Cope of Arms

Swedish Torture


Personally, I am not an emotional person, and before this torture program was initiated, I had no experience of many of these emotions. I had never felt or had no internal reference in relation to any of them. That is why I, for the first time while producing this website, I had to use google so I can see a established list of emotions. While reading through the list, I either had memories of them being used or not. Understand, the technical apparatus, has the ability, to transmit neurological activity to other humans. These emotions never were mine, since I only have memories in a contextual basis. Meaning my memories are not memories based upon how these emotions actually, but instead as they were used in a machine protocol. The same goes for much of synthetic machine input. At the moment they are experienced, they prrevail a subjective experience. But after, your memory speaks in accordance to your own neurological reasoning and language.

Emotions are a primary component, in usage for constructing or synthetizing a machine protocol. Wave energy is the transmitting form of all these synthetic input, to the human subject. From my subjective experience, I can witness to the emotions being transmitted in different frequenzies, wavelengths, amplitudes and over-all length of usage. Distortions are also, especially since 2021-06-06, a new machine configuration, and not only limited to emotions, but all synthetic machine input. Distortions are defined exactly as the word, as a synthetic emotion being subjectively experienced as distorted. They have this capacity, for a recording of neurological activity, can become distorted, but still being perceived as a specific meaning, in relation to its definition. For example, the emotion of anger, can be felt as low intensity anger, high intensity anger, global anger, packet of anger, or distorted anger. It's wave energy, and thus can be manipulated with whatever the technical apparatus is.

Below you will find a table, structured in accordance to:

  • Designation: Numbering of each emotion.
  • Description: Which emotion.
  • Global: If the specified emotion has been in usage as a global component.
  • Packet: If the specified emotion has been in usage as a packet of eenergy.
  • Pre/Current/Future: If the emotion has been part of machine protocol, which manipulate historical, current and futuristic perspectives.
Negative emotions represent a high majority of all synthetic input applied through the machine history. It's a software, bringing forth control of the mind as a long-term ambition. With negative and positive conditioned packets of machine learned commands, our swedish officials will be able to manipulate the mind, as it receives external information or stimuli. As part of this ambition, the software wants to learn what happens, when human subjects are aware of machine manipulation. That is one of many reasons these swedish denigrates are here. History showed I did not budge by the introduction of the feedback-loop mechanism as a neutral state. I did not, by homogeneous process, analyze the situation or become entangled by emotions. One component of high importance (restriction of mind) are negative emotions. But it can be further structured. Look at below for an indication, of a few ambitions, which have failed, analyzing by orientation of the results, but could be become successful with other subjects:
  • Restriction of mind.
  • Conditioning the subject.
  • Implementing fear and paranoia.
  • Breaking the conscious state of mind.
  • Acceptance of machine protocol.
In accordance to the technical capacitites, all emotions and feelings come in different intensities. Depending on the ambition of the machine, or in accordance to the evolution of the brain-machine interface, the machine is applying ever more intense synthetic input. This is especially true, since 2021-06-06, when I decided to form my doctrine which broke machine.

Have a look at below illustration, to understand the definition of global vs. packet.
  • Global: Global emotions are applied continously through a synthetic frequency. It has the ambition to apply a subjective experience, and by extension, answers or responses from the subject, based upon feeling the specfic combination of global emotions thgrouhout the whole session.
  • Packet: Packets of energy in emotional states can also be considered machine input, nodes, references, connections, feedback etc. Simply put, they are part of a brief implementation of synthetic input. Instead sensing the emotion all the time, it comes it is instead applied in sequence.
Global emotions
Difference between the two states. Combinations of the two are norm nowadays. Distortions are added to synthetize additional emotional confusion.
Emotions and feelings
Designation Description Global Packet Pre/Current/Future
EF-01 Sadness Yes Yes Yes
EF-02 Melancholy Yes Yes Yes
EF-03 Abandonment/isolation No Yes Yes
EF-04 Boredom Yes Yes Yes
EF-05 Abuse No Yes Yes
EF-06 Demotivation Yes Yes Yes
EF-07 Scare No Yes Yes
EF-08 Hesitation Rarely Yes Yes
EF-09 Disgust Yes No No
EF-10 Annoyance Yes Yes Yes
EF-11 Emptyness Yes Yes Yes
EF-12 Hostility Yes Yes Yes
EF-13 Humiliation No Yes Yes
EF-14 Contempt No Yes Yes
EF-15 Concern Yes Yes Yes
EF-16 Betrayal No Yes Yes
EF-17 Overwhelmed No Yes No
EF-18 Manipulation Yes Yes Yes
EF-19 Fear No Yes Yes
EF-20 Failure No Yes Yes
EF-21 Frustration Yes Yes Yes
EF-22 Suspicion No Yes Yes
EF-23 Defenceless Yes Yes Yes
EF-24 Arrogance Yes Yes No
EF-25 Laziness Yes Yes Yes
EF-26 Regret No Yes Yes
EF-27 Hate Yes Yes Yes
EF-28 Inferiority No Yes Yes
EF-29 Dissatisfaction Yes Yes Yes
EF-29 Irritation Yes Yes Yes
EF-30 Disappointment No Yes Yes
EF-31 Disorientation Yes Yes Yes
EF-32 Laziness Yes Yes Yes
EF-33 Paranoia Yes Yes Yes
EF-34 Confusion Yes Yes Yes
EF-35 Disbelief No Yes Yes
Above table specify emotions which have been part of machine protocol the last 7 years. They synthetize very subjective experience, and a few examples from above can be seen here below. Below still lacks context, but they ought to give reader an understanding of the message the machine can synthetize. When machine is playing the protocol, it comes in a specific neurological context, applying a certain emotional character to the subjective experience, and along with machine requests, it will enforce the human subject to analyze, and construct new thoughts and other neurological activity, based upon the machine protocol.
  • What does it mean?
  • This pains me
  • This is weird
  • That is weird
  • Empathy, connected to another node containing swedish officials
  • I am thinking
  • This activity is troublesome/anooying
  • This activity is making me feel tired
  • I am annoyed
  • I am tired
  • I dont understand
  • I am confused
  • I am angry
  • I have to analyze this specific localized node
  • I have to analyze in a higher context
  • I feel fear
  • I am paranoid
  • I need to answer the last classification of feedback-loop ownership
  • I am unsure of myself
  • I am not thinking correctly
  • I am doing something wrong
  • Dualism, the feeling of should/should not answer to a specific node/synthetic thought
  • The machine requests an answer
  • The machine requests specification
  • The machine requests an expansion
  • I am now normal
  • I am now myself
  • I'm happy
  • I feel like I should laugh
  • This is boring
  • I feel anxious
  • I am emotional
  • I am restless
  • I am stressed
  • I am annoyed because of the torture
  • I am annoyed because of the machine protocol
  • I am unsure of the machine protocol
  • Why am I doing this
  • I am bored
  • I should do it
  • I should not do it
  • This is a game
  • I should be thinking of something
  • This thought to mean something
  • I should be emotional