
Swedish Torture

Comedy..or Sweden..same same and different..

The swedish bubble of sustainability...

Remember good folks, its comedy! Don't get angry, but instead laugh, for it feels much better!

The beginning
Yarrrr! Thats how this story begins....
A little bit of racism
Look at our management, making prejudices....
And where infighting rules supreme....
This, in Sweden, we call "the classic" Tallriksmodellen. Because in Sweden we used to have modesty and we knew how to organize and balance. It made sense, a third of all nutrients we need. But it also looks a bit like a satellite-dish....
The truth
The truth emerges once our knowledge increases. Now observe the emergence of man and A.i here in Sweden....

More incoming...Im just learning this comedy business.But thats a good start, it involves many topics of great discourse here in Sweden. And in Sweden we love to debate our differences, for we are a people of multi cultural. Everybody knows, the truth is the funniest aspect which you can organize your thoughts around. I think there is something missing in swedish stand up comedy. It needs to tell the truth a little bit more..just a little bit...no big snake swallowing here...just a little bit comedy....