Cope of Arms

Swedish Torture


Work In Progress

This document is as of now out of context and simply a document where I gather information and it still needs work before completion.

The feedback-loop acts, primarily, as a classification system, to try and encourage a certain neurological path or action from the human.

comes in many different forms Silent, noticeable, with a trigger, without, with motion before connection to previous thought, without motion or that which is internal momentum. with our without connections. Comes with replays of previous stimuli/thought. Comes in connection with real homogeneous stimuli but also synthetic.

Can be used to define origin of thought. Can be used to indicate different emotional states Can be used to take real physical human actions Can be used to take real abstract human actions Can be used to connect between context. Can be used to connect comntext and reinforce machine or human thought analyze.

How both physical and mental internal stimuli can act as feedback-loops.

Signal which connects the linear evolution and code carries condition of trying to reinforce it is my homogeneous thought