
Swedish Torture

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Swedish blonde woman

Alice lost her ways in the depth of her delusion! I need to make things right! Who knew this worlds little favourite blond had some Fire and Blood in her. Fitting, that blood was the swedish choice, at the same time he was defined as the latest addition to yet another international hedgemony. It seems, this delusional favourite blond must have read some mobster story, and must have assumed expectations from his new friends of culture. Delusions, delusions, delusions...The nourishment for our multicultural swedish elite. They desire to climb you see, now let me tell you about this fantasy, this mountain consisiting of culture and men. What happens when rainbow people desire to climb the ladder made of "the old heterosexualism order."

Alice, our spezial swede wants to sustain herself as a favourite. She showed the abilities of sustaining.

Sustainability ladies and gentlemen, that is what Sweden chose, now let me tell you what it means.

Time to tell this story in a different manner, time to laugh, for time is short.

Swedish Sustainability

The Story

For new visitors, visit the torture section to understand the physical and mental torture which is involved in this swedish government funded brain machine interface.

This website will be dedicated to explain the torture program, which the sovereign state of Sweden has developed and still, is involved in, as of today. It is a program, or a machine protocol, where the core structure is a neurological, trigger-mechanized, by the usage of synthetic torture, trauma-based feedback-loop system.

The information on this website holds truth, and my writing is that of a whistleblower. Readers will understand this torture program, being tested and implemented here in Sweden, is indicative of ideologies which reside with totalitarianism, technocracy, transhumansim and the likes. The information on the website, is in relation to all intern human neurological activity which I can confirm are open for replication. This torture program, has the sole objective, to restrict humans, no longer only where our physical sense resides, but to include and expand on restrictions within that which is metaphysical. The human mind.

I will guide my readers, through the establishment of this torture program 7 years ago, and to this very day, where torture still is on-going. Below is the sequence which readers should follow, to fully understand the story. Understand, the website is under development, so you might see some sections lacking content as of now.

  1. Preface
  2. Torture
  3. Machine
  4. Human