Cope of Arms

Swedish Torture


Work In Progress

This document is as of now out of context and simply a document where I gather information and it still needs work before completion.

Communication though visualization. Visualizations carry much strentgh in a language, which seperates machine and man with a great neurological distance. The machine always seeks to determine all human actions, as of machine origin. It is the highest abstract, in relation to me as a human subject. [Insert reasoning in here].

The origin of the visualization tell a story. Its your own language.
The thoughts which are generated through the evolution of the visualization are your own, and you can sense them, they tell of your human experience and your response, in relation to a machine protocol.
Internal motion, along with a visualization, can manipulate the neurological language, to behave in accordance to internal movement, along with the thoughts. Thereby, you by your own means, you can manipulate how thought behave and structure itself, while they are emerging.

This is also the reason as to why much of the machine protocol, since 2021-06-06, is not oriented around ideas, which hold a foundation. Its like the secret is out. They know it and I know it. The machine is obvious, and it has patterns, but they cannot change these patterns, for a machine is a machine, not a human. So 7 years of work cannot be thrown, to the garbage can where it belongs. iNstead, more energy spent, to torture the human, and try to break the different means, the human subject orient himself around, which ensures machine denigration. So the only way, for them to once again re-establish the faulty resultless ideas of the dualistic feedback-loop, but which kept them alive, in their synthetic hierarchy of feorign ownership, is to break all these established human patterns, in how I construct information, to allow or disallow, or play with the idea, that the human subject has been conditioned, to fear his own thoughts and actions.