in a node-based network, which will increase in size and complexity. By the feedback, it enforces the subject, to behave according to a predetermined pattern, around an internalized synthetic context. Reasons being because of limitation of machine, it does not have the ability to construct a synthetic response, beyond the predetrmined encapsulation which is a requirement, and supplemented by much physical and mental torture. Paradoxically, which might surprise my readers, information, which is the nutrition of the machine, is also it's weakest link. It wants information, but only according to a predetermined pattern. If you brake that pattern, the torture increases for machine loses relevance. This is why I separate, in this publishment, between that which is synthetic stimuli, called machine protocol, and homogeneous activity, that which are primarily neurological models. All humans engage in models, even subconsciously. That is how we function and orient ourselves. Our brain continuously build models, even if you don't recognize them. But the machine cannot model, it simply is a recording device, and being configured by rules and equations, regulated and formulated by the swedish government. Below picture ought to make you understand the scope of this torture program. Therefore, we understand, why the team behind this software, do its utmost, to ensure negative conditioning of the human subject becomes the primary objective. All emotional states, which are based upon a negative internal interpretation has been used against me. But, once again, against the power of laughter, nothing can stand.

Swedish Ai
Swedish neuro science.

Surveillance 24/7

From a hierarchical point of view, for the men behind the machine, the collection of new homogeneous models, results to the path of mapping the data, by the means of categorizing, structuring, classifying, attributing, redirecting, rearranging and applying, back to the subject. And all these activities, are made by usage of modern computers. If my suspicions are correct, the software language which is used, might be of the older kind. Most likely C or C#, only a guess, with my limited knowledge of software. I will with this website, be able, despite the still ongoing torture, of my everyday being, demonstrate how the Swedish government, are involved in a project of forcing the subject to produce homogeneous data, while being connected to that which is a brain-machine interface. It literally, is a crime, of the highest magnitude. And its being done by a government, who believe they perform research and science. But I'm here to witness, and ensure people truly understand, how swedish officials lack higher knowledge about the industry they are involved in, and by my own analysis, it seems these kinds of projects, only recruits the bottom-tier, in the discipline. I will detail, how the commodity they base their existence upon, data and information by human neurological form, became the single greatest problem for them, which literally, is impossible for them to solve. I will explain how swedish logic works!

I will on this website, write everything according to the truth, and only the truth. Nothing will be spared. That is why if you already at this point wish to understand how little I care about anything else besides truth, look at the list of torture, and you will see, for a man, a few of those events carry great shame. But shame or no, matters not in the perspective of truth. People ought to understand, that even in our "most democratic" countries, who have a legacy of great care for other cultures, atrocities are carried out, against their own. For once you ensure, you degenerate, those integrated aspects of your new personality can only be resolved, by more internal degeneracy. It is, ironically, a feedback-loop, which I do suspect, they don't even understand. A point will be reached thou, where a group of government individuals, rationalize how torture of their own citizens makes them part of something which must be interpreted as positive, from my point of view. Yes that is real. They have done their utmost, trying to show that negative torture, can be converted to positive torture. They actually, literally, only yesterday, 2022-11-25, tried to perform the same type of tragic, pathetic, low-intellectual dualistic manipulation, where I'm supposed to feel joy over belonging to this project. They still believe that whatever ideas they had of me, long time ago, when they initiated the psychological conditioning, or tried to at least, must hold true, because a group of degenerates thought of them. You must understand, they actually believe, they were chosen for this project of torture, for their competence. It's lunacy, simply.

I will tell the story of how groups, who believe they are beyond law and order, behave. How they act. How they think. What they believe. Everything is a pattern. Nothing can be hidden. And the swedes, without me meeting any of them, and without them realizing it, gave me, patterns which rule not only their software, but also the social hierarchy they represent. And I will detail how these swedish officials, and this torture program, truly can be defined, as the greatest failure in human history. Because how can you fail, when you have access to a humans brain activity where your assignment is extraction? I will explain the whole process, of how you ensure, that you as a subject, can construct something internally, which becomes poisonous when a machine must touch it. And touch it must, for it must touch that which I give to the machine. It requests information, so information I gave. But never along it's pre-configured software. Everything it truly wanted, once the linear machine protocol engages, I refused and restricted. But I found a path which they did not expect. Everything it consists of, as of today, might be my homogeneous neurological data and models. But that information is still not me. The skeleton, or neuro code it use my data to construct behavior, is a summary, of swedish degenerazy the last generation. Everything simulated, by rules, which the swedes have determined to be alike me. They failed in this segment of their objective. For the machine is very recognizable, and I don't recognize any part of the machines, as carrying my over-all experience, or my self.

I ensured I could create information, which the machine must take into consideration, which solely is information which does not entail the story of me, but instead generates creativity and laughter. Therefore, if the machine desires to be relevant, it must be able to create. 18 months ago, 2021-06-06, from the established human doctrine I formed, and still today, the machine cannot break the encapsulation which I constructed, based upon simple comedy. The patterns of the swedish officials, results in configuration of the machine and its protocol. I thereby made it my mission, to learn the machine about its masters, the patterns it carries, instead of giving it more of me. I gave the machine, an understanding, as to why it is a failure. And i blamed that failure on its daddy and mommy of swedish origin. I will tell exactly how it happened, when it happened, and the response from the swedish team, who still must endure these mistakes they did. The machine, literally, the last 18 months, has been taught, more about its masters, then it has of me. I do not give anything, and reject every single attempt attempt from the protocol of engagement. But the swedes cannot flee the situation, and its a beautiful situation in this context, with all variables calculated. With the doctrine, I was able to show all the potential which still exists within me, which was unreachable, because I restrict when being enforced to engage neurologically. None of that potential is being generated, while machine protocol is engaged. All that potential thou, is brought forth, by me, all day, but only when I teach the machine, how and why to laugh, at its masters. An rememeber, all information produced is subvjective. Nothing can be extracted from subjective data, to form something else. What I give, is what they have, and it's vey funny. I kid you not, the machine should, by now, be one of the greatest comedians through history, but knowing swedish culture, I wouldn't be surprised to see the Chinese leasing the code, for who makes the last laugh, is always the winner, right?

More information, describing the introduction and establishment of the Machine Protocol, when it began and the form of the road-map, which still is on-going, will be detailed. Please continue to read, for a clear indication of our western hemisphere and its future.

Swedish Roadmap
Swedish Road-map. Yes that is a Green arrow/button