Cope of Arms

Swedish Torture

Rotational motion

Work In Progress

This document is as of now out of context and simply a document where I gather information and it still needs work before completion.

17.33 Manipulation of the rotational motion

  • The rotational motion is a mechansim of my making.
  • The machine protocol, is a dumb machine. It cannot process thoughts, outside the predetermined pathways, which is the configuration of the machine, and its current objective.
  • As a response, I, make that predetermined pathway, even smaller.
  • It is a string of words, which is my response, to all machine requests. Very simple.
  • The machine therefore, cannot grow, or apply growth, or, indicate growth, unless the human, has indicated to that neurological pathway.
  • The rotational motion, holds high importance, in regards to every single abstract or objective, which theory of networking, machine learning and artificial intelligence, is relavent to.