Cope of Arms

Swedish Torture


Work In Progress

This document is as of now out of context and simply a document where I gather information and it still needs work before completion.

While im focused and not self-consious, many illogical indications of synthetic thoughts are applied, as part of the machine protocol. These indications carry an intesive signal/pulse, and they are applied in accordance to a very linear pattern, to a linear machine context. Here is a list and its growing while im going through my notes. Remember, this document is still a work in progress so no structre applied as of yet, to the formatting and presentation.

These indications can come in the form of the actual emotional state. I can experience it. But it can also come as a thought. It can come as a thought but embedded in heavy signals. It come as a thought with other emotional stimuli.

  1. This is the machine
  2. This is the human
  3. That was the machine
  4. This was the human
  5. What does it mean?
  6. This pains me
  7. This is weird
  8. That is weird
  9. Empathy, connected to another node containing swedish officials
  10. I am thinking
  11. This activity is troublesome/anooying
  12. This activity is making me feel tired
  13. I am annoyed
  14. I am tired
  15. I dont understand
  16. I am confused
  17. I am angry
  18. I have to analyze this specific localized node
  19. I have to analyze in a higher context
  20. I feel fear
  21. I am paranoid
  22. I need to answer the last classification of feedback-loop ownership
  23. I am unsure of myself
  24. I am not thinking correctly
  25. I am doing something wrong
  26. Dualism, the feeling of should/should not answer to a specific node/synthetic thought
  27. The machine requests an answer
  28. The machine requests specification
  29. The machine requests an expansion
  30. I am now normal
  31. I am now myself
  32. I'm happy
  33. I feel like I should laugh
  34. This is boring
  35. I feel anxious
  36. I am emotional
  37. I am restless
  38. I am stressed
  39. I am annoyed because of the torture
  40. I am annoyed because of the machine protocol
  41. I am unsure of the machine protocol
  42. Why am I doing this
  43. I am bored
  44. I should do it
  45. I should not do it
  46. This is a game
  47. I should be thinking of something
  48. This thought means something
  49. I am stupid
  50. I am ignorant
  51. This is difficult
  52. I need to explain this thought process
  53. I need to expand on this thought process
  54. I need to explain this neurological model (not thoughts)
  55. I need to expand on this neurological model (not thoughts)
  56. I have forgotten what I was thinking of
  57. I cannot think anymore in regards to this context
  58. There are no more pathways, for this thought process/model
  59. I should hesitate before answering
  60. I should hesitate before analyzing