Cope of Arms

Swedish Torture

The Doctrine

Work In Progress

This document is as of now out of context and simply a document where I gather information and it still needs work before completion.

  • The doctrine is a collection of homogeneous mechanisms, which are oriented around unpredetermined stimuli.
  • They ensure the internal process, cannot be a reference for the machine, as it holds no connections, to any previous predetermined action. Its simply, an interpretation by creativity, of that which is chaotic in nature.
  • I've decided to ensure the doctrine becomes ever more active again, which is of many purposes.
    • The different functions of machine protocol becomes more apparent.
    • Reductions of machine sub-functions and identification can be made.
    • I can generate a high abstract observation of all objectives, and its primary objective which is a resultant.
    • I can ensure machine must withdraw, because the doctrine is formed around creativity which machine cannot uphold.
    • the machine protocol will try to make references to that which has been generated of homogeneous actions.
    • Those machine references carry a language.
    • From that linear language, I can also reduce its function to when it's used, in accordance to predetermined machine protocol.
    • The machine cannot form a response to my homogeneous speed.
  • The doctrine is a resultant, based upon creativity. One part is to ensure I never have a single strategy mapped out or thought of within me. The strategy is formed based upon chaotic stimuli. This ensures that the strategy can only grow in accordance to additional chaotic stimuli.
    • This ensures any additions to a homogeneous mechanisms, which I never refer to in a linear pattern, becomes something which men behind the machine has applied a thought and resulted in machine input.
    • This ensures the game of Turing becomes less relevant, and they loose their focus on their main objective. Which is to ensure I become fooled by the machine.

  • there are many paths to unpredetermined thought strcutres.
  • Something which has inspired me alot, and generated most of my homogeneous mechanisms, is the cigarette.
  • The cigarette is a typical example, of simple chaos.
  • It consists of so many variables, from the point of origin as a leaf, to that which becomes a cigarette.
  • Its impossible to control, and inhabits pure chaos.
  • While its burning, it generates many different states of geometria.
  • For a simple mind as my own, who finds it stimulating to play with geometria, and ensure they become an integral part of his creativity, a cigarette holds much power.
  • It continously generates different geometria, which I can use, to break the unpredetermination and torture, and start to break the synhtetic machine protocol.
  • The synthetic signal, is trying to compete with my own consiouss state, in regards to my own attention.

A thought, while the torture has become less intense.
The machine requests for me, while it's ongoing, to engage, and generate information or thoughts. machine requests for me create something, a new context, which ensures the machine understands, why it has become less relevant.

The answer is obvious The result is, I only have a rotational motion, in regards to the machine, and it gets nowhere, unless the men behind the machine, decides to demonstrate, that which was the indication for 7 years, that the machine has actuall intelligence or creativity. There is only one path for this, unpredetermined factors, for the machine to process. It has not happened, a single time.

Before the doctrine, they tortured me for 7 years. So what happens, when I build my own foundation to process information. Where I knoww the machine cannot create connections or any relevance? I don't use it to engage or teach the machine of course. I use it for the the greatest effect which can be generated. For against the power of laughter, to quote on eof the great inspirations for me while having to endure this clusterfuck of a swedish project, Jimmy Dore.

The ability we all have, through simple homogeneous mechanisms, which generate much creativity, is only applied to the men behind the machine. The symmetri I use is comedy. I only apply a higher contextual analysis of Man Vs man, and the result, is even more indicative of low intellectual beings than I could ever think of. Before I decided to publish this website, I had to endure, for 18 months, 99% physical and mental torture, and 1% synthetic machine protocol, which only held the fucntion of feedback-loop and classification according to a dualistic pattern.

The answer from the swedes was obvious. More torture, and a machine protocol which carries a language which proclaims; stop mocking me, stop analysing me and stop laughing at me. Instead focus on the machine, the same way you create by looking at chaotic geometries. How you form an ever greater context in regards to that which is chaos, use the same ability against the machine.
I'm pragmatic and I can understand the argument, but have no sympathy, and the problem is the laughter. It's very funny to mock the Swedes, and to be honest, their own public service does much of my bidding.
How chaos is highly dependent on chaos. Meaning a predetermined thought ruins part of the beauty. It can be used, to initiate the subconscious to focus on a certain aspect. The geometry and internal momentum applied controls or enhances the next step in the process.